Chapter 696

Three days, negligence
In the morning, the weather is just right, the sun is soft like golden fluff.

Outside the secluded courtyard wall, two figures poked their heads into the courtyard, muttering softly while watching...

"Tell me, Miss Yan won't regret it, she ran away secretly, right?"

It was Qi Haoguang who spoke.

He specially came here with You Changqing to welcome Yanyan out of the customs, and accompanied her to the training ground by the way.

Beside him stood You Changqing, who always looked serious.

Hearing Qi Haoguang's words, You Changqing frowned displeasedly: "Don't talk nonsense! Miss Yan has been practicing in closed doors in the courtyard for the past few days, and she never left."

Qi Haoguang raised his eyebrows: "But since it's studying exercises, why don't you see her go out? What can you learn from being bored in the room? This is not women's embroidery."

You Changqing: "It was agreed that the period will be three days, we just wait for it. Since Miss Yan dares to accept, she has her own study method."

Qi Haoguang curled his lips: "To be honest, I don't believe that I want to learn Baiwu Kungfu within three days. Do you really believe it?"

You Changqing didn't speak this time.

To be honest, he didn't really have a clue.

Because it's just incredible.

Although the complete set of Baiwu exercises only has fifteen moves, it is a practice recognized by many sects in the Eastern Continent. Although the moves look simple and simple, they also have their inner meaning.

Otherwise, when Master created this set of exercises, it would not have taken a full three hundred years.

Three days...

You Changqing recalled the time when he was studying Baiwu Kung Fu. In such a short period of time, he couldn't even learn a single move...

"Huh? Why is there smoke coming out of the room!"

Just when You Changqing was distracted, he was suddenly interrupted by Qi Haoguang's cry.

He withdrew his thoughts and looked into the courtyard, and sure enough, he saw wisps of white smoke escaping from the window of Yanyan's bedroom, one of which was particularly strong.

"My God! There must be a fire in the house!"

Qi Haoguang screamed, and flew into the courtyard.

You Changqing stood there without moving, staring suspiciously at the misty white smoke drifting away.

At the moment, they both had other things in their minds, so they ignored one point at the same time.

That is what has been tightly covering here for the past three days. Agui's strict divine barrier has disappeared.

"It's not on fire, there's no one in the house..."

Qi Haoguang, who rushed into the room in a hurry, ran out again yelling, standing in front of the door and staring at You Changqing who was still standing outside the courtyard door in a daze.

You Changqing frowned: "I don't think the white smoke just now looked like it was on fire..."

Just when the two were puzzled, they suddenly heard a long sound of cloud boards coming from a distance.

The cloud board is the summoning order of the sect.

Hearing the sound of the cloud board, the two jumped up at the same time, the white chains around their waists flew out automatically, turned into a white light to support the two, and went straight to the biggest training ground of the sect.

At the same time, the disciples, deacons, and elders of the three major side halls in the sect also heard the sound of the cloud board, and rushed to the training ground one after another.

Zhan Liang, with Yu Jianfei at the front, was the first to arrive at the training ground.

Today is the day that Yanyan agreed to compare the cultivation techniques with the sect members, but he has actually been waiting in his own courtyard to pass on the news.

Hearing the sound of the cloud board at this moment, he jumped up immediately, and was the first to arrive at the training ground.

Seeing that there were not many people in the field, especially none of the elders from the various halls, nor Yanyan and the four of them, Zhan Liang felt that he was a little impatient to go down now, so he turned his head to The top of the pavilion where the cloud board is suspended flies away.

Zhan Liang felt that the cloud board must be a message to inform everyone that the competition was about to start, and he wanted to see whether it was Yanyan herself, You Changqing or Qi Haoguang who hit the cloud board.

If it is Yan Yan...

Zhan Liang grinned, and there was a smirk in his eyes.

He simply used the trapped cloud array to trap this ignorant yellow-haired girl in this place, and let her knock on the cloud board here for a whole day.

Let's see how she will have the face to clamor to be the master of their White Mist Palace!
With such an idea in mind, Zhan Liang Yukong's speed suddenly accelerated, and he arrived in the blink of an eye.

However, when Zhan Liang's eyes fell on the pavilion on the top of the mountain where the cloud panels were hung, he was completely stunned.

There was no one in the booth!
Only the cloud board hanging in the pavilion swings without wind, and there is a clear and melodious sound of "ding... ding... ding... ding..." from it.

Although the cloud board is a common communication tool, the cloud board in the mountain gate is also different from the cloud board used in the mortal world. There are prohibitions on it, and it is not allowed to be struck unless it is a spirit.

It is absolutely impossible to be knocked by ordinary items, let alone the wind!
Zhan Liang was full of doubts, flew closer, stood in the pavilion and looked up at the cloud panel carefully, but he didn't see anything unusual at all, he didn't even feel the fluctuations of the spirit energy around him.

Could it be that Ah Gui is hitting the board with magic?
His cultivation base is inferior to others, so he can't feel the fluctuation of Ah Gui's spirit energy?

Just when Zhan Liang was standing in the pavilion on the top of the mountain full of doubts, he didn't notice that there was always a faint smog covering his surroundings.

But at this moment, almost all the elders and disciples of Baiwu Hall, including Qi Haoguang and You Changqing, have all gathered in the largest practice field in the sect.

"Ding... ding... ding... ding..."

The melodious and slow, rhythmic sound of cloud panels still resounded through the entire mountain gate.

But it was a long time before everyone saw Yanyan's arrival, not even Yu Xinzhu, Agui and Shao Yunxin were there.

Everyone in the White Mist Hall present began to discuss.

Some elders couldn't help asking: "We agreed to have a competition today, why hasn't Miss Yan arrived yet?"

Another elder said: "I haven't seen her study the exercises these few days, and I don't know if she has learned it..."

At the same time, some elders had the attitude of watching the excitement: "Maybe Miss Yan has already returned to Juyan Castle by now!"

Someone retorted: "Probably not. I passed by the guest house yesterday, and I sensed the enchantment of that Guardian Gui."

Someone sneered: "Maybe it's a trick, I don't believe she can learn the exercises for nothing in just three days..."

There were different opinions and discussions, and the entire training ground was full of noise.

It's just that everyone is the same as Zhan Liang in the pavilion, and no one has noticed the mist that is invisible to the naked eye...

Qi Haoguang and You Changqing stood at the forefront of the crowd, listening to the louder and louder discussions behind them.

Qi Haoguang couldn't help but poked You Changqing with his elbow: "It's almost here, why don't you see Miss Yan? Why are you just knocking on the cloud board endlessly?"

You Changqing didn't speak, but turned his gaze to the direction of the pavilion with cloud panels hanging on the sharp peak in the distance...

He always felt that there was something wrong with the matter in front of him.

Intuitively, You Changqing felt that Yanyan had not left the sect.

But where did she go?

You Changqing recalled the puff of white smoke that flew out of Yanyan's room just now.

And just when he was distracted for a moment, Qi Haoguang, who was standing beside him and chattering, suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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