Chapter 59

Only Yan Yan and Deng Wenming were left in the room.

Yan Yan met this young man yesterday, but at that time she only had a face-to-face meeting, she didn't pay attention to this young man.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Yan Yan, with a fair face, his appearance was not handsome, and he was not as dark and strong as the boys in the village.

The boy's temperament follows his name, quite civilized.

Yanyan didn't intend to go out for a stroll, facing this reserved young man, she couldn't easily drive him away, so she sat down at the table.

Picking up the book on the table, Yan Yan nodded to the boy: "Please sit down."

After sitting for a while and feeling bored, the person naturally left.

Yan Yan had such a plan in her heart.

Deng Wenming sat down across from Yanyan, seeing the girl bowed her head and looked serious while flipping through the book, so she boldly looked at her.

The girl's eyebrows drooped slightly. From Deng Wenming's side, she could only see half of her soft temples. Lian Juan's eyebrows were trimmed, and her eyes were covered by dense and long eyelashes. Those eyelashes were soft and soft like the wings of a butterfly.

Under the delicate and drooping nose are lips that look like crabapple stamens.

The girl was slender, wrapped in a loose velvet embroidered cloak, making her look even more petite and exquisite.There is a circle of white fluffy snow raccoon fur on Yuan Bao's collar, only a small section of soft neck is exposed, and only such a small piece of skin is exposed, it is so white that it dazzles the eyes.

Deng Wenming had never seen a girl with such a fair complexion.

When the girl reads quietly, she loses a bit of her cleverness and adds a bit of elegance, as calm as a person in a painting...

The boy's Adam's apple rolled.

He knew in his heart that this fairy-like Miss Tang was not interested in going out with him at all.

But he was reluctant to leave and dared not speak.

I can't bear to disturb her reading.

Deng Wenming felt that even if he didn't do anything, he would never get tired of looking at Yan Yan in such a quiet way!
The book Yanyan brought was titled "Examination of Foreign Objects in Mountains and Seas", which was a volume of ancient books she had collected from an antique shop.

Canghua also flipped through the book. He said that the excerpts in it were basically true, and he also left notes on the book.

She happened to see an introduction about the strange creatures in the world of mountains and seas.

This chapter is about what Bi Cheng has always been obsessed with - Gu carvings.

Yanyan originally only planned to let the person hang out first, and when the other party was about to leave, she took advantage of the situation to say a few polite words, and then saw the guest off, neither being rude to the person nor forcing herself.

It was a method she had tried time and time again.

But when she opened the book, she soon fell into a state of ecstasy, and really forgot about Deng Wenming completely.

Turning the pages of the scroll in my hand...

I don't know how long I watched it, my mouth was a little dry, and I subconsciously went to get the teacup next to it, only to find that there was no cold tea.

Yan Yan stretched out her hand to lift the hanger on the brazier, but the hanger was also empty.

Holding the copper sling, she got up to fetch water.

As soon as he walked to the door, the door was pushed open from the outside first.

Deng Wenming walked in with a brass sling.

When Yanyan saw the person, she blinked her big eyes with a dumbfounded expression.

Just as she was about to ask what the other party was doing here, she suddenly remembered that this young man was originally in her room.

Yanyan embarrassment~
Seeing that Yanyan was also holding a sling in his hand, Deng Wenming blushed and spoke in a low voice: "I called back the water, you go read your book."

Yan Yan glanced at the copper hanging in the young man's hand, and turned sideways to make way for him.

The boy placed the hanging child on the charcoal basin, and picked up the tongs to add charcoal to the brazier.

Yan Yan put down the copper pot, and sat back at the table.

The young man looked over and saw that she was holding up the book again, he hesitated, and asked, "Are you hungry? Why don't you read it after eating?"

Yan Yan looked out the window, only to realize that it was already past noon, mainly because she didn't feel hungry.

After she started practicing, she didn't eat as fast as before, and sometimes she didn't feel hungry after six or seven hours.

But right now, when you are a guest in someone else's home, you still have to do as the Romans do.

The food was brought from the white banquet at the second uncle's house, and Deng Wenming warmed it on the stove in the back kitchen for her, and it was served ready-made.

Yan Yan asked him to eat together, Deng Wenming blushed: "I went to eat at Second Uncle's just now."

"Oh." Yan Yan lowered her head and started to eat.

Deng Wenming just sat there, watching Yanyan eat.

Seeing Yanyan for the first time yesterday, he felt that this girl was very powerful, especially when she was pinched by the second aunt of the Deng family, she was shrewd and capable.

At this moment, I feel that she is really confused, forgetting everything after reading a book, and doesn't even know whether she is hungry or full, which makes people feel distressed and funny.

The way she looked yesterday, and the way she read the book today, he thought she was very good-looking, mainly because she was so good-looking that he couldn't get enough of her.

After lunch, Yan Yan saw that Deng Wenming had no intention of leaving at all, remembering that the young man had been kept cold for a long time, and he helped her carry water and warmed her meals, and she felt a little sorry for being cold again, so she got up and said : "Let's go for a walk."

The boy quickly stood up and opened the door for her.

There was nothing to do in Zhuangzi, and the two of them left the Zhuangzi when they had a chat and didn't talk about it.

Not far away is the sparkling Zeshui.

Dengjiazhuang is located at the northern foot of Luwu Mountain. Compared with the eastern slope, it is relatively barren. There are not as many rare animals here as there are in the southeast city, but there are a few low mountain depressions. Because of the leeward wind, the soil is moist and moist, suitable for planting herbs.

"How many people grow medicinal herbs in Zhuangzi?" Yan Yan asked.

Deng Wenming has relaxed a lot now, at least his face is not so red, and he shook his head: "There are many people who grow herbs, and only my family grows medicine seedlings."

Yanyan was a little surprised: "You know how to grow herbal seedlings?"

She heard from Ai Xiang that growing herbs, especially seedlings, requires some skill.

Sensing Yanyan's gaze, Deng Wenming blushed slightly, and nodded shyly: "Well, I am the only one in the village who can grow herbal seedlings."

No wonder the boy's complexion is fair, unlike the young people in the village who have weather marks, he turned out to be a skilled worker.

"Where did you learn this craft?"

Deng Wenming lowered his eyes and looked gentle and shy: "I didn't learn from anyone, I figured it out by myself."

He is a spiritual person.

Unknowingly, the two had reached the bank of Zeshui.

"There is no vegetation on the mountain of Luwu, but there are many gold and stones.The water of Zegeng flows out, while the Nanliu pours into the torrential water. 』

Zeshui is spread at the foot of Luwu Mountain, almost encircling the entire Luwu City.The river next to Dengjiazhuang is wider and gentle.

Deng Wenming said that the Zeshui does not freeze in winter, and there are fishing boats casting nets on the river all year round.

The round stones on the river beach were white under the sun, Yan Yan looked at the calm river surface, feeling a little itchy in her heart.

She is very good at water.

When she was on Earth, her garden villa had a private swimming pool. No matter how late she got home, she always swam for an hour before going to bed, which could not only lose weight, but also help her sleep.

Looking around, there was no one else on the peaceful river beach except the two of them.

The fishing boats are far away in the middle of the river, and the shore cannot be seen clearly.Not far away, there is a big rock with the height of two people, which can just block the line of sight...

"You wait here for a while, you don't need to follow." Yan Yan didn't explain, turned around and walked towards the big rock.

Seeing that Yanyan went to the big rock, the young man didn't know what she was doing, but he didn't dare to ask.

The girl said she wouldn't let him follow, so naturally she couldn't ask random questions.

Turning the boulder, Yan Yan entered the Sumeru Realm.

What are you doing in there?

Change into your swimsuit.

Yes, she wants to swim.

The swimsuit was sewn by Yanyan herself, and the material is the skin of the roe owl that Tunba caught last time.

Roe owl leather is soft and delicate, feels particularly good, and is slightly elastic.

Yanyan originally wanted to make a small waistcoat, but unfortunately the cub of Roe Owl was too small, and the whole piece of leather that could be used was limited, so she simply made a swimsuit.

She was thinking about how far away it would be in the future, and maybe when it would come in handy.

Didn't expect it to come in handy so soon!

After Yanyan changed into her swimsuit in Xumi Realm, she plunged into the water when she came out.

When she showed her head again, she saw Deng Wenming standing obediently on the bank of the river waiting from a distance, without realizing that she had gone into the water at all.

Yanyan smiled slyly, lowered her body, and disappeared into the water like a fish.

The world of mountains and seas is a natural world. There is no pollution here, and the river water is clear and clean.It's winter, and the water flow is slow. Although the water temperature is a bit cold, but the activities are open, and you can get used to it quickly.

Today's sun is not bad, Yanyan swims in the water very well.

She was having a great time swimming in the river, but she didn't pay any attention to the fact that there were more and more bubbles suddenly bursting out from the dark bottom of the river.

Deep in the dark riverbed, a pair of blood-red eyes slowly opened...

river bank

Tonba stood on the bank of the river, his back fur blew up, and a pair of sharp hook armors on his front claws were fully exposed. The beast's pupils shrank into two vertical lines, emitting a fierce light.

Tonba fixed his eyes on a certain place under the water, and let out a warning sound of "Woooo~" in his throat.

"There are beasts in the water of Zegeng, named Gu carvings, which are shaped like carvings and have horns, and whose sound is like that of a baby. They are cannibals. 』

 The weather is getting colder and colder, babies, keep warm.Another week full of energy, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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