Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 596 This product's inner alchemy is lump charcoal?

Chapter 596 This product's inner alchemy is lump charcoal?

Deng Wenming said with a smile: "Miss Mengyan is considerate, she still wants to take me out for a stroll when there is such excitement. I hide my face not to avoid you, but to not cause trouble for her."

Bi Cheng grabbed Deng Wenming's shoulders: "Wen Wenming, what are you talking about? Naturally, you are with us. Who in the caravan doesn't miss you?"

While talking, Bi Cheng couldn't help but patted Deng Wenming's chest: "You can do it, boy! This level of cultivation has surpassed mine for several days. What state are you in now?"

Bi Cheng typically learned these mantras from Da Yanyan.

Deng Wenming: "Thanks to being recommended by Miss Yan, the place where I am cultivating immortals is an open area, so naturally I am promoted faster than you. I am now in the middle stage of foundation establishment..."

Deng Wenming also felt Bi Cheng's cultivation, and said with a smile: "You are almost at the foundation building stage, not bad!"

Bi Cheng smiled knowingly: "You boy, Ou Huang!"

Of course, Bi Cheng also understands the hanging area!
On the contrary, "European Emperor" Deng Wenming also understood.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

These words have now become the jargon of the Yanyan Caravan.

In Shen Yuyun's words: If they hadn't been serious businessmen and just listened to their slogan, those who didn't know would think they were bandits who robbed houses.

It's a full set of slang, outsiders can't understand it at all.

Others in the caravan, such as Shen Yuyun, Liu Lang and others also recognized Deng Wenming, and at this moment Bi Cheng blatantly revealed his identity, and everyone immediately came over to greet him.

When Deng Wenming met everyone again, he didn't feel unfamiliar at all, but felt more cordial.

Although Deng Wenming didn't do business with the caravan, as Bi Cheng said, as long as he was in the caravan, no one would not recognize him.

Yanyan never hides her merits, but she clearly tells everyone about the pills that Deng Wenming refines.

The elixirs used by the Yanyan caravan today, unless they are particularly high-end are refined by Lie Shanding, the rest are basically all made by Deng Wenming.

Every time Yanyan took out pills to share with everyone, they were distributed box by box. The pills that other caravans were reluctant to use, they would eat casually in Yanyan's caravan.

Too proud to have no friends.

Even Jin Fengjiao felt that Yanyan was generous with her subordinates.

Although it is an average-grade elixir, but with such a large amount, Shen Yuyun and the others naturally know that Deng Wenming must have put a lot of hard work into refining so many pills.

Although everyone hadn't seen him for a long time, everyone missed him.

Seeing him today, everyone spontaneously became very close to him.

No one even asked where Yanyan brought her here.

Anyway, it's all my own family, so let him go!
A few people were talking, when Deng Wenming suddenly couldn't move, and everyone looked at him...

I saw a dusty stone in a crystal showcase in front of an auction house.

The shape of the stone is not very strange, but what is strange is that the surface of the stone is actually on fire.

Spontaneous fire at noon?

Seeing Deng Wenming staring at the stone, Bi Cheng walked up to him and looked at it curiously.

Just when he came to the front, Bi Cheng felt a rush of hot air rushing towards his face, still through the crystal cover.

He turned his head and asked Deng Wenming: "Wen Wenming, do you care about this piece of charcoal? Do you still need to warm up the alchemy furnace every day?"

Everyone laughed.

Deng Wenming walked over in a serious manner: "This is not a piece of charcoal, but this is Mengji's inner alchemy."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows: "Meng Ji? Are you talking about the rare monster Meng Ji? I heard that this monster is excellent at controlling fire!"

Deng Wenming nodded quickly: "It's the monster Meng Ji!"

"The "Shan Hai Jing Beishan Jingjuan" contains: Beishan Jing is 280 miles north, and it is called a mountain of stones. It looks like a leopard, and its title is white, its name is Meng Ji, it is good at volts, and its song calls itself."

Shen Yuyun also came over to explain everyone's doubts.

Bi Cheng scratched his head: "But according to what Big Brother Shen said, there is no mention in the ancient books that this thing can control fire!"

Xiaoliu said: "I have also heard the saying that Meng Ji is good at using fire, although the ancient books did not mention Meng Ji's ability to control fire, or the human race at that time did not discover this special feature of this monster. The ability, but you can get a glimpse of it from Meng Ji's living environment."

Shen Yuyun nodded: "'No vegetation, many Yaobi' Meng Ji's appearance is similar to that of a white leopard. Leopard's habits are typical arboreal animals. They like to sleep coiled up on trees. Therefore, this kind of monster should rest on the top of the tree. But this The place where the guy lives is barren of grass, probably related to fire."

Yan Yan nodded: "Not only is there no grass growing, but the ground is full of treasures. This is obviously because of frequent fires, and the vegetation can't grow well. As for the treasures and jades all over the ground, it is obvious that they are basically hardened by the fire."

Deng Wenming also nodded again and again: "So, together with Neidan who saw this monster with his own eyes today, it further confirms that the rumors are true!"

Bi Cheng: "Er Di Niang, I read books, and I believe what is in the book. In addition to reading what is written in the book, you also have a thorough understanding of what is not written in the book. No wonder I always feel that reading a lot of books is difficult. I’m not as knowledgeable as you guys, but I’m too honest if I’m daring, I’ll believe whatever the book says.”

What he said made everyone laugh again.

Ba Khana smiled and said, "Actually, I think I read the book by myself, and I haven't heard the experience of the boss and the leader of Shen Da, so I don't like reading, but I like listening to them talk."

Xiao Liu took a fan and patted Bahana on the shoulder: "You are not eager to learn, you are lazy. I will take you to listen to books tomorrow, and I am more active in keeping you than listening to them!"

Everyone burst into laughter immediately.

Yan Yan also laughed.

To be honest, she really doesn't care about anything now, she just likes to spend time with her caravan and the gang, and she is very happy all day long.

While everyone was talking and laughing, Deng Wenming kept looking at Meng Ji's inner alchemy in the white crystal cover, his eyes sparkling.

"This monster is born with a strong ability to control fire. After its death, the inner alchemy still has a strong sense of fire. If this thing is placed in the alchemy furnace during alchemy, it can control the temperature and suppress the flame by itself, and the alchemy rate can be increased by several times. Times!"

This thing is the treasure that all Danxiu dream of, especially Deng Wenming.

He has dual fire and wood spiritual roots, but these two spiritual roots are naturally restrained, but they are strangely mixed in his body, which makes his two types of spiritual roots have to be prioritized.

With dual spiritual roots that are incompatible with each other, there is always one that must suppress the other spiritual root.

Unlike the spiritual roots that grow together, the two can complement each other and can grow together.

In the past, he was particularly successful in planting medicinal materials. Obviously, the wood-type spiritual power was more prominent and powerful, and the fire-type spiritual root was relatively weak.

With the improvement of cultivation, the wood-type spiritual roots in the main position will become stronger and stronger than the fire-type spiritual roots, and the wood attribute of his body will also become more and more prominent.

However, when he studied alchemy, the control of fire was also extremely important. The more he practiced, the more obvious the lack of fire root would be.

Canghua once mentioned that if he can get a Mengji inner alchemy, it will be of great help to his alchemy.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

(End of this chapter)

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