Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 650 Pure nonsense!

Chapter 650 Pure nonsense!

At this moment, Yan Yan from the auction house of Hanxiang Palace has already flown down.

She passed the host's seat first, and everyone in the Kong family stood up to greet her.

Mrs. Kong in the front row and the two young masters of Kong Nantian who were accompanying her at her side also saluted Yanyan respectfully at the same time.

"Today's auction in my Kong mansion, there will be Miss Lao Yan." Mrs. Kong came over via voice transmission.

Yanyan who was sitting on Yu's body was inconvenient to return the salute, so she nodded slightly and exchanged simple greetings with Mrs. Kong.

Having seen the Kong family members, Yan Yan was about to leave when suddenly the youngest son of Kong Nantian, who was standing on the left of Mrs. Kong, said in a childish voice: "Today, my family's treasure fish will be entrusted to my sister, and I will wait for my sister to help my family take pictures of the treasure fish." , our family will be able to move into the big house!"

"Father hired a new teacher teacher for me and my brothers and sisters in the family. When we move there, the new teacher will come to my house. Yi'an would like to thank my sister in advance!"

Kong Yi'an is Kong Nantian's second son. He is only nine years old this year, and he speaks politely like a young adult.

Talking to Yanyan at this moment, he couldn't conceal the deep expectation and longing in his heart.

Yan Yan turned her head, smiled and nodded at Kong Yi'an.

Behind the young master, all the members of the Kong clan looked at her with expectations and entrustment. ...

In it, Yan Yan saw deep trust.

With a warm heart, she sent a voice transmission to the young master: "Don't worry, sister will do her best in this auction!"

Leaving Kong's host seat, Yan Yan was about to fly down to the booth.

But when he looked up, he saw that Qi Wuji had stood up in the front seat opposite him.

He was standing by the railing in front of the seat, looking at her with eyes as dark as ink.

Qi Wuji's expression at this moment seemed to be looking forward to her going to greet him.

Yanyan originally didn't want to go there.

But she thought of such a big scene today, Qi Wuji, as the master behind the scenes of Hanxiang Palace, is also the focus of everyone's attention.

It would be unreasonable not to show him mercy in public.

He had no choice but to drive the whitebait to fly towards Qi Wuji.

Qi Wuji stood in the huge grandstand where he was alone, with a gentle smile on his handsome face as usual.

There were obsidian eyes, but he couldn't hide his intense emotion towards Yan Yan.

After Yanyan flew close, Qi Wuji's deep voice came over: "Sister is so beautiful today."

Yan Yan always kept a dignified and generous smile on his face, he only said hello to Qi Wuji, and flew to the booth below without stopping.

But Qi Wuji's voice came from behind again: "For today's auction, you only need to do your best, and you don't have to be too attached to the final result."

Qi Wuji's words stunned Yan Yan for a moment, and then she spat in her heart: "Nonsense!"

This priceless treasure!

A baby related to the future destiny of the empty family!

Kongfu also hoped that this treasure would be sold to buy Xihua Yazhu!
Just let me do my best?
There is no need to be too rigid about the results of the auction!
If you don't stick to it, if you can't get the ideal price for Kong's family, not only Kong's family will be unhappy.

Today, there are crowds watching, and there are VIP rooms waiting for the auction. Who knows why the heads of the big clans and big families are at the scene.

Isn't she smashing her own signboard?

In this auction, she not only has to do her best, but also has to give her 120 points!

Looking at the back of Yanyan flying down, Wei Wei frowned tightly: "Miss Yan didn't seem to understand what you reminded me just now."

Qi Wuji sighed helplessly: "My sister is very persistent in today's auction, as can be seen from her outfit today. She is determined to win, how can she hear my reminder?"

Wei Wei frowned even tighter: "Then what should she do when she finds out the truth later? Will it be a big blow, what happened?"

Qi Wuji shook his head: "Strike, with my sister's temperament, I can't do it."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yanyan who had already stepped onto the stage, and added: "It just annoyed her, and she might want to kill someone."

When Qi Wuji's master and servant were talking, Yanyan was already standing on the huge platform below.

After taking the gong from the master of ceremonies, Yanyan rang the third gong with her own hands, heralding the official start of the highly anticipated auction of the fish of the sea!
After the third gong sounded, Kong Nantian was invited to the booth.

The host had a routine warm-up, and then came the most critical moment—announcing the starting price for the second most precious treasure of this year's Hanxiang Palace.

The starting price of the fish of the devil is one of the most concerned hotspots in the city.

Kong Nantian also seemed extremely excited at the moment.

Facing more than 60 private rooms with lights on the opposite side, he didn't know who would get his treasure fish in the end, and he didn't know how much he could fetch...

With an uneasy feeling in his heart that he hasn't experienced for a long time, Kong Nantian said in a clear voice: "Kongfu, the starting price of the fish and the shark yarn is..."

Before he could utter his price, a red light flickered on the projection wall in front of the private room opposite.

Kong Nantian was stunned.

He hasn't mentioned the auction price yet. What kind of lights are these people lighting up?

A guest in the private room yelled: "This first price is for today's host. The host is so beautiful, give the fairy a show!"

Kong Nantian smiled and looked at Yanyan standing on the other side of the water tank, and used his spiritual power to transmit the sound: "Prove once again that my choice is correct! Please host, it is definitely a good idea to win the house before the show begins." Omen!"

Yan Yan smiled: "It's Patriarch Kong's Yu Zhiyu who has a great reputation, and I'm even in the honor of this little guy!"

While speaking, Yan Yan turned her gaze to the water tank, and couldn't help but slightly raised her eyebrows.

The water tank has been silent today.

Normally, whenever she came, the fish would immediately come out from the bottom of the water.

Monsters have always been more sensitive than humans, especially fish monsters like the fish, as long as someone approaches the tank, they will basically respond.

For fear of disturbing the fish that is weaving, the Kong Mansion usually forbids anyone to use their spiritual sense to detect the fish.

Frequently having spiritual consciousness sweeps away the fish, it is easy to make it panic and uneasy, unable to weave fish yarn with peace of mind.For this reason, the God of Aging in the Kong Mansion also made a special restriction on the wall of the crystal tank to prevent people from peeping.

Yanyan's spiritual sense couldn't explore it, so she could only use her naked eyes to search for the little fish demon in the water.

At this moment, Kong Nantian has announced the starting price for the fish of the scorpion.

As soon as the price was reported, there was a lively discussion in the audience.

Yanyan raised her eyes to look around, only to feel that her ears were filled with voices.

She guessed that Xiaoyu might have been startled by such a scene, hiding at the bottom of the water and not daring to show his face.

Quietly took out a section of fresh sausage from the ring, and held it close to the water surface, Yan Yan planned to lure the little guy to show his face.

But the water was still very quiet, not even a wave turned over.

Kong Nantian had finished quoting the price, so Yanyan had to leave the water tank temporarily.

Yanyan walked up to the table on the high platform, picked up the timpet and hit it hard, and said in a clear voice: "I announce that this year's Hanxiang Palace auction feast, the second precious treasure, the fish and the shark yarn auction, will now start! The starting price 390 spirit stones—”

 I accidentally bit my mouth while eating dinner, and shed tears while typing o(╥﹏╥)o it hurts to death...

(End of this chapter)

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