Chapter 775 Running away
Withdrawing her gaze, she landed on the monk's frightened face again. Yan Yan put her two fingers together, and a ray of green wood power flowed out from her fingertips. She lightly tapped on the monk's brow.

The pure power of green wood has the effect of calming and tranquilizing the mind.

Sure enough, the monk's expression quickly returned to calm.

He turned his stiff neck and saw Yanyan's appearance clearly, his expression became extremely painful, and his utterance was difficult: "Miao, all the people in Miao's mansion are gone."

Yan Yan raised her eyebrows: "Did they all die in the Qi Mansion?"

The monk nodded vigorously, and tremblingly said what he saw with his dry and moulted lips...

Stepping up the steps, Yan Yan didn't knock on the door, and stretched out her hand to push the door of Qi Mansion.

The door of Qi Mansion was still unbolted, and it opened with a light push.

Yan Yan strode across the threshold and walked in.

In fact, the main gate of Qi Mansion has never been bolted, but outsiders don't know it, thinking that the gate of Qi Mansion is tightly bolted all day long.

This secret has not been discovered all these years, because in the entire Juyan Fort, no one dared to push the door of Qi Mansion directly.

Standing inside the door, Yan Yan looked around at the courtyard in front of her.

Qi Mansion still lived with her for such a long time, and the layout of the environment he saw every day was exactly the same.

However, the monk from the Miao Mansion just said that these houses are all alive, and he would change places...

Yan Yan looked at those peacefully standing houses, there were foundations, bricks and tiles, mottled old moss on the corners of the walls...

It is completely no different from the architecture of ordinary wealthy mansions.

But Yan Yan believed that what the monk said was true.

He said that all the people from the Miao Mansion, including Miao Jingchen, had entered the mansion.

As for whether they were all dead, the monk didn't see it with his own eyes, and he escaped temporarily.

After Yanyan asked clearly, she let him escape.

She believed that what the monks in the Miao Mansion said was true.

There are indeed too many secrets that she has not discovered in this Qifu.

These houses that can be moved at any time;

the gigantic one-eyed monster;

frequent space-time gaps;
There is also a honeycomb barrier arranged with space power that covers the entire Qi mansion.

Where did the Qi mansion's space power come from?

All these questions were added together, Yanyan always felt that there seemed to be some kind of connection here, but she couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

Yanyan walked towards the hot spring courtyard.

In fact, she didn't care much about the fate of Miao Jingchen or the entire Miao family.

Yan Yan knew that, with Qi Wuji's personality, she would definitely not let Miao Jingchen go.

Juyan Fort is Qi Wuji's painstaking effort, Miao Jingchen ruined it for him, he will definitely put the blame on Miao Jingchen or the Miao family.

Although Xiezhi is a magic beast, like all gods, he does not interfere with human affairs.

In this world of mountains and seas, the human race does not have a celestial emperor, but only many forces or sects that dominate one side.

These powerful sects are the laws and regulations of that side.

In this world, there are secret wars and wars among the various forces, there are territorial disputes, and there are also merchant wars.

Specific to this incident in Juyanbao City, the whole family of the Miao family was destroyed by Qi Wuji, which is also the rule of this world.

The law of the jungle is more vividly reflected in the world of mountains and seas.

The reason why Yanyan of the entire Miao family was involved was not surprising at all.

She felt that with Miao Yueqing's shrewdness, it was impossible for him not to be aware of these things his son did. Maybe he silently supported him as an old man.

There are also Miao Qiyan, Miao Hanyan, Miao San...

Yanyan thinks of the greedy or vicious eyes of the Miao family, and feels that this family has no good things, and they deserve to die!

Sister Lan's marriage just happened to be saved after she died.

By the way, the Miao family's property is converted to Kongfu to fill it...


Thinking about these miscellaneous things casually in her heart, Yan Yan stepped into the small hot spring courtyard.

There was a lot of commotion outside, but luckily the place was quiet.

In the last auction of the day before yesterday, Shao Yun felt unwell, so he left her alone in the yard to recuperate.

Ax was quite enthusiastic and found two little maids to help take care of it.

When Yan Yan left, the small courtyard was settled properly.

Although Qi Wuji is not a good person, but Yan Yan believes that Shao Yunxin will be safe in his house, and Qi Wuji will not do anything to a girl's family.

But when the door was opened, Shao Yunxin's room was empty.

The room was clean and tidy, and the bedding on the bed was neatly folded.

Yan Yan scanned the room, walked to the bed, and pressed her palms on the bed.

A golden stream of light escaped from her palm, spread out and extended to the entire bed...

Yanyan closed her eyes, and carefully felt the aura belonging to Shao Yunxin left on the bed.

The golden breath slowly dissipated outwards, but it floated out of the doors and windows after a while.

Slowly opening her eyes, Yanyan slightly raised her eyebrows.

Shao Yunxin has already left Qi Mansion.

However, judging from the aura left in the space she felt, Shao Yunxin was very calm when she left, and the aura lingered for a long time, which showed that she was still safe and sound at the moment.

Since Shao Yunxin left voluntarily and she was fine, Yan Yan was also relieved.

Now that the Miao Mansion is gone, and the Reincarnation Hall is too busy to take care of itself, even if Shao Yunxin goes out alone, she will basically not encounter any danger, and she naturally regains her freedom of coming and going.

Leaving the hot spring courtyard, Yan Yan went straight to Qi Wuji's dormitory.

She now has to solve the last thing, and the most critical thing, to retrieve the Rabbit Stone.

The reason why it is called "retrieval" is because Yanyan has no doubts now that the Rabbit Stone is in Qi Wuji's hands.

The last auction was completely a scene directed and acted by Qi Wuji.

As for who he directed Yanyan to, she didn't know, but she knew that Qi Wuji probably guessed that she wanted to participate in the last auction.

That's why he sent the table full of priceless gems before the auction.

Qi Wuji is quite smart.

He wanted to cheat on the Rabbit Stone, and he didn't want her to take his revenge, so he gave her a lot of exquisite spirit stones in advance, so that she would have the capital to sell them on the day of the auction.

So that afterward, even if she loses the Rabbit Stone, she won't turn against him because of the superb spiritual stones he sponsored.

It's just that Qi Wuji didn't expect that on the day of the auction, Yanyan didn't plan to use the spirit stones he gave at all.

This surprised Qi Wuji a little.

What Yan Yan was waiting to catch was his unexpected eyes.

Apparently Qi Wuji didn't expect Yanyan to be so courageous.

I didn't expect her to be so obsessed with Rabbit Stone.

He didn't expect at all that Yanyan had the attitude of taking pictures when she could, and grabbing if she couldn't.

She is utterly inevitable!
Therefore, when Yanyan opened the door of the auction room, she suddenly turned around and saw Qi Wuji's unexpected and caught off guard eyes.

At that moment, she understood everything.

In the end, the host's provocative expression further confirmed Yan Yan's guess.

All of this was arranged long ago.

Besides Qi Wuji, there is no one else who can make such an overall arrangement in Hanxiang Palace.

Therefore, the person she will face next is Qi Wuji.

 Excessive chapters, string together the plot, the exciting will continue later...

(End of this chapter)

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