Chapter 731
Yanyan didn't panic at all, and let the four big cranes flap their wings and pull the tassel.

She saw the opportunity, took advantage of the two unwilling ones to raise their wings, and swung the cloud rein with her right hand in a sharp circle.

The cloud rein was swung round by her, and the second half of the circle was slammed under the ribs of the two big cranes on the right. A burst of feathers flew in the air, and the two big cranes who refused to listen uttered a burst of pain at the same time, obediently followed the other Two flew to the left.

Yanyan shook the cloud rein in her hand triumphantly.

Since she became the suzerain of the White Mist Palace, Yanyan later took the time to study the Bailian Kung Fu carefully. She found that this kung fu is very clever in controlling the cloud and mist.

Clouds and mists are originally invisible and intangible gaseous water mist. Through the ingenious combination of white chain skills and their own spiritual energy, they can be transformed into any offensive or defensive moves at will, and can even be controlled and driven.

Canghua is also very interested in the Baiwu technique.

Clouds follow dragons, wind follows tigers, and Canghua's main body exercises originally had cloud-based exercises.

At the beginning of Yan Yan's cultivation, when she hadn't unlocked the seal of space magic, she also studied Canghua's magic.

She combined Canghua's ontology technique with Bailian's technique, and created some new techniques.

One of the tricks is called "Change of Wind and Cloud", which is to change the cloudy atmosphere gathered around into what you need, such as right now...

Caiyun turns into a bird's rein.

The four big cranes didn't dare to do anything wrong again, and completely obediently obeyed her urging, and dragged them steadily towards Hanxiang Palace.

Yan Yan uses a big crane as a horse, and she is very skillful.

Yanyan's riding skills were quite good when she was on Earth.

She has personally held a pole harness horse on the prairie, and also experienced taming wild horses on the prairie.

Taming these big cranes is actually much easier than taming stubborn wild horses.

Although the crane is big, it is still a bird.

Birds are not as resistant to beating as beasts.

Standing firmly on the railing in front of Fei Tuo, Yan Yan held the colorful cloud rein in her hand, and quickly drove the four big cranes to the main gate of Hanxiang Palace.

The door was crowded with monks controlled by spells, and spells of various spiritual roots continued to attack the Great Barrier crazily.

Probably the area under attack was too large, when Yanyan was still in mid-air, she heard a huge humming sound from the trembling of the Great Barrier of Hanxiang Palace.

As soon as Fei Yue approached, those red-eyed monks immediately sensed the strange aura emanating from Yan Yan and the big crane, they all turned around and attacked towards Fei Yue's side.

Although the four big cranes were afraid of the cloud rein in Yanyan's hand, it was because Yanyan could directly hit their skins, but they were bird monsters after all, but they were not afraid of the group of red-eyed monks in front of them at all.

The eight huge wings waved violently, blowing up a strong wind in an instant, tearing open the circle of monks besieging the gate of Hanxiang Palace almost instantly.

The big crane dragged its fly and drove straight in, rushing into the big barrier.

Yan Yan wears the Qiwuji Orange Jade Token, and she can enter and exit the Great Barrier of Hanxiang Palace freely.

While entering the Hanxiang Palace, Yanyan took the opportunity to feel the besieging monks.

She found that although there were many monks under control, their cultivation bases were not high.

She guessed that the other party's spells might not be able to control higher cultivation monks.

Fei Huo stopped in front of the gate of Hanxiang Palace, and Ah Gui had already come out to wait.

Yanyan didn't bring other people with her, mainly because she didn't know the situation in the city at the moment, and sometimes it would be inconvenient if there were too many people.What's more, she still has a tonba bodyguard.

He brought Agui with him because he had a Ye Zhou on him. If the city was as chaotic as in front of the gate of Hanxiang Palace, then let Agui use Ye Zhou to bring all his relatives and friends to Hanxiang Palace.

As the base of Qi Mansion, Yan Yan felt that no matter what the chaos in the city was, Qi Wuji would definitely find a way to keep Hanxiang Palace.

Therefore, in the entire Juyan Fort, Hanxiang Palace must be the safest place.

However, when she and Ah Gui flew into the city, looking down from the air, she was instantly horrified by the scene in front of her.

There are red-eyed monks everywhere in the city, and the cries of old and young women and children go straight to Xiaohan.

Yanyan and Agui flew over the entire city, and they could almost see the entire Juyan Castle completely enveloped in a gray atmosphere.

People are lucky.

Where the human race gathers, the weather is born.

Villages, small towns, and big cities all have their own weather.

From a distance, there is a purple atmosphere in the city, which is a typical feature of the prosperity of the city.The monks who can see this phenomenon with naked eyes call it the phenomenon of "prosperous purple qi".

A city is suffering from war, and the sky above it will appear restless and fiery.

But at this moment, the thick, heavy and gray atmosphere shrouded in the lower layer of Juyan Fort is a typical gloomy atmosphere.

There is still purple air surrounding Juyan Castle, which proves its original prosperity.

But at this moment, the original purple luck is being bit by bit eaten away by the rapidly rising gray aura below.

It proves that the entire Juyan Castle is rapidly declining.

Worried about the people in the caravan, the big crane followed Yan Yan's instructions and flew to the guest house in Kong Mansion where the caravan lived first.

Just as Fei Xun was gradually descending, a woman suddenly rushed out from a nearby courtyard.

The woman was covered in blood, but she held a baby tightly in her arms.

The woman ran desperately, chasing and flying after her, crying for help at the top of her voice.

"Immortal, Master Immortal, save my child, save my child!"

Yanyan and Agui turned around at the same time, and saw the woman running in front with the child in her arms, followed by a few red-eyed monks, who were about to kill the woman and the child.

"His grandma's!"

Ah Gui said something rude, raised his hand and waved a Qi Ling, overturning all the red-eyed monks behind.

At the same time, the maharaja on Yanyan's arm has turned into a soft whip, wrapping around the woman's waist.

Just when Yan Yan was about to drag the woman and the child into the sky, a qi ling flew out from nowhere and hit the woman on the back fiercely.

The woman spurted out a large mouthful of blood. It was unknown whether it was her intention or the force of the impact. The baby she was holding tightly in her arms suddenly let go.

The baby took advantage of the momentum and threw it towards the fly.

Ah Gui hurriedly used her qi breath to roll up the baby in mid-air and hugged her in her arms.

But the woman that Yanyan pulled up died after the blow just now, the woman's back was completely dented by the spell, completely deformed.

Yanyan and Agui, who were standing on the fly, didn't speak.

The child in Agui's arms was sprayed with blood all over his face by the woman, and suddenly let out a hoarse cry, as if he sensed his mother's departure.

And on both sides of the flying path, the corpses of ordinary people are everywhere, and the streets are full of blood...

The Gaomen noble mansion is protected by an enchantment, those red-eyed monks can't break into it for a while, and these ordinary people have become the most innocent victims.

Looking at the city in front of me like a purgatory on earth, I can hear the hoarse cries of a baby who lost its mother...

Yan Yan, who was standing on the flying board, suddenly said to Ah Gui: "Uncle Gui, don't go to the Kong Mansion for now, please come out of the city..."

 It's the beginning of the month, ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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