Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 6 Don't bully the poor girl

Chapter 6 Don't bully the poor girl

Yanyan was about to turn back, when Canghua spoke again: "It seems that you really don't know about the Sumeru Realm, maybe it's just a coincidence. Well, since you can summon this realm, why not make a deal with me!"

Yan Yan was stunned: "You...don't kill me?"

Canghua still had that serious expression, and nodded slightly: "You want to go back to the original world, your long-cherished wish, I can do it."

The surprise came too fast like a tornado, Yanyan didn't react a little bit, put her fist into her mouth and bit it hard, it hurt!it is true!
Although she wanted to yell and laugh out of ecstasy, Yan Yan still forced herself to calm down quickly.

As the heir of Yan's Group, she cannot be blindly optimistic. She understands the truth that the greater the profit, the greater the corresponding exchange price.

Quietly looking into the man's Mo Ziruyuan's eyes, the vigilance in Yan Yan's eyes reappeared: "Exchange terms?"

Canghua didn't answer Yanyan's question directly, but looked her up and down again, not hiding the disappointment on his face.

Actually look down on her!

Yanyan felt competitive, and her chest burst into flames again.

Since he looks down on her and still makes a deal with her, his expression is really embarrassing!
"The exchange is that you help me unlock the seal. Only in this way can I help you go back."

After Canghua finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows, as if he felt that this request was ridiculous to Yanyan, and added: "This matter is really too difficult for you, if you feel reluctant, then just pretend I didn't say it."

Yanyan clenched her fist, then clenched her fist again...

Being looked down upon again and again, let alone a human being, even a rabbit can't stand it!
"Although my ability is low, I have the freedom to go wherever I want. Even if you have great power, you can only hold back here. Although I am a mortal now, I can practice. 30 years east of the river, 30 years Hexi, don't bully young girls into poverty!"

Canghua was startled.He didn't expect that a meager mortal woman would have such strong self-esteem.

The purple eyes paused for a moment on that immature and stubborn face, Cang Hua nodded slowly: "We'll wait and see."

Yanyan raised her chin, showing a confident look.

Canghua glanced at her: "You should go, your companion is awake."

"Ah, I actually forgot about that girl!" Yan Yan became anxious immediately, and fumbled around in a panic to find the exit.

Canghua frowned slightly: "What are you looking for?"

Yan Yan carefully groped the smooth stone wall: "Just now I came in too hard, I didn't see where the exit was."

Long eyebrows raised slightly, Canghua tried his best to suppress the surprise in his eyes: "No wonder you didn't escape just now, but you didn't know the way to get out."

Yan Yan could hear the obvious joke in the other party's words, and when she turned around, she happened to see the uncontrollable smile in her eyes.

With that look in his eyes, he was clearly laughing at her.

Full of swearing but unable to speak, Yanyan gritted her teeth: "Yes, I am a dull mortal, please enlighten me, Lord Shenjun!"

This time Cang Hua was straightforward, and said bluntly: "Now that you have opened the Sumeru Realm, you don't need formulas in the future, just say 'exit' and 'enter' silently in your heart."

Yan Yan was about to say silently in her heart, when she suddenly turned around and looked at Cang Hua seriously: "When I was fighting with Lili yesterday, it wasn't Xu Mijing who reminded me, it was you, right? Your voice sounds a little different, but I’ve been here for so long, and the Sumeru Realm hasn’t said a word, it actually can’t speak at all, right?”

Canghua is silent.

Yanyan's eyes were clear and sincere: "Anyway, thank you for what happened yesterday. Uh...Also, even though I said that just now, I am not sure that I will conclude a deal with you right away. I have to think about it more carefully."

Canghua nodded: "I said, don't force it."

Yan Yan nodded, turned around and disappeared.

In Xumi Realm, the silence that has remained unchanged for thousands of years has returned, but the bottom of Canghua's eyes has been condensed with ice for thousands of years.

Closing his eyes, a scene of tragic ancient battlefields, such as Shura dojo, sea of ​​flames and purgatory, appeared in his mind.

The man trapped in the middle of the sea of ​​burning flames tried his best to use his hands to prop up the huge and bright golden barrier. The light golden flame-patterned toga on the man's body was violently flipped by the flames.

Even in the face of the danger of complete annihilation, the man's elegant and handsome face remained as calm as a stone.Looking over, the eyes are still respectful and trustworthy.

"Canghua, compared to me, no one can replace your importance to the world of mountains and seas. If you can only keep one soul body in the end, that person can only be you!"


When he opened his eyes again, the purple eyes of the stars were immersed in a sea of ​​endless pain.

The past thousands of years are still as vivid as yesterday, gently caressing the gorgeous flame seal on the left arm, Cang Hua whispered: "Yan Jun, if this girl is your successor, I will protect her with my life. If you steal your blood Villains, I will make them eternal!"


"Are you awake? You scared me to death. I woke up and saw that you weren't here. I thought you left me and left quietly!" Ai Xiang didn't have her hands idle when she spoke, and changed the dressing on Yanyan's wound neatly.

Yan Yan came out of the Sumeru Realm, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Ai Xiang squatting beside her. She wasn't sure if the girl had discovered about the Sumeru Realm, so she asked tentatively, "When did you wake up? I didn't notice it." .”

Ai Xiang grabbed a lot of fresh wild fruits, and held them in front of Yanyan with a smile: "As soon as I came out, I saw you sleeping here, so I didn't want to wake you up, so I went to pick some herbs and wild fruits, and when I came back, you would eat them." Wake up. Well, the wild apricot here is very sweet..."

After carefully observing Ai Xiang's micro-expressions, Yan Yan didn't find anything unusual, so she was relieved.

Taking the wild apricot from Ai Xiang's hand and taking a bite, Yanyan took out the compass-like thing from her bosom, pointed the punctuation point at the sun, pointed at the other scales with her fingers, and said to herself with her head down.

Ai Xiang leaned over, stared at the thing in Yanyan's hand, and asked curiously: "What kind of treasure is this? I just watched you walk for a while yesterday, so I took out this thing to have a look."

After Yanyan finished eating the apricot fruit, the apricot core was thrown away: "This is Hengdial. It can tell the direction, and can also accurately calculate the time, locate and calculate the target's kilometers."

"Henggui? This name sounds a bit bluffing, but it's quite capable. Especially the little needle in the middle, I found that no matter where we go, it always points in the same direction. Fortunately, there was this little needle yesterday. No, the two of us must go around the trap dug by the demon path. Hey, there must be powerful spells hidden in this ghost, right? Is this a treasure from your clan?"

Although Ai Xiang couldn't understand Yanyan's words, and didn't know what "kilometers" was, but after staying with Yanyan for a day, Ai Xiang was absolutely sure that Yanyan was more capable than she had imagined before.

Yan Yan was amused, Zuo Lai was on her way without incident, so she patiently explained to her: "This is not a baby, I made it myself."

"Using Brouwer's fixed point theorem and the N-dimensional spherical continuous function to calculate the corresponding values, and then engrave these values ​​on the wooden board, it is a simple measuring instrument. As long as you find a relatively constant point, you can accurately calculate The distance value, volume and space value of the target object. It can be regarded as a combination of mathematics and physics."

"As for the little needle you mentioned, it is a compass. The night you rescued me, I saw a small magnet on the little Taoist priest's desk, so I took it."

"Although I don't know if there is a magnetic field, but since there are magnets, it means that there is at least electromagnetic. I made a compass, and it really works. I am lucky."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Yanyan turned her head and found that Ai Xiang was staring at her.

 It has been signed, and the contract is still on the way. The investment is at the right time!

  The world view of this book is vast and novel, strong women + humor + fantasy adventure, the long journey is unpredictable, grow up with Yanyan, and witness the mortal woman becoming a god, you will definitely live up to your expectations.

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(End of this chapter)

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