Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 578 The Watcher's Gaze

Chapter 578 The Watcher's Gaze
At this moment, Shao Yunxin was completely placed in the huge formation.

The entire formation was completely enveloped by the light released by the runes above the head.

Looking closely at this moment, the light emitted by the runes is actually not a coquettish red like a flame, but a light Danxia red.

The special color blends with the surrounding night, creating a sense of tranquility and holiness.

The feeling of entering here at this moment is completely different from what Shao Yunxin saw just now hiding behind the big rock.

She couldn't help but look up at the runes floating above her head.

The rune has completely stopped turning, but the red "silk thread" is still floating down.

Shao Yunxin stretched out her palm, wanting to take a strand of red silk thread in her hand.

However, she was in it at this moment and realized that the bursts from the runes above were not "silk threads" but strands of slender light.

Slender, Xia-like light.

Shao Yunxin couldn't help raising her head again, and found that the snow-white nine-tailed little fox was standing quietly beside the red rune, with her head lowered, looking at the fox and raccoon below...

The eyelashes of the Nine-Tailed Fox will occasionally blink, which makes it look more real when viewed up close.

The dark brown eyes are particularly bright, quick-witted and escaped...

Shao Yunxin had an intuition that this was a young Nine-Tails with a particularly lively temperament.

But it looked at the eyes of the ethnic group below, but it was full of tenderness and joy.

It was a kind of innate, kindness of the guardian god.

It rules and at the same time guards its race.

That was the watcher's gaze.

Therefore, this ancient formation known as "Shou" is a formal ceremony of the Fox Clan as a promotion etiquette.

Not evil!

I watched the whole process with my own eyes, and then I personally entered this formation to experience it.

At this moment, Shao Yunxin has completely changed her original thoughts, she has absolutely no way to use this holy formation in front of her;
And these foxes and raccoons around, full of gratitude and joy;

Combine it with the negativity, the dirty, the sinister, the premeditated, the dark stuff.

Such a beautiful and joyous ritual, it is definitely not evil.

Could it be that she was mistaken?

But that day, she clearly heard the plots Miao Jingchen and Ba Yiniang talked about...

The conspiracy they talked about is completely different from what she experienced today and at this moment!

Shao Yunxin's heart is extremely painful at this moment.

In addition to worrying that the news passed to Yanyan is not true and will cause many troubles that she cannot deal with, there is also that Yanyan will no longer help her cancel the marriage contract of the Qi Mansion...

There is another reason, hidden in Shao Yun's heart.

Although she hadn't faced that factor directly, it was something she really cared about emotionally.

That is Yanyan.

Yanyan's trust in her might end because of her reckless behavior.

It is even very likely that Yanyan will hate such an unreliable her from now on!

Shao Yunxin herself doesn't know why, but she cares about Yanyan and her attitude towards her.

Shao Yunxin has no real same-sex friends.

She also has no siblings.

The female cultivators in the sect, who are of similar age, get along well with her.

However, they never chat seriously with her.

Get along well Most of them mean flattery.

She is the suzerain's daughter, with such an identity, it is doomed that no one of the sect's disciples will really regard her as a friend.

Even if someone with a simple and straightforward personality really made friends with her, he would be misunderstood by other disciples as plotting against her, and would even be reminded by the teacher.

Therefore, when Shao Yunxin met Yanyan, even though there were only two short encounters, the feeling he gave her was completely different from the people around her.

In Shao Yunxin's eyes, Yanyan can distinguish right from wrong and hate clearly, she is a very real person.

That's right, what attracted her the most about Yanyan was that she lived a real life!

She didn't want to lose the only friend who was true to her.

Sighing silently in his heart, Shao Yun raised his head and found that Ba Yiniang had left the position where he presided over the ceremony just now.

Shao Yunxin looked back to her side...

Around her, there are already people of different heights, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly.

Or fox demon and raccoon demon.

The large group of foxes and raccoons crawling on the ground just now were completely gone.

After the ceremony was completed, those foxes and raccoons had been baptized and had all transformed into human voices and appearances.

If she had just arrived at this moment, she would think that she was in the middle of a group of people if she didn't particularly use Ling Qi to check.

It's just that there is inevitably a bit of a fox smell in the air.

So many mature foxes and raccoons?
Shao Yun felt suspicious.

Foxes and raccoons are all in groups like the one she saw?

This situation is really different from other monsters becoming spirits!
Shao Yunxin is only in her teens, and she has never witnessed the process of a demon cultivating and transforming into a human form.

Today is the first time.

But she often lives in Juyan Castle, which allows demons who have transformed into humans to enter the city.

Therefore, she has seen many big monsters that can transform into humans.

In order to integrate into the huge and perfect group society of the human race, after thousands of years of evolution, monsters who have reached a certain level of cultivation are willing to cultivate their bodies into human appearance.

Mainly for the cheapness of action in the Terran.

Shao Yunxin knows that many monsters can cultivate human form, and the fox tribe is especially easy to cultivate human form because of their natural intelligence, quick-wittedness, good imitation and learning, and frequent contact with the human world.

However, she heard from Yuanying Laoxiu in the sect that when the old cultivators practiced back then, their spiritual energy was much more abundant than in the current world. indivual.

But now, the spring of this world has been lost for a long time, and the consumption of spirit energy to support and protect the Great Barrier has become more and more rare.

Due to their huge population, the human race took the lead in occupying the fairy mountain caves where spirit qi gathered everywhere, and built sects with mine spirit veins.

Only by depriving other living beings of the opportunity to practice can they barely maintain the succession and growth of human monks.

But compared to the human race, it has become more and more difficult for other creatures to get a positive result.

All of a sudden, there are so many foxes and raccoons cultivating adults...

Shao Yunxin subconsciously frowned.

She looked down at her body...

Still the way she was.

Ba Yiniang didn't recognize her just now, she actually took her as a fox demon, and smelled it...

Shao Yunxin raised her arm and put it in front of her nose to smell it...

I don't know if it's because of being with this group of hardened fox demons, but she feels like she really has a foxy smell about her.

Ba Yiniang walked among all the fox demons that had just turned into humans, and she would carefully smell the scent of each fox demon.

For those with a particularly strong smell, Ba Yiniang will let the other party open his mouth and blow into the mouth of the monster.

When she came to smell Shao Yunxin just now, she didn't blow it to her, probably because she didn't have a strong fox smell.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!
She is not a vixen!
 happy weekend

(End of this chapter)

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