Chapter 74 Confessions
The book was released on October 10th and updated daily. Now it has 10 words. The strange world of mountains and seas has taken shape. The story in the future is still long and more exciting.Yuxiao will strive to present a magnificent and colorful fantasy world to everyone.

From the beginning of the preparation of the work, Yuxiao has done a lot of homework and read a wide range of books, including myths, history, traditional culture, and even classical scriptures...

I have always longed for the similarities between traditional Chinese mythology and traditional culture.Therefore, when I wrote a book before, I created all the themes of ancient Chinese proverbs, but because I love mythology most, I dare not touch it lightly.After two completed works worth more than one million, with a certain degree of tempering and foundation, I have some confidence to carve out the mythical world in my heart.

The background of the story is based on the simple and unadorned "Shan Hai Jing" story elements, which also involves the classic essence of "Sou Shen Ji", "You Yang Miscellaneous", "Huai Nan Zi" Ancestors!) For practicing mental methods, refer to "Zhou Yi Can Tong Qi", "Lao Zhuang" and so on.

Although she is a female Xuan, I still hope that she will be grand and magnificent.

Although Yuxiao's first two novels are about a country and a dynasty, they still haven't reached the ideal world view in her mind.

I want to create a world that can not only show the vast and profound Chinese classical traditional culture, but also have a mysterious and imaginative reading experience.

Thus, there is a world of mountains and seas, and there is a sassy and eye-catching Yan Yan.

At present, this volume is gradually approaching two or three big climaxes in the future. There will be a battle feast, a decisive battle between pros and villains, the awakening of the deputy star, and the return of Canghua... There is also the day of the spiritual root, the one glimpsed by Canghua. A mysterious power will also appear.

There are six volumes in total, and the six sub-volumes are closely connected with each other. The macroscopic vision and world structure will gradually unfold with the growth of the plot and the protagonist, and advance in waves. Everyone will follow Yanyan's footsteps and appreciate the mountains and seas The vientiane gesture of the vast world.

The current 160,000 words are basically the foundation of the world view and the big structure, but only in the corner of the picture of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains, the splendid picture scroll is just beginning to emerge.

After the six stars reset, Canghua lifted the seal and reappeared on the altar. Yanyan and several emperors faced the catastrophe of the mountain and sea world together, and Chi'e's barbaric invasion... soon to reveal the shocking conspiracy and the great crisis of the mountain and sea world.

Accidentally revealed so much (0 )
Regarding the successful signing and recommendation of this book on Qidian, Yu Xiao would like to thank the editor Lianqiao for her guidance and valuable advice, and also thank Qidian for giving me the opportunity to present the story in my heart.

Finally, the most important thing is to thank every reader and friend for their support, encouragement and companionship.

Yuxiao hopes to make more friends who like traditional classical culture through this book, and Yuxiao will also send out more beautiful texts related to traditional culture with beautiful pictures to share with you.

There will be various wonderful activities in the book review area from time to time, and Yuxiao has also prepared exquisite small gifts. She often visits book reviews, and there are guaranteed surprises!
Available tomorrow!

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Starting from the beginning of next month, there will be double changes every day, and it will break out from time to time depending on the situation.Yuxiao will announce the time of daily release at that time, so that you can read it conveniently.

Every work is the hard work of the author. In addition to hoping to get more recognition, the author is also a living person, and he also needs to support his family. Thank you for supporting the genuine subscription, thank you!

Yuxiaoling readers qq group: 317327479
(End of this chapter)

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