Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 8 The original body of this gentleman

Chapter 8 The original body of this gentleman

"Yanyan, you are not from here, are you? You are from another place, right?"

Yanyan didn't speak, and only focused on the task at hand.

Ai Xiang continued on her own: "I heard you talking in your sleep. The words you said in your dreams are very strange, not local dialect at all, and you know so many strange things."

"What you know, even the longest-lived elder of our medicine clan doesn't know. Your world must be a very amazing place, and the people in your place are as ingenious as you. Do you know everything?"

When Ai Xiang was talking, Yan Yan kept her head down and did not say a word, as if she didn't hear her at all.

The world is so different from the world of mountains and seas, even if Ai Xiang is explained, she can't imagine it at all. Yanyan doesn't want to talk too deeply with her.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ai Xiang decided not to ask any more questions.She knows that Yan Yan is stubborn, if she doesn't want to say it, no matter what you do, the end result will be the same.

The fermented dough quickly turned into a beautiful spiral-shaped dim sum dough in Yanyan's hands, and then it was placed on the fire and slowly toasted.

The air soon diffused the aroma of burnt rice noodles and sweet flesh. It was only halfway through roasting, and Ai Xiang swallowed her saliva.

It was so fragrant that Ai Xiang felt that she could eat her own tongue just by smelling it.

After the dim sum was baked, Yanyan took out the rest of the raccoon meat and roasted it, chopped it, and sprinkled it with homemade salt and pepper and wild sesame seeds.The roasted meat is sandwiched into the dim sum base, and then the ganhua fruit pulp is used to decorate the surface of the dim sum. Finally, the roasted meat oil is used to paint the surface of the pastry with yellow and orange.

Yan Yan looked carefully, the golden and crisp shell, the round and lovely shape, coupled with the unique plump and delicious fresh flesh, it looks good!

The snacks were wrapped with clean ganhua leaves, and Yanyan made a few small snacks from the remaining dough and minced meat, as dry food for the two of them.

After eating the snacks, Ai Xiang licked her fingers eagerly: "You are so capable, compared to you, I feel like a pig."

Yanyan's face was solemn: "Don't insult the pig!"

Ai Xiang: "..."

This girl is good everywhere, but her mouth is too sharp.

At night, when Ai Xiang fell asleep, Yan Yan couldn't wait to say in her heart: "Enter!"

……no response?

Yan Yan read it again

...No response yet?
do it again

...still no response!

Yan Yan's heart began to slam up with anger.

It can't be opened at all, that guy won't fool her, right?

After reading it dozens of times, Yan Yan was completely out of patience.

Try again one last time, if it doesn't work, she won't bother with this shit!

Yan Yan tried to concentrate again, clenched his fists tightly, and muttered a series of silent words in his heart: "Jin Jin Jin Jin..."


Come in... come!
Standing in the Sumeru Realm, Yan Yan looked down at his sweaty palms, and a group of mud horses were running wildly in his heart.

Isn't other people's golden fingers easily manipulated with just thoughts?Some even took the initiative to communicate with the protagonist. Why is it her turn to use brute force in addition to thoughts?
Could it be that this thing has not been used for a long time and has rusted?
"Stop talking nonsense!"

A low reprimand came from the opposite side, Yan Yan raised his head, and met Shang Canghua's slightly sullen starry purple eyes.

Canghua is obviously unhappy at the moment, but it doesn't matter that his face still fascinates all beings, making it difficult for people and gods to hold on.Especially at the moment when she was angry, she lost a bit of her phantom beauty and added a heroic spirit, bullying Shuangxue, her bones were full of cold pine.

Yanyan's gaze stayed on his face for a few seconds, then quietly retracted, and gently placed the snacks she brought in front of the railing outside the alcove.

"I made this. No one in your world would know how to make this. Let me give you a taste."

Cang Hua lowered his eyes, glanced at Dim Sum, and returned to Yan Yan: "What do you want to ask?"

Yan Yan was surprised: "Can you hear what I said to Ai Xiang?"

Canghua's face was serene: "More than that, everything you can perceive, even though I am in this environment, I also know it."

Yan Yan's eyes widened suddenly: "Does that mean I can communicate with you with my consciousness at any time?"

Canghua nodded.

Yanyan's eyes lit up immediately, and just about to continue, Canghua added another sentence: "The theory should be so, but you are now a mortal without spiritual power, and it is difficult for you to enter and leave the Sumeru Realm, and you want to communicate with my spiritual consciousness. Basically impossible!"

Yan Yancai's unexpected surprise was immediately overwhelmed, and at the same time, she also understood that it wasn't that the golden finger was not easy to use, but that she herself was not good at using it.

Although Canghua's big truth made Yanyan very hurt, it was the truth, she was not hypocritical, she quickly adjusted her mentality, and asked out the doubts that had been simmering in her heart all day.

"Ai Xiang said that the spring of this world has disappeared for 3000 years. Yesterday you said that you have been in this Sumeru Realm for 3000 years. I want to know, is the disappearance of spring related to you?"

Canghua lowered his eyes slightly: "You are right, this matter is indeed related to me."

"Then you are the God of Spring in this world?" Yan Yan blurted out and asked again.

Cang Hua frowned, as if considering her words, and finally shook his head: "Not all of them. I have other things in charge besides Spring."

"So, you are a real fairy?" This is what she cares most about.

This person in front of him is a real god, so what he said yesterday to help her go back probably wasn't to lie to her.

Canghua didn't even think about it this time, and shook his head decisively.

Disappointed, his face was filled with flames, and even his eyes dimmed.

Seeing her expression change so quickly, Canghua couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "I said I'm not a fairy, but it makes you so depressed?"

After getting the exact answer, Yanyan was no longer interested in chatting: "You are neither a fairy, so naturally you can't help me. Forget it, I should figure out my own way. Anyway, thank you..."

"You expect mere immortals to tear apart the space? Heh!"

Canghua snorted, turned around and was about to enter the alcove, but his robe was caught by something, looking back, he found that Yanyan stretched out a hand and was pulling the corner of his clothes.

Grabbing Canghua, Yanyan herself was taken aback.

In fact, she just wanted to make a pulling movement. She thought that the person he turned into a puff of smoke could be pulled, but she didn't expect that even the robe was real.

The hem of the man's clothes was already in her hands, Yan Yan was shy in her heart, she could only cooperate with showing a cute look on her face, and took advantage of the opportunity to push Dim Sum towards Cang Hua, raised her head, and smiled.

"It's because I don't know gold and jade. You are so powerful, you won't care about me as a mortal. Your last sentence has a different tone, can you explain it more clearly?"

Canghua sneered: "You understand now, and you want to come back and continue trading with me. You are a capricious person, and you are not worthy of working with me!"

Facing Cang Hua's cold and glamorous face, Yan Yan felt amused in her heart.The thousand-year-old monster is quite arrogant.

But Yan Yan smiled more and more on her face: "Confucius has a famous saying, only women and villains are difficult to raise. I am young and I am a girl. I have both, so don't worry about it. "While speaking, Yan Yan clamped her fingers on the hem of the robe and tugged lightly.

Canghua frowned slightly, raised his hand to take back the robe from Yanyan's fingers, but did not go back.

Yan Yan quietly pursed her lower lip.

It's so straight.

It doesn't matter to her, those who achieve great things are always informal, not to mention being soft will not lose meat.

Yanyan took the opportunity to ask: "I have only been in this world for a few days, and I don't have much experience. You just said that immortals can't tear apart space. Could it be that your cultivation is still higher than immortals?"

Canghua: "Immortals are acquired by the human race; gods are the self-born spirits of the heaven and the earth. There is an essential difference between the two. Human immortals are already the ultimate cultivation of the human race. Only the naturally born spirits can prove the status of gods." True fruit."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yanyan suddenly opened her eyes wide and pointed at Canghua: "You are a god?"

Canghua's face was calm: "This gentleman is the lord of the Eastern Constellations, named Qingdi, who controls the power of the five elements of Jiamu, and my name is Canghua."

"Gulu..." Yanyan could clearly hear the sound of herself swallowing.

Dongfang Xingxiu, Qingdi, Chunshen... there is a real god in her space!

"So, you're not human?" Yan Yan asked a bit bluntly, and only realized it after she said it out loud, her own words were a bit inappropriate.

Canghua didn't seem to care, and still had a gentle temperament that was not stained with wind, moon and dust, and nodded slightly: "I am indeed not a human race. The appearance you see at this moment is my spiritual transformation. My original body is the nine-tailed black dragon."

Nine-tailed black dragon? !
Yanyan can't express the complicated mood at this moment with words...

She has heard a lot about the Nine-Tailed Fox, what the hell is the Nine-Tailed Dragon?

Yanyan thought of "Sou Shen Ji" that she had read before, Dongfang XingXiu, in charge of Chunshi, controlled the power of Jiamu Yimu, and the ruler of its star master was Canglong.

But these are not the key points for Yanyan.The point is, she has to figure out, how can she use his divine power to return to Earth?

(End of this chapter)

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