Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 643 "!"

Chapter 643 "!"

Master Sora, who has always been calm, can no longer be calm now.

Kong Nantian rubbed his hands excitedly: "Such a big scallop yarn is still in one piece! Great! Great! With this piece of scalloped yarn weaving now, the price of scorpion fish can be raised by at least [-]% !"

Everyone in the Kongfu was also excitedly jumping for joy.

The appearance of Jiaosha immediately caused commotion in the entire Hanxiang Palace.

The fish of the devil was originally the second precious treasure that was about to be auctioned recently, and the pattern of the fish of the devil was hanging on the banner used for publicity in front of the main entrance of Hanxiang Palace.

Today, freshly woven shark yarn appeared on the spot again, and many well-to-do merchants immediately asked about the auction price of the fish.

Judging from the size that has been woven so far, this is already a very good quality shark yarn.

It's a pity that Qi Wuji hasn't come back yet, and the shark yarn hasn't been completely finished yet, so the starting price of the fish in the wild can't be set until the day before the auction.

Although the guests who came to inquire did not get the starting price, they were all disappointed, but Kong Nantian still saw the strong interest in the fish in the eyes of everyone.

This is definitely a favorable start for the auction.

In addition, there are quite a few people who are interested in the shark yarn alone, and they also inquire whether the shark yarn is a single shot.

It can be seen that Yusha will definitely be able to earn a considerable amount of income for the Kong family.

This time, Shark Shark was shown in front of the world in advance, and it was definitely a pleasant surprise for Kong Nantian and the entire Kong Mansion.

Before, no one would have thought that the fish that had always kept his meat under his skin would be willing to show Yan Yan his precious baby.

This made Kong Nantian more confident in this auction.

This is definitely due to Yanyan!
Kong Nantian looked at Yan Yan, who completely ignored everyone's astonishment and admiration, and only focused on accompanying Yan Zhiyu, and his heart was full of gratitude.

He is also more sure that he made the right decision to ask Yanyan to host the auction.

Except for Yanyan, no one else could gain such trust from Yan Zhiyu.

While everyone was admiring the beautiful scenery of Shark Shark, a familiar laughter suddenly came from outside the crowd.

In addition to ridicule, this laughter also carried a bit of yin and yang.

"Hehe, it's not the official day of auction yet, so you can't wait to show it off?"

These words seemed too abrupt amidst the admiration, and everyone turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice curiously.

I saw Miao Qiyan, whose belly was slightly bulging, walking in the unique gait of Mrs. Kuo, surrounded by maids, daughters-in-law, old mothers, and female monks, and walked into the empty booth.

The Kongfu family, Yanyan and others all knew that this woman had no virtue in her mouth, and relying on the flesh and blood of Qi Wuji, she ran amok in the entire Hanxiang Palace.

Even if no one pays attention to her, she still admires Shasha by herself.

Yanyan was still accompanying the little fish demon, not bothering to raise her eyelids.

She was too lazy to talk to Miao Qiyan, thinking that this woman was special.

Especially Miao Qiyan often treats her as an imaginary rival in love, which makes Yanyan feel that she is stupid and annoying.

Seeing that everyone ignored her, Miao Hanyan was not annoyed, and walked to the water tank with shaky steps.

Glancing at the shark yarn floating on the water, Miao Hanyan laughed mockingly: "Although the shark yarn is a treasure, it has to be sold, and it can only be counted after receiving the spirit stone. Before it is sold, it is worthless!"

These words were obviously aimed at suppressing the fish and Kong family's aura.

Kong Nantian's face darkened, but he is a self-cultivated patriarch, he doesn't want to quarrel with a young woman like Miao Qiyan in public, because he thinks he is inferior.

"Who says it's worthless? I think you don't have it yourself, so you're vomiting acid here!"

As soon as Miao Qiyan finished speaking, a beautiful sweet voice came from outside the door.

Everyone didn't need to look and hear the sound to know that Fengjiao, the second mother of the Jin family, was here.

Jin Fengjiao just came to Hanxiang Palace.

As soon as I entered the door, I was also attracted by the gorgeous light of Shasha, so I stopped by to have a look.

As soon as she squeezed into the crowd, Jin Fengjiao heard Miao Qiyan's unpleasant words.

She had heard that Kong Nantian had invited Yanyan to host the auction of the fish of the sea.

Since Yanyan was the host, the bids of Yan Zhiyu and Yusha naturally had something to do with Yanyan.

Jin Fengjiao is also very defensive, when Miao Hanyan said that the yarn is worthless, she immediately became unhappy.

Doesn't this mean that her fourth sister is incapable?

Others could bear it, but Jin Fengjiao couldn't bear it, so she turned back when she opened her mouth.

Miao Hanyan glared at Jin Fengjiao angrily: "Who are you talking about? The entire Hanxiang Palace belongs to the Qi Mansion. I am pregnant with Wuji's child. Do I want anything?"

After finishing speaking, he sneered: "Huh! Don't talk about this mere piece of silk, even if I want this fish, I just open my mouth!"

After finishing speaking, Miao Hanyan looked sideways at the fish.

Seeing Yan Zhiyu scratching Yanyan's palm with his three-fingered paws, and rubbing his head and face affectionately against Yanyan's hand, although it is a bit stupid, it is also interesting.

Miao Qiyan also stretched out her hand, and was about to touch the fish.

As soon as he stretched his hand halfway, he was stopped by Yan Yan's hand: "The fish of the scorpion accepts life, so don't let people touch it easily."

Miao Qiyan sneered: "Hehe, outsiders are not allowed to touch it? Then you touched it just now, are you a fish demon? Are you of the same race as it? Could it be that you are not human?"

These words were a little too much, even the gentle Jin Lanjiao and Yu Xinzhu couldn't stand it anymore.

Yu Xinzhu frowned: "Yan reminded you kindly, why are you so rude!"

Jin Lanjiao also took a step forward and refuted sharply: "Miss Miao Er, please be respectful in your words!"

"The fourth sister took good care of the fish before, and it was the fourth sister who gave it a change of rations. The fish knows how to be grateful, and even sent the tears of the fourth sister as a thank you gift. Therefore, it only gets close to the fourth sister .”

"A monster also has a spirituality. It knows who treats it well, and it will naturally get close to it. As the second lady of the Miao Mansion, you don't even know such a simple truth, and you speak out in public. Could it be that you are not as good as a monster if you put on this skin for nothing?" ?”

"well said!"

Everyone in Kong Mansion couldn't help applauding Jin Lanjiao.

Although Jin Lanjiao has a gentle personality, she is still the third young lady of the Jin family, and it's not for nothing that she gets angry.

Miao Qiyan stared at her exquisite eyebrows and eyes: "Who do you say is inferior to a demon? You dare to insult me, don't you know that I will be from the Qi family in the future? You insult me, you are insulting the Qi family!"

Yanyan couldn't hold back anymore, she was about to speak, but Jin Fengjiao pulled her wrist.

"Okay, let her touch it if she likes to touch it, don't care about her!"

After all, Jin Fengjiao took Yanyan and Jin Lanjiao to the water tank to admire the fish.

Yu Xinzhu secretly covered her lips and smiled, looked at Miao Qiyan with strange eyes, and followed her and the others.

At this moment, no one stopped Miao Qiyan.

Although Kong Nantian intended to remind her, but remembering how unreasonable this woman was just now, she really didn't want to talk to her, so she turned around silently...

Seeing that no one came to stop her, Miao Qiyan only felt that these people were all afraid of Qifu's power, and they were getting more and more arrogant.

Chi Zhiyu is leaning against the side of the water tank at this moment, with his back to her, shaking his head and tail happily at Yanyan and the others.

Miao Qiyan didn't say hello, but stretched out her hand, and touched the back of the fish's head.

The fish of the scorpion: "!"

 Yanyan: I heard you have a stomachache today
  Xiaoyu: Well, you don’t feel sorry for me (灬灬)
  Yanyan: I went to eat hot and sour noodles at night→_→

  Xiaoyu: ...Spicy food warms the stomach (#^.^#)
  Yan Yan: There are so many excuses for a glutton

(End of this chapter)

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