Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 70 The Black Shadow That Takes the Heart

Chapter 70 The Black Shadow That Takes the Heart
The beast gradually emerging from the corner of the wall is exactly Tonba.

It was Tonba who brought Yanyan here, and it smelled the scent of beast heart.

Before it was discovered by Shen Yuyun, it lay down on the eaves with Yanyan.

The reason why it didn't come in before was because it smelled the magic-proof jade on Shen Yiyun's body, and the magic-proof jade was the smell it hated the most.

Now that annoying person is chasing the master, it is a good time.

Tonba leaped forward and dexterously jumped onto the desk.

The ordinary fat human being in front of him couldn't see it at all, and to get this ferocious beast's heart, for Tonba, it was simply a bag.

The vertical pupils of the tonba beast narrowed, revealing a smug smile.

This is a good thing, take it back and give it to the owner, she will definitely like it.

The moon-blue vertical pupils revealed the greed and joy of a monster, and the ton of fluffy little paws cautiously protruded towards the beating fiery red heart...


The candles in the house suddenly went out at this moment.

Immediately, a heroic exclamation sounded in the study: "Come here! There are thieves!"

At the same time as the call sounded, Haomai did not know what mechanism was triggered, and the warning bell of "Boom, Boom..." sounded in the yard at the same time, and many hurried footsteps gathered quickly from all the courtyards of the Hao Mansion to the study... …

Ton Baquan ignored the chaos that occurred in an instant, and focused all his attention on the ferocious beast heart that was close at hand.This thing is only useful if it is alive, it has to be carefully returned, don't crush it to death...

Just when Tonba's little paws almost touched the ferocious beast's heart, suddenly a black shadow swam close to the table in front of the wooden box, and the black shadow instantly enveloped the beating heart.

Almost at the same time, the magic beast Xiezhi carved on the wooden box suddenly opened its eyes, and the whole wooden box released a strong and dazzling red light.

Tonba, who was enveloped in red light, suddenly released a cruel and treacherous Youlan from the animal pupils.

Although it is not afraid of the red light of the guardian, it has clearly seen that the beast's heart in the box disappeared the moment it was covered by the black shadow just now!
Tonba bared his sharp and cold animal teeth, and the moment he jumped off the table, his figure disappeared into the air.

When it reappeared, it had already arrived in the courtyard outside the study.

The blue vertical pupils were still full of fierce light, and a pair of sharp and long fangs on the lower jaw were turned out of the lips, bared fiercely, and turned to look at the black shadow walking quickly on the wall.

How dare it snatch its prey, it wants to eat this stinky monster!

At the same time, on the top of the old paulownia tree outside the study, a sparrow with pitch-black feathers flapped its wings a few times and flew away from the branch without a sound.

The black crow quickly merged with the thick night, and flew into another courtyard in the mansion under the cover of darkness.

The black crow flew to one of the candle-lit windows, and pecked the edge of the wooden window twice with its black beak.

The window opened a crack from the inside, and the black crow got in.

Entering the room, it jumped onto a small wooden frame at the corner of the table and began to comb its dull black feathers.

A short, chubby hand reached out from behind the table, and stroked the black crow's top feathers twice. The black crow turned its head and opened its beak towards the other party...

It spit out human words!

What Heiya said was exactly the conversation between Hao Mai and Shen Yuyun in the study just now.

It imitates the conversation between two people at the same time, the content and tone are exactly the same, exactly, as if Shen Yuyun and Haomai are present at the scene, but no one is visible.

Even the voice of Haoma anxiously shouting later, the black crow imitated the other party's emotions. If Yanyan was here, he would definitely think it was a Shanhaijie style recording pen.

After the black crow had finished speaking, someone walked up to it, and grabbed a cloud of black smoke that kept struggling from a black cloth bag embroidered with a hideous face.

Heiya opened his mouth to swallow the black smoke, and he himself turned into a cloud of thick black smoke, and got into a pitch-black pagoda tree that was as thick as a thumb and as big as a palm.

The person who took the black crow bowed to the person behind the desk: "It's because my subordinates are not doing well. I didn't expect the uncle to personally escort this thing."

"Hmph! Shen is cunning and cunning by nature. He has been in business for many years and has countless treasures. Of course you are no match for him!"

The person behind the desk who spoke was none other than the fifth master, Duan Xingchang, who followed Shen Yiyun back home during the day.

Mentioning Shen Yuyun, Duan Xingchang's eyes were full of disdain and contempt, but in a blink of an eye it was replaced by gloating.

"The hideous animal heart is lost. Although it was lost in the master's study, it is in Shen Yuyun's hands after all, and he cannot get rid of it."

At this point, Duan Xingchang smiled triumphantly: "The ferocious beast has a heart! It is a good thing that even monks covet. If you can't find it, it will be enough for Shen to drink a pot! The one who stole it is given to you!" We did a great job."

The person on the opposite side hurriedly answered, "It's all because the surname Shen is too arrogant on weekdays, he has offended many people, and there are always people who want to deal with him!"

Duan Xingchang snorted coldly: "No matter who this person is, it's best to kill the person surnamed Shen. Taking advantage of this wedding banquet, I must get those few business routes. Shen Yuyun must be anxious about this hideous beast right now." Huo, we need to make trouble for the surnamed Shen, maybe the position of the caravan master belongs to me!"

"With your ability, fifth master, it won't be a matter of time." The person opposite hurriedly flattered.

Duan Xingchang: "During these days, please keep an eye on me. If there is any trouble with the surnamed Shen, please tell me immediately!"

"Don't worry, fifth master, the subordinates have already made arrangements!"


Yanyan's skills are fast enough, but the people chasing after her, like a dog chasing a rabbit, are always hanging behind her, and they can't get rid of her no matter what.

Yanyan's heart was furious.

Is this person a dog skin plaster essence!
She just eavesdropped on a few words and did nothing. As for being so persistent?
Yanyan just entered the mansion, and she is not familiar with the architectural layout of the mansion, so she turned left and right and entered a dead end.

Hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, Yan Yan felt anxious, she got up and jumped into the courtyard wall.

She froze as soon as she landed.

In the courtyard in front of you, there are various pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions, shaded by exotic flowers and jade grasses.There are many lotus wind lanterns hanging under the corridor. The fringes of the lights are gently blown by the night wind and sway. The lights are reflected in the water of the green pond. The water is uniform and the scenery is peaceful.

With such exquisite repairs, it looks like a house where the owner lives.

Yanyan didn't dare to wander around, and temporarily found a thick and low bush to cover her body, and focused her ears on the movement outside the courtyard.

She just waited for the person chasing there to pass, then folded out.

But after squatting in the flowers for a while, there was no sound of footsteps chasing after him outside the yard.

Yan Yan frowned.

I don't know if that person has already left, or if there is some special soundproof baby installed in this yard.

However, the garden is peaceful and peaceful, Yanyan can finally catch her breath.

After squatting for about half a quarter of an hour, Yanyan felt that the person outside should probably leave as well, and she was about to get up and leave when she heard the rustling of skirts in the corridor not far away.

 It has been set, and it will be on the shelves on the 22nd of this month (next Tuesday).

  Writing a book is not easy, especially for fantasy novels like "The Empress", which is based on classical mythology. Yuxiao hopes to show readers a gorgeous and colorful world of mountains and seas, so every detail needs to be carefully polished. Thinking about it for a few days...

  Subscription results are directly related to how far this book can go in the future.

  Yuxiao hopes to get the support of friends, so that Yuxiao can have the motivation to finish this book perfectly, and the friends will also witness with their own eyes, the growth, robustness and completion of a long mythical travelogue.

  There will be an update on the day of the launch, friends, don't miss it! ()
(End of this chapter)

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