Chapter 718 Who is Who?
Seemingly aware that she was not interested in his grand blueprint, he continued to persuade.

"Taking ten thousand pills, you have now become a fox fairy that the foxes of the world envy. Your future will have an extremely long journey to immortality, but one ten thousand pills is not enough to maintain your long fairy body, you still need to continue to consolidate now."

She shook her head slightly.

She is content to be like this now.

Her youth can only live for a mere hundred years, leaving her alone in the world for so long, she can't bear such loneliness.

She wanted to refuse, but his warm palm held her face gently again.

"I am a monk, and I can live a long, long life. I hope to see your beautiful face forever..."

Because of this sentence, the language of rejection is stuck in my throat and I can no longer speak it.

She couldn't refuse him.

No matter what kind of request he made.

He is her god, her nightmare.

She will always obey him unconditionally.

Holding the token of the supreme god of the Fox Clan in her hand, she tremblingly began to form an array and cast spells according to the spells he taught.

When she saw with her own eyes that the fox spirits and demons all over the mountain were being summoned one after another, obeying her orders and surrendering under her skirt, she was completely overwhelmed by this powerful and ancient divine power.

At the same time, a sense of superiority that I have never had before quietly breeds in my heart.

That feeling intoxicated her more than fine wine, rouge and beautiful clothes and jewelry.

At that time, she didn't know that the human race called this thing "rights"

Perhaps it was because she cast the spell too smoothly for the first time, but she gradually became more courageous, and she became more and more adept at summoning the fox on the handkerchief.

And she found that when she was doing this, Miao Jingchen looked at her with fiery eyes.

He treated her better than before.

During this time, he also seemed to grow from strength to strength.He didn't know what method he used to make more people surrender to him.

And she, because she can use the fox clan's spells to order the foxes, finally has a unique position around him.

However, every time the spell was over, he would take away the white handkerchief embroidered with nine tails and never stay with her.

Once, he came to fetch a handkerchief, put it carefully in his arms, and left in a hurry.

She was a little bit reluctant, and wanted to see him more, so she followed him secretly.

Seeing him walking to a place where no one was around, he stopped suddenly, took out the handkerchief from his pocket, held it carefully in his palm, and pressed a kiss on it very gently and tenderly.

He kissed so affectionately and focused, probably because he was too excited, and the corners of his eyes were red.

Seeing this scene in her eyes, she was completely shocked.

Tears fell silently from the corners of his eyes, his vision had long been blurred, but there were large swaths of gorgeous flowers blooming in his heart.

It turned out that he had always hidden his affection for her so deeply.

It turned out that he loved her so much!
Suddenly she remembered a ballad she had read long ago;
Tonight and any evening, the boat is in the middle of the stream.

What day is today, I have to be in the same boat with the prince.

To be ashamed and disgusting, not to be ashamed.

I was so upset that I learned of the prince.

There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees, and the heart is happy, but you don't know...


I please you, I thought you didn't know.

In fact, you are like me.

At this moment, in her eyes, it was his landslide and her crack.

It is their vicissitudes.

From now on, I am willing to hold your hand and follow behind you, no matter where you go, no matter how you die...

The white crystal-like shattered light once again appeared in the eyes, moistening a strand of fox fur at the corner of the eyes.

All the past and the past came rushing towards her face, seeing the man's earnest persuasion, and the unwillingness deep in his eyes...

Eighth Yiniang found that even though she had been through so much with him and almost died, her love for him hadn't diminished in the slightest.

He is still the boy in her heart, the white moonlight in her dreams.

With her paw lightly placed on the back of Miao Jingchen's hand, Ba Yiniang sighed and explained: "It's not that I don't want to help you. Although I have the vast divine power of Wandan in my body, that power has been sealed by the gods of my clan. I can't even It is impossible to transform into a human form, let alone cast spells like before. Unless..."

It was hard for her to say what she said later.

"Unless what? What can't you tell me? If you need anything, just speak up!"

Eighth Auntie's fox paw was suddenly held tightly by Miao Jingchen, and her whole body trembled in shock.

Ba Yiniang saw the scorching heat from Miao Jingchen's eyes again.

This time, the scorching heat also made the corners of his eyes red...

He is still the boy she admired many years ago, he needs her, he needs her, he needs...

Ba Yiniang looked into Miao Jingchen's eyes as if she had been bewitched, and slowly said the last method.

"I am a demon body. Although the spirit qi in my body cannot be released, it still exists in the demon core intact. If I want to activate my demon core again to release those demon powers, I need to use the spirit qi from the outside world as a guide."

At this point, Ba Yiniang raised her head and said slowly: "That's what you human race said, harvesting the essence of people."

As soon as she finished speaking, a moon-white brocade robe suddenly fell from the grass in front of her.

Ba Yiniang was startled, she raised her head abruptly, and found that Miao Jingchen had already taken off her brocade clothes at some point.

Ba Yiniang's fox eyes were wide open, her mouth was open, she stared blankly at Miao Jingchen bent down, picked her up from the ground, and pressed her into his white and warm chest...

Ba Yiniang slowly closed her eyes, resting her hairy chin on Miao Jingchen's shoulder, she didn't know whether it was nervousness or heart palpitations, her curled up body trembled uncontrollably.

Let the man hold her and walk into the mountain behind...


Hanxiang Palace

On Dahong's booth, the most precious treasure of this year's Hanxiang Palace was finally displayed in front of the world.

As soon as Guibao showed up, the entire auction hall of Hanxiang Palace completely erupted.

Including the five chief clans in the VIP seat, they were almost dumbfounded.

Everyone in the audience, without exception, had an idea in their hearts...

It seems to be tricked!

In the VIP room, the whole room stood up, and their eyes all fell on the projection wall.

The expressions on each face were basically the same as those of the outside audience.

When the whole room was extremely quiet, someone suddenly said: "Where did you pick up this crap?"

After finishing this sentence, the man immediately said something unhappy: "Brother, why are you grabbing my sleeve? This is originally..."

Bi Cheng, who was standing behind Hu Lu Xiaofei, couldn't bear it any longer, and said in a low voice, "Why are you so ignorant? Your third brother is grabbing you to say that you are fine, so why tell the truth?"

Everyone: "..."

Both are straight!Pretty steel!

Hu Lu Xiaofei turned her head and stared at Bi Cheng: "What's the matter? Why don't people tell the truth?"

He even pointed at the projection wall with his hand: "Just this broken stone is the most precious thing. Anything thrown by the lake in my backyard looks better than this one. Isn't this a scam? Only a fool will take pictures of this thing! "

As soon as Hu Lu Xiaofei finished speaking, a golden star flashed from the corner of her eyes, and a ray of spiritual energy hit the projection wall.

Yan Yan bid.

(End of this chapter)

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