Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 726 The unshakable capital of the Qifu

Chapter 726 The unshakable capital of the Qifu

Yu Xin Zhuyue lowered her voice.

The little pavilion master, who has always been gentle and reserved, rarely showed embarrassment.

2 million, for the young pavilion master of a sect as big as Tianbei Island, it is indeed a bit small.

But Yanyan knew Yu Xinzhu well, what she said was the truth.

Yu Xinzhu has a firm heart and a pure heart, and has always looked down on worldly gold and silk.Although she is the honorable owner of the Jiange Pavilion on Tianbei Island, she really doesn't have much money.

And Yanyan guessed that what Yu Xinzhu could produce, apart from the little she had accumulated in her daily life, she might have to ask her old man to advance her pocket money for next year when she went back.

Even though Yu Xinzhu and Liao Jingxuan didn't have many spirit stones, Yan Yan felt warm because of this kind of friendship.

This time Liao Jingxuan and Yu Xinzhu made a move, Yan Yan did not refuse.

This is their heart, even if they owe a favor, she is willing to accept it.

It just happened to give myself an excuse to repay them generously in the future.

Perhaps it was because Yanyan was surprised that at this time, she could still stick to the price increase. After Yu Xinzhu added 2 million spirit stones, the other party did not follow up the price in time.

The host on the booth had shouted hoarsely, and finally had the opportunity to hold a small wooden hammer to start the customary three bids.

The VIP room was still very quiet, and everyone was nervously staring at the projection wall.

Everyone hoped that this time, the opponent would give up the competition and stop the frantically jumping numbers on the projection wall.

They could feel that Yanyan was under unprecedented pressure.

Although she didn't show it clearly, and even joked with them, such a flaming face made people feel even more distressed.

Qi Wuji quietly looked at Yan Yan beside him.

Yan's face was calm, he focused on refilling tea for his friends, and quietly waited for a new round of bids...

The soft and beautiful silhouette was shrouded in the dense tea mist, which made Qi Wuji even more unreal about her.

At this moment, Qi Wuji could also see that Yanyan had a certain attitude towards this rabbit stone.

But Yanyan is not a monk of Mu Linggen, nor is she rich in money, so why does she want this thing?

Yan Yan's actions this time, even Qi Wuji was a little confused.

Could it be that she saw something and deliberately came to participate in this auction?

Thinking of Yanyan's consistent attitude towards him, Qi Wuji suddenly felt... Damn it's probably because of this!
Qi Wuji suddenly felt an unknown fire in his chest, and turned his head to wink at Wei Chi.

Almost at the same time, the red light on the projection wall flickered again, and the host shouted out a new round of bidding prices at the same time.

"Three thousand and two million spirit stones!"

As soon as this number was reported, there was an uproar outside.

The price has been raised to a height of 30 million, and there are still customers who increase it by 3 million in one go. This is no longer the usual rich and powerful.


A palm was slapped on the table, Jin Fengjiao raised her eyebrows, raised her hand and sprayed a flame directly on the projection wall.

"It's too deceptive, my aunt wants to see how rich your family is!"

She is originally a fire spirit root, and if she has a bad temper, she will get angry easily.

Everyone couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw the number she burned.

Jin Fengjiao directly added 6 million spirit stones.

Yanyan smiled wryly: "My second sister, are you not afraid that I will not pay you back?"

Jin Fengjiao sneered: "What's the return? Earn money when it's gone! It's serious to get this rabbit today!"

But before Jin Fengjiao's 6 million made everyone happy, the host once again called out a new price: "Four thousand 1 million!"

"The guests in the NO.16 private room have increased the price by 3 million again, and now the auction price of the treasure is 1 million!"

This time even Hulu Xiaofei couldn't sit still anymore, she stared and said: "Did he catch the spirit stone in the wind? Could it be a trick? He deliberately bid with us."

As soon as Hu Lu Xiaofei said this, Bi Cheng and the others all looked at Qi Wuji neatly.

The meaning in the eyes is clear: the auction house is yours, please give me an explanation.

Qi Wuji also felt the strange gazes from the crowd.

After taking a sip of tea, Qi Wuji smiled and said, "Do you think that the guests in the VIP room were arranged by Hanxiang Palace to increase the auction price of the most precious treasure?"

Hu Lu Xiaofei rolled her eyes and sneered, "Hmph, who knows!"

Qi Wuji raised his head and laughed loudly: "Since the establishment of Hanxiang Palace, there have been 30 large and small auctions. Among them, 1000 transactions were worth more than 30 million, and more than [-] were worth more than [-] million. For a mere [-] million transaction, I, Hanxiang Palace, would not use such means."

When he reported this series of numbers, everyone in the room was secretly surprised.

No one expected the transaction volume of Hanxiang Palace to be so amazing.

It's no wonder that Hanxiang Palace has been firmly controlling the forces in the Juyan Castle area for more than ten years, and it really has a lot of money.

Everyone in the room was silent for a while, Jin Lanjiao gently comforted her: "Fourth sister, don't worry, our family will definitely support you!"

While speaking, Jin Lanjiao lightly patted the back of Yanyan's hand.

Yanyan looked sideways, and saw Jin Lanjiao shook her head slightly.

Yanyan suddenly understood.

Jin Lanjiao owns the shares of Hanxiang Palace, so she knows the background of Hanxiang Palace better than others. What she means is to prevent Yanyan from having a tough fight with Qi Wuji.

Jin Lanjiao's point also made Yanyan realize that Qi Wuji's capital was much more than that, which annoyed him, and he wanted to get involved seriously. It would be even more impossible for Yanyan to take pictures of Rabbit Stone.

At this moment, the host was ready to drop the hammer for the third time, and the red light on the projection wall flickered again.

The bidding price changed from 1 million to 5 million!
The host's trembling voice from being too excited sounded again in the hall.

Yan Yan's heart trembled, she looked sideways at Mrs. Kong.

Everyone in the room was also surprised.

This time, it was Kong Nantian's wife, the head mistress of the Kong Mansion, who made the move.

The Kong family had just been hit hard by the sudden death of the fish, and now Kong Nantian was still sick in bed. Now the Kong family can be described as internal and external troubles, and it is also the weakest period.

The empty woman made a move today, which is not a small amount.

Seeing Yanyan looking over, Mrs. Kong nodded slightly to her, and said via voice transmission: "Miss Yan, you don't need to say anything. You saved my Kong family and family. Today's small favor is not enough for my Kongfu to repay you in case." , you just accept it. If Nan Tian were here, he would do the same."

Yan Yan knew about Madam Kong's friendship, and she couldn't refuse it either.

Yanyan thanked her generously in a soft voice, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Mrs. Kong: "Madam, please tell the owner of the Kong family when you go back, and tell him to continue to stay behind closed doors. In addition, let him rest assured that I will ask for an explanation for the Kong family about the matter of the fish. !"

Mrs. Kong couldn't help but the corners of her eyes turned red: "Thank you!"

At this moment, Yanyan couldn't say anything.

With her own strength, she would definitely not be able to make it this far.

Yan Yan felt her heart was burning hot.

(End of this chapter)

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