Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 764 Women and tools are two different things

Chapter 764 Women and tools are two different things

The reason why Miao Jingchen is confident is because he understands a truth: as long as he is a superior, he is reluctant to kill someone who is really capable!
He felt that he was this kind of capable person who could make the superiors rare.

Qi Wuji quietly listened to Miao Jingchen's explanation of everything, lightly tapped the table with his fingers, and said slowly, "I have one last question."

Miao Jingchen cupped his hands again: "Young Master, just ask."

Qi Wuji: "I'm a little curious. Jin Lanjiao's elopement with someone is also your handwriting behind it, right? After all, you have calculated all those families, and there is no reason not to count the Jin family."

Miao Jingchen smiled calmly: "Naturally! In order to control the Jin family, Jin Lanjiao is my fiancee. She was not a woman before marriage. If I am willing to marry her in, the Jin family will not let me go." kneading?"

Qi Wuji nodded: "Miao Jingchen, actually, I really admire you. In order to achieve your goal, you can even frame your own woman. You are really ruthless!"

Miao Jingchen shook his head slightly: "I never regarded Jin Lanjiao as my woman. Even if she marries me, she is just one of the tools I use. Tools and women are completely different things."

Speaking of this, Miao Jingchen cast his eyes on Qi Wuji: "On this point, Young Master Qi must have the same feeling as me. Jin Lanjiao is to me, just like the fiancées that Master Qi ordered for Young Master. In Young Master Qi's heart, those few fiancees of yours are not really your women."

He had heard that Qi Wuji had hidden Yan Yan in the Qi mansion for many days.

There were even rumors outside that this guy would not allow Yanyan to leave his side so domineeringly.

But in Hanxiang Palace, Qi Wuji would still pretend to be in love with Miao Qiyan in public.

Men, not all of them.

Regarding the topic of "fiancée", Qi Wuji was noncommittal.

As if he was finally full, he threw the silver knife in his hand on the table, and a wicked and childish smile appeared on Qi Wuji's face again.

"Last question. On the way to this yard, you said that you still have a hole card to save your life. I want to know, what is that hole card?"

Miao Jingchen smiled: "With the wisdom of the young master, it should not be difficult to guess."

This praise Qi Wuji accepted generously again, nodded and said: "Well, it's not difficult, but I don't bother to guess such a simple thing, I just like to hear you say it yourself."

Miao Jingchen twitched the corners of his mouth: This guy is really thick-skinned.

"The young master must have discovered that many female family members of our Qi manor were also involved in today's incident, but only my second sister Miao Qiyan was not seen."

Qi Wuji nodded: "Well, I haven't seen your mother either."

Miao Jingchen: "..."

Does this guy miss the point if he is obedient?

However, Miao Jingchen was quite patient with Qi Wuji at the moment, and continued: "I have heard that the blood of the Qi family is noble, and it is not easy to have an heir, which is why the master of the Qi family ordered three marriages for you in one go. "

"Second sister is pregnant with the young master's flesh and blood, so that child is naturally honorable and noble. Although I included my entire Miao clan in it, I placed second sister in a safe place early on.

"I can assure you that even if the entire Juyan Fort is turned over, Second Sister and her baby will be safe and sound."

Qi Wuji slowly approached the brocade couch, and said with a smile, "So, you saved my child for me."

Miao Jingchen nodded: "Exactly!"

Qi Wuji looked comprehensible, and then nodded: "Oh, the hole card you left is really good, so I should thank you very much."

Miao Jingchen didn't speak, just lowered his head and smiled.A look of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Even if Qi Wuji could deal with the entire Miao Mansion, he would definitely have reservations about Miao Qiyan.

Leaving Miao Qiyan as the second player, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this trump card.

Just as Qi Wuji was about to speak, a black-robed guard came in from outside the courtyard.

Walking closer, the black-robed guard pressed his arms obliquely on his chest, performed a foreign etiquette to Qi Wuji, and replied respectfully: "Young master, there is a girl named Miao at the door, and she wants to see you."

Qi Wuji raised his eyebrows: "My surname is Miao?" Then he looked at Miao Jingchen.

Miao Jingchen shook his head: "I didn't arrange this on purpose."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help smiling lightly: "Second sister must have come. Such a big event happened in the city today, and the second sister was worried about the young master, so she came to visit her in person. It just so happens that what I just said is not true, when the second sister comes, Just ask her face to face."

Qi Wuji curled his lips into a smile: "Since that's the case, then invite everyone to this courtyard."

The black-robed guard went in response.

But after a while, a girl with a slim figure and plain skirt was brought in, followed by an elderly mother.

The girl followed the guard respectfully and stepped into the courtyard.

Even though she was dressed in plain clothes, it was still difficult to hide the girl's elegant temperament and her pampering habit of growing up in a wealthy family for a long time.

Seeing the person coming, Miao Jingchen was startled for a moment, then frowned.

He did not expect that the person who came was not Miao Qiyan, but Miao Hanyan, the eldest daughter of the Miao family.

When Miao Hanyan came in, he only raised his eyes and glanced at the few people in Lueyuan, then walked to Qi Wuji's bed, with his willow waist slightly bowed, "Hanyan, the eldest daughter of the Miao family, has seen Mr. host."

The nanny who followed has followed Miao Hanyan closely since she entered the door, and when she saw her salute, she quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qi Wuji.

Qi Wuji raised his eyebrows: "Oh, so it's Missy."

Hearing that Qi Wuji seemed a little surprised, Miao Hanyan's face was always calm, and he nodded slightly: "Exactly, is the young master waiting for someone else?"

Qi Wuji smiled: "Oh, I didn't, it's just that your second brother said that it was Miao Qiyan who came, and I took it really as your sister."

Miao Qiyan smiled slightly: "Second brother really mentioned the second sister to the young master. Such a big event happened in the city today, so the young master must also be worried about the safety of the second sister and the fetus in her womb, right?"

Qi Wuji smiled: "Hahahaha! I guess you came here specially at this time, probably because you wanted to tell me that you also worked so hard to save my Qifu's heir for me."

Miao Jingchen on the opposite side stared at Miao Qiyan.

At such a critical moment, Miao Hanyan suddenly came to Qi Mansion, what is she going to do?
Miao Jingchen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, Miao Hanyan is considered gentle and sensible, knows the general situation, and is known as the eldest daughter in the clan.

But Miao Jingchen knew that the eldest daughter of the Miao family was not a cheap lamp.

When she was only five years old, when a kitten ran past her feet, she accidentally snagged her favorite gauze dress.Miao Qiyan laughed generously in front of all the servants, but she privately revealed the old belt of her servant in the yard, and hung the cat around her neck on a tree to hang it alive.

It was the second aunt's cat. Afterwards, the second aunt held accountable, found out the owner of the belt, and naturally disposed of the servant in her courtyard.She, the real murderer, has nothing to do with it.

Ever since that incident, Miao Jingchen knew that this eldest lady was definitely a kind-faced and evil-hearted person with a deep scheming heart.

Among the juniors in the entire Miao Mansion, if he is said to be deep in the city, this young lady of the Miao Mansion is definitely second.

(End of this chapter)

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