Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 64: Finally Approaching the Goal

Chapter 64: Finally Approaching the Goal

This solid-eyed little woman!
"Why did you suddenly think of giving me such a pair of beautiful clothes?" Yan Yan hugged the clothes in her arms, those soft materials were like her soft heart at the moment.

Hearing that she liked it, Mu Juan'er smiled very softly and sweetly: "This time when you enter the mansion, let Bi Cheng go to work on the serious day of the banquet, and you go to see the excitement. Such a big ostentation is really rare. This is the only time in Luwu City!"

Yanyan nodded: "Well, it's quite rare. It's a pity that I can't take you with me."

Mu Juan'er smiled: "Don't feel sorry for me. You don't know that a blind man is most afraid of going to a place with a lot of people. He doesn't like to talk about the excitement, and he suffers from being pushed around. Such a scene , take a sedan chair to carry it, I don't care about it!"

Yan Yan smiled and said: "Then you will look after our house and our money for us. When we come back after earning money, we will buy you delicious food, good clothes, and build a big house!"

"Yeah!" Mu Juaner nodded happily, "I'm waiting for you to come back at home."

In the alley, the sedan chair from Haofu's mansion has arrived, and Bi Cheng calls Yan Yan outside the door to get into the car.

Yan Yan led Mu Juan'er out, all the way to the gate.

Mu Juan'er leaned on a bamboo stick and heard everyone getting into the carriage.

Bi Cheng told Mu Juan'er a few words, boarded the front car, and got into the car with the steward of the Hao Mansion who came to pick him up.

Yanyan's car followed Bi Cheng.

She was worried, and leaned out of the car and shouted at Mu Juaner: "We're not at home, so don't come out and tell stories. I called Deng Xiang's aunt to come over and take care of your daily necessities, so don't go out!"

"Hey, don't worry, I've made a note." Mu Juan'er stood by the door, smiling gently at the direction Yanyan spoke.

Hearing that the carriage was about to drive out of Tiaofeng Lane, Yanyan still warned with concern: "Don't go out, remember!"

"Don't go out, remember!"


Mu Juan'er smiled.

This girl usually seems to have a temper, but she is actually the most caring.

Mu Juan'er only hated herself for not being able to see it.If she can be seen, she must make Yanyan look better, so that Boss Hao can't take his eyes away when he sees her.

Ever since Ah Cheng learned that Yanyan liked Boss Hao, Mu Juan'er began to prepare for her entry into the mansion today.

Those clothes were all cut out by her after measuring Yanyan's figure, sewing, embroidering, and pearls...

Yan Yan never mentioned her family members, and Mu Juan'er never asked her why she was so talented, but she wandered here alone.

These are not important to Mu Juan'er.

She likes Yanyan, even if Yanyan is not Bi Cheng's master, even if Yanyan doesn't bestow so much on their family, she still likes her.

Mu Juan'er likes Yanyan's cleverness, her delicacy and sophistication in dealing with others, and her sassy and unruly personality...

It doesn't matter whether Yanyan has family or not, she will prepare everything for her.

Mu Juan'er has already made up her mind.

If Yanyan and Boss Hao can achieve good things, she will let Yanyan marry from her own family.

On the day of Yanyan's marriage, even if she can't see her, she will try her best to dress Yanyan as the most beautiful bride in Wucheng.

She will be Yanyan's natal family.

The sound of cars and sedan chairs at the entrance of the alley disappeared completely, and the laughter of Deng Xiang's aunt came from behind: "Is that the carriage from Haofu to pick up Ah Cheng and the others?"

Mu Juan'er turned her head and smiled, "That's right, you're old, go sit in the room."

"Hey!" Mrs. Deng Xiang's family followed Mu Juan'er into the courtyard with a snow-white fine gauze bag in her arms.

The aunt of Deng Xiang's family smiled as she walked: "You are really lucky, Ah Cheng is doing well this time! Even my second brother has been honored with him. I am envious of those relatives in Dengjiazhuang..."

Mu Juan'er smiled and poured tea for the auntie.

Mrs. Deng Xiang's family put the cloth bag she brought with her and said, "This is the tribute rice you asked me to buy. You can feel it. They are all the best, and they cost one tael of silver per catty. It's just that you don't have any males in your family." , why buy such expensive tribute rice?"

Gongmi is a kind of common rice, but because of its extremely fragrant taste and relatively low yield, it is usually only enjoyed by the royal family and nobles, so it is called Gongmi.

Gongmi can also be sold among the people, but because of the high price, ordinary people will buy two catties only for celebrating big and happy events.Even a daughter is not willing to buy it. Only when a son is born, does a meal of tribute rice be made.Worship the ancestors and honor the high hall.

Mu Juan'er carefully twirled the full-grained and fragrant tribute rice, and the smile between her eyebrows was very gentle: "Our girl has been thinking about making fried rice since she came back from the village last time. I bought this tribute rice just to bring it. Make fried rice for her."

Deng Xiang's aunt was speechless.

Mu Juan'er pampered Miss Tang, how can she be an apprentice, her own daughters are not like this.

"Then I'll copy it for you." Mrs. Deng Xiang's family was about to pick up the rice bag in her hand.

Mu Juan'er smiled and refused: "No need, I need to take care of my girl's food and clothing myself, so she is used to it."

When Mu Juan'er spoke, she had already carried Gongmi to the backyard kitchen.

Two days ago, she asked Bi Cheng to go out and pick out a very beautiful fine porcelain jar with a narrow mouth, with gilt-painted crabapple flowers burning on it, which was specially used to hold fried rice for Yan Yan.

A girl as bright as Yan should live a delicate and elegant life.

Mu Juan'er likes Zhang Luo Yanyan's daily life very much, and likes to treat her like a lady from a rich family and pamper her.

She also planned that when they finished the feast for thousands of people and came back from the Mansion, she would go and buy two maids for Yanyan herself...

Thinking about it in my heart, the tribute rice in the pot has begun to emit bursts of fried aroma...

When Yan girl comes home again, she will be able to eat her own fragrant fried rice!


But at the moment Yan Yan who was sitting in the sedan chair frowned, her face was serious, and she looked preoccupied.

Finally entered the mansion.

Finally getting close to that goal!
Just to wait for this opportunity, she lingered in Luwu City for nearly two months, and finally it arrived.

Yanyan was very excited, but also extremely nervous.

Canghua once said that when the deputy star is greatly stimulated, the star power in the body will be awakened.

How to stimulate that person to awaken the power of stars in his body?
Yan Yan felt depressed when she thought of this, she still has no clue yet.

It would be great if we could meet Canghua in Haofu, he is probably not far from the vice star, right?
But even if he meets Canghua, Canghua still has N+1 ways to prevent her from looking at him.

It's been such a long time, and there is no news from Canghua. The great god may not bother to talk to her at all. Even if Canghua knows that she has also entered the mansion, he may not show up to meet her.

Just when Yanyan was deeply troubled, the carriage gradually stopped, and she heard someone talking outside the carriage.

Haofu has arrived.

 It's Double Twelve, a new battlefield is opening, and Yanyan is about to face new challenges, babies, cast your votes to help Yanyan, go for it! (,,ω)ノ"(っω`.)
(End of this chapter)

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