Chapter 588
"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's too busy..."

The "voice of the soul" sighed endlessly in Shao Yunxin's divine pool.

I can't wait to pour a pot of boiling water directly on Shao Yunxin's head!

It's a pity that Shao Yun's heart is completely focused on his father Shao Jiaying at the moment.

She only cared about showing her ability in front of her father, and didn't even bother to listen to the voice in her spiritual consciousness.

Shao Jiaying took the evidence that Shao Yunxin had worked so hard to collect all night in his hands, and used his spiritual sense to penetrate and read it one by one...

"Is there all the evidence recorded for what happened to you that night?" Shao Jiaying asked.

Shao Yunxin nodded immediately: "Well, it's all here, every important key daughter has recorded everything, and there are detailed explanations of her daughter's phonograph in those phonograph stones, even if you can't see the video, you can still hear the whole thing clearly distinct!"

Shao Yunxin looked smug when he explained.

She felt that she would definitely be rewarded by her father for doing things so meticulously. Even if her father didn't say anything, she must be happy in her heart.

Shao Jiaying nodded slightly, and asked again: "Can you keep these stones?"

Shao Yunxin quickly explained: "My daughter came back from the White Mist Palace when she was looking for her father, and it was not too late."

Shao Jiaying did a rough mental calculation, and according to Shao Yunxin's footsteps, the time from Baiwu Hall to Reincarnation Hall is about the same.

It should be too late to save it.

Seeing that his father didn't say anything else, Shao Yun said in his heart: "Father, you should believe your daughter this time. Eighth Auntie is not a human race, she is really a fox demon!"

"En." Shao Jiaying just responded lightly and didn't say anything else.

Seeing his father lowering his eyes slightly, as if thinking about what she said, Shao Yunxin said in a low voice: "My daughter can understand my father's feelings. After all, Aunt Ba is my favorite aunt, but this time, my father really I can't tolerate her any longer."

"Not only can she turn many uncultivated fox demons into humans at one time, but she also helps these monsters occupy the White Mist Palace. It's too bad!"

At this point, Shao Yunxin saw her father nodded silently, obviously agreeing with her point of view.

Miss Shao is completely at ease now, and with her father's approval, she has the confidence to speak fluently like water...

"Although I don't know where the man-eating cauldron in the sky above the White Mist Hall came from, it's not difficult to guess from what Ba Yiniang said to those fox demons before, the man-eating cauldron must also be inseparable from her It doesn't matter!"

"Father, think about it, since Eighth Auntie can do such a thing to harm the White Mist Hall, she must be able to turn around and deal with our Reincarnation Hall."

"This fox has great ambitions. She wants to completely replace the White Mist Palace with those fox demons and raccoon demons. She herself said that she will completely control the White Mist Palace!"

"Father, you have been cultivating for so long, but have you ever seen such an ambitious demon who dared to destroy a human sect?"

"Although Ba Yiniang is still in our Reincarnation Hall right now, and she still has to rely on her father to protect her, but if one day, she really controls the White Mist Hall, she will stand side by side with you, Father. At that time, there is no guarantee that she will not Use the same method to deal with our reincarnation hall..."

The more Shao Yun talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more he was filled with righteous indignation.

She had completely fallen into her passion for loving the sect and couldn't extricate herself from it, completely ignoring the changes in her father's expression.

Naturally, she couldn't detect the subtle changes in Shao Jiaying's eyes.

Shao Jiaying remained silent for a while.

Shao Yunxin continued to chatter...

"Father, our Reincarnation Hall must not do such stupid things like raising tigers! Today's White Mist Hall is tomorrow's Reincarnation Hall. Father, you must not be soft-hearted this time. You must act decisively and resolutely eradicate future troubles!"

"Furthermore, everyone knows that our Samsara Hall has a good relationship with Baiwu Hall, and my father has a good relationship with several elders over there. Now that Baiwu Hall is facing a catastrophe, it is time for our Samsara Hall to show the sect's friendship!"

"Father extended a helping hand to the White Mist Palace today. When the White Mist Palace survives the catastrophe, he will definitely remember the great kindness of our Reincarnation Hall. Let us also take this opportunity to accept a helping ally. In the future, at the Hanxiang Palace, father's words carry weight." It's also heavier."

"If we just sit on the sidelines at this moment and show nothing, how should outsiders view my father and our reincarnation hall?"

"Outsiders must say that our Reincarnation Hall is ruthless and ungrateful, watching the fire from the other side! They may even suspect that the catastrophe of the White Mist Hall is very likely to be the black hands of our Reincarnation Hall!"

As soon as Shao Yunxin said these words, Shao Jiaying's eyelids twitched suddenly, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

But Shao Yunxin couldn't care less about seeing her father's slight expression at the moment, she was still talking endlessly...

"The reputation of our Reincarnation Hall is so good that Eighth Auntie will be completely ruined!"

"The reputation of the Reincarnation Hall is not guaranteed, but where is the reputation of the father?"

"Father and the Hall of Reincarnation are notorious, how will we gain a foothold in Hanxiang Palace in the future?"

"How to gain a foothold in Juyan Castle?"

"How to get a foothold in each sect?"

"How to gain a foothold on the Eastern Continent?"

Shao Yunxin's chest rose and fell, his face was flushed, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

She felt that her impassioned speech was powerful, and she believed that she could move the whole world.

If Yanyan is here at the moment, with just one glance, she can immediately give a diagnosis: typical secondary disease.

After Shao Yunxin's fierce words were finished, Shao Jiaying was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Xin'er also feels that if we don't take action in the Hall of Reincarnation, we will be misunderstood that we did it? "

Shao Yun nodded in his heart: "That's for sure. Among the major forces in charge of Hanxiang Palace, there are only two sects, one is the White Mist Hall, and the other is our Reincarnation Hall. If something happens to the White Mist Hall, they will definitely be the first sects." One will suspect that our reincarnation hall did it!"

Shao Jiaying nodded lightly: "Well, what Xin'er said makes sense."

Shao Yunxin smiled lightly: "So, father, you have already decided..."

"I decided not to let anyone know about it!" Shao Jiaying interrupted Shao Yunxin and said something in a low voice.

"Ah?" Shao Yunxin didn't realize the meaning of his father's words for a moment.

Shao Jiaying looked sideways, and also showed a faint smile: "Father means to keep the world from knowing that all the monks in the White Mist Hall have been replaced by foxes. In this way, no one will criticize me in the Reincarnation Hall. What's the idea, isn't it good?"

Shao Yunxin opened her mouth wide in surprise, and murmured for a while, " know about this?"

Shao Jiaying played with the listening stones in his palm, and laughed softly: "Hehe, not only do I know that Eighth Auntie is a vixen, I also know that this vixen has a good relationship with that kid from the Miao family."

Shao Yunxin's eyes widened suddenly, and he stayed there completely.

It never occurred to her that her father even knew this.

Shao Jiaying: "Ba Yi Niang can turn a fox into a human. She uses a white silk handkerchief. I also know that the boy surnamed Miao gave her the white silk handkerchief."

 Xiaoyu: Recently, I can eat ε=(ο`*))) Oh, are you posting autumn fat?

  Yanyan: I am greedy and looking for excuses→_→

  Xiaoyu: I'll go for supper later, there are two siu mai left for dinner

  Yanyan: One for each!
  Xiaoyu: You monk, you don’t need to eat

  Yanyan: I just want to punch someone!
(End of this chapter)

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