Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 751 In the Name of God

Chapter 751 In the Name of God
Xiezhi lowered his eyes and pondered, but did not speak.

Ai Ran: "Since all the foxes in the world are involved in this matter, then this fruit should be shared by the foxes in the world."

Xiezhi frowned: "This is the authority of the gods. I will discuss the case and not ask about the affairs of the fox clan."

Yan Yan also looked at Ai Ran,

What Xie Zhi said was correct, people only care about the affairs of the parties, not about the affairs of the foxes in the world.

Ai Ran suddenly looked up at the sky, and said in a loud voice: "Today, in the name of Qingqiu Divine Lord, I announce the fox clan commandment, and use my fox clan's luck in the next thousand years to compensate for this disaster to the human race, so as to serve as an example to others. !"

At this point, Ai Ran's eyes suddenly brightened, her divine power was released, and the aura belonging to the noble Nine Tails dissipated in an instant.

Ai Ran's eyes were fluorescent, and behind her was a huge virtual image of a nine-tailed fox standing with its head held high.

Ai Ran said every word, with a solemn expression: "From today onwards, my fox clan is not allowed to cultivate human form for a thousand years, and all the luck I have suffered will be paid to the human race!"

Just when Ai Ran said the phrase "in the name of the God of Qingqiu", every word she uttered formed an entity in the void that engulfed her divine breath.

When she finished speaking, these solid words began to overlap one by one, and finally formed a golden imperial order that slowly ascended to the sky.

This time, even Xie Zhi did not make a sound to stop him.

Queen Qingqiu is willing to exchange the luck of the whole family for the life of the younger generation of Shenhu. This matter is an internal matter of the fox family, and it is more related to the general trend of the family's prosperity and decline in the next thousand years.

The golden imperial order ascended to the sky, and soon, strands of golden rain fell from the void.

Curious, Yan Yan stretched out her hand to catch some golden rain silk in her palm, only to realize that it was not the golden rain, but Ai Ran's words just now.

Every golden raindrop falls on the palm of your hand, and when it shatters, it is the exact words that Ai Ran said:

Starting today, our fox clan is not allowed to cultivate human form for a thousand years, and all the luck we cultivate will be paid back to the human race!

This is the exchange of Aidan has been promised by Heaven.

The way of heaven sprinkled the promise of love and dyeing to all living beings and announced it to the world.

When Tiandao Luoxia Airan announced the punishment of the fox clan as a god, the huge nine-tailed phantom behind her dissipated at the same time.

Yan Yan found that Ai Ran's face was much paler than before.

I don't know if promulgating such an edict will affect her divine power.

Yan Yan guessed that Ai Ran's divine power should be blessed by the luck of the entire fox clan.

The loss of fox clan's luck should have affected her divine power.

However, although she is not sure about Ai Ran's side, Yanyan knows that the Fox Clan cannot transform into a human form for a thousand years, which will definitely have a great impact on the luck of the entire Fox Clan.

The head of all spirits in the mountain and sea world is the human race.

The luck of the human race is prosperous and long-distance, and they occupy the famous mountains and lakes in the world where the spiritual energy is exuberant.

Although most of the human race are mortals without cultivation, the human race has created an alternative prosperity other than the sect of cultivating immortals by virtue of its innate wisdom that surpasses almost all living beings.

The prosperity created by ordinary human races can also condense luck.

Although these towns where mortals gather will not be able to form a powerful and majestic gathering of luck like the Xiuxian Zongmen, they will gather sand to form towers, prosperous offspring will multiply, civilization will continue to progress, and trade will prosper...It can still accumulate the aura of the entire group. transport.

And those big demons who have become powerful, the reason why they try to transform themselves into humans is to mix into the human society and use the powerful luck of the human race to improve their own luck.

At the same time, it is also to improve the luck of one's own race.

The big river is full of water, and the small river is full of water. With the back of the big tree, you can enjoy the shade, and you can get some light by being next to a group of powerful luck like the human race.

And Ai Ran's decision undoubtedly completely cut off the blessing of the Fox Clan's own luck for thousands of years.

The fox clan cannot be human for a thousand years, which means that from now on, no matter how powerful the big fox is, he can no longer transform into a human, unless his life is long enough to live for a thousand years.

It means that the fox clan can no longer use the luck of the human race to bless themselves as before.

The fox clan is the easiest to cultivate in human form, and it is almost one of the monster clans most closely related to the human race.

Fox demons were also the first to be accepted in the human world.

Even some ordinary people's families also make offerings to fox demons as their town houses to drive away those low-level demons and ghosts and protect young children.

This is also the status among the human race that the fox clan has won for their own race for thousands of years.

In other words, it is also the glory of the fox clan.

However, not being able to transform into a human for a thousand years is to cut off this opportunity abruptly, which is an incalculable loss to the entire fox clan.

Ai Ran used the thousand-year luck of the entire fox clan to save the life of the younger Shenhu, which was actually a disadvantage in terms of economic value.

The luck of the entire fox family has been greatly damaged, and it is also a huge loss to Ai Ran's own divine power.

If this matter is placed on the human race, it will probably be recorded by the historian as "the monarch is selfish and unkind."

But Yanyan felt that, in fact, what Ai Ran said just now was not wrong.

Although Bai Xiaowu was the cause of this whole incident, there was indeed not a single drop of monk blood on Bai Xiaowu's hands.

If it were on Earth, Bai Xiaowu would be sentenced to joint and several liability at most, not a capital crime.

The ones who made the real mistake of the Fox Clan were Auntie Ba and those greedy foxes who came here, thinking from a fair standpoint, Ai Ran didn't actually favor her own children.

The overall luck of the fox family has suffered a huge loss, as has Ai Ran's divine power, which will definitely have a great impact on her future practice.

From this point of view, the Qingqiu Shenhu family was also punished, but the object of punishment was transferred from Bai Xiaowu to Ai Ran.

Note: "Shan Hai Jing Overseas East Classic": "Qingqiu country is in the north, and its fox has four legs and nine tails. One day is in the north of Chaoyang."

"Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing": "Three hundred miles to the east, there is a mountain called Qingqiu... there is a beast, which looks like a fox with nine tails, and its sound is like a baby.

Although it is said here that the nine-tailed cannibal, but later it is said that "the eater is not bewitched". Eating it can avoid being bewitched, which means that its meat has a certain medicinal value.In fact, Xiao believes that most of the alien beasts and monsters in "Shan Hai Jing" are actually cannibals, and the key depends on whether they have actual use value.

Later, Guo Pu annotated "Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Dong Jing" and recorded that "there is a country with green hills, and there is a fox with nine tails".

The nine tails here have become auspicious beasts that symbolize prosperity.

Regarding the status of foxes in human society, there is a lost article in "Lushi Chunqiu": Dayu's wife, Tushan's Nvjiao, is the incarnation of Nine Tails.

Legend has it that when Dayu came to Tushan (according to research in Songxian County, Henan Province), he met a white fox with nine tails, and heard Tushan people singing: "Suisui white fox, Pangpang nine tails, if you get married here, your descendants will be prosperous." ", so Dayu married Nvjiao, a daughter of the Tushan clan.

According to research, the Tu Shan family is the earliest tribe with the nine-tailed fox as its totem.

The contents of these chapters are all related to Qingqiu Nine-Tailed Fox, so I will repeat a few allusions and history of Nine-Tailed Fox here, so as to bring a satisfactory end to the trouble caused by the little fox.

(End of this chapter)

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