Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 810 Didn't Control the Heat Well

Chapter 810 Didn't Control the Heat Well

While speaking, Yan Yan saw that the originally gentle flame on the cauldron's mouth suddenly became fierce and blazing.

Because there were too many spirit stones, some spirit stones were not completely submerged in the belly of the tripod, and all of them were piled up on the mouth of the tripod, which looked like a large cornucopia.

But Lie Shanding's power is not affected by too many spirit stones at all.The temperature of the flame suddenly increased, and the exposed spirit stone that had not yet sunk into the belly of the cauldron melted and evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye like a snowball meeting a charcoal fire...

This scene made Deng Wenming's eyes shine brightly: "All of them are taken in, so many spirit stones are refined in one go, Master Ding is really domineering and mighty! My tripod can only smelt three hundred spirit stones at most. The stone will hold up to the sky, and if there are more, the furnace will explode."

Lie Shanding stood firmly on the spot, with a huge flame on the mouth of the tripod, without any pressure at all.

Hearing Deng Wenming's emotion, Lie Shanding said with a smile: "Xiao Wenming, you can't be regarded as purified. What you have cultivated is still a spar lump, but it has a little less impurities than before, but Yan girl can't eat stones. So she still can't use it directly after you made it."

After finishing speaking, Lie Shanding shook his big belly, laughed and said: "Your technique can be regarded as fusion at most. Later, Master Ding will show you what real purification is!"

Yanyan and Deng Wenming all laughed.

Lie Shanding, who rekindled his natal flame, is more confident than before.

Yanyan silently looked towards Canghua not far away, completely unaffected by this side, still reading a book quietly.

Canghua let Lie Shanding swallow the Heaven and Earth Furnace Talisman, maybe it wasn't just to help her rescue the disciples of the White Mist Palace, maybe it also meant to help Lie Shanding rekindle the flame of the body.

After all, Canghua's actions are deep and introverted, but as long as he does the work himself, almost every time he maximizes his benefits.

Canghua, he is really a capable and calculating god.

After about half a stick of incense, the animal face on Ding's body suddenly swelled, feeling a bit like constipation, and a word came out from the animal's mouth dullly: "Press!"

The flames at the mouth of the tripod seemed to be able to understand the words. The originally tall white flames immediately covered the belly of the tripod.

Finally, all the long white flames were pressed into the belly of the cauldron, and those spirit stones piled up like hills all disappeared.

Under Yan Yan and Deng Wenming's horrified and expectant eyes, the flame in Lie Shanding's belly gradually changed its shape.

The shape of the flame dissipated completely, covering the entire belly of the tripod like water, and from time to time, waves of fire splashed out of the tripod's mouth with a loud "pop!", exploding a small flame spray.

Yanyan curiously wants to go over to have a look.

But before it got close to the body of the tripod, it was immediately pushed away by the scorching air waves.

"So hot!"

Yanyan rubbed her face, feeling that the moisture in her skin was almost dried up at that moment.

Steel can be made at this temperature.

Lie Shanding smiled and said: "This is not a joke. The fire in my old cauldron's furnace is comparable to the real fire of Samadhi, and I swallowed the furnace fire of Master Suzaku. Don't say that you only have a golden core cultivation base, even if you throw it in at the state of transformation Before he could say anything, he could be cremated."

Yanyan smacked his tongue.

Worthy of a spiritual soldier.

The next time you meet someone you can't beat, let's go out for a barbecue!
While speaking, Shi Xiang burned another two inches.

The white flames overflowing from Lie Shanding's mouth gradually sank, as if the water had been radiated.

The burning sensation wrapped around Ding's body also faded away quickly, Yan Yan and Deng Wenming rushed to Ding's side impatiently, and leaned over to look inside.

Then Yanyan fell silent.

Deng Wenming stared at Yan Yan for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Yan Yan with eyes full of sympathy.

Yan Yan gritted her teeth, not reconciled, she reached into the bottom of the furnace to touch.

The tentacles are warm, and the only thing I can touch is the hard metal cauldron wall with residual warmth, but even if it is the cauldron wall, Yan Yan has touched it several times...

I didn't touch anything!
This time, Yan Yan's complexion was completely ugly.

Straightening up, she took a few steps back and looked at Lie Shanding with a serious expression: "Did you just find your own fire, you were so excited, you didn't control the fire well, and burned all my spirit stones? "

Deng Wenming silently moved back to his stove.

Just now when Yanyan was questioning, he felt that the temperature in Xumi Realm had dropped several degrees.

But he could understand Yanyan's anger, after all, so many spirit stones were burned away, even a generous person couldn't stand it.

It's not just about money, it's about everyone's hard work.

Then Deng Wenming looked at Lie Shanding with a complicated expression.

Master Ding played too much this time, and burned all of Yan's money.

This girl can't play with it?

It would not be possible to scrap Lie Shanding directly and return it to the furnace, but it would definitely not be easy for Yanyan to pass this hurdle.

The atmosphere in Xumi Realm fell into a strange silence...

"Bang bang bang..."

Lie Shanding shook his body and laughed: "Hey, are you scared?"

Yan Yan frowned, her face was expressionless, she looked at the pair of big animal eyes on Ding's body, and said nothing.

"Bang bang bang..."

Lie Shanding shook the tripod body again, then closed his eyes, gradually a cloud and mist began to evaporate in the belly of the tripod, and a cloud of white mist slowly emerged from the center of the cloud and mist.

There is brilliance entangled around the white mist group, like the bright moon rising from the clouds, quietly hanging on the white mist churning at the mouth of the tripod.

In Xumi Realm, the wind stopped.

Canghua slowly raised his head from the scroll, casting his long eyes over.

Yan Yan blinked in disbelief, stretched out her hand, and held the ball of moonlight in her palm.

Deng Wenming, who had quietly escaped just now, also ran back, staring at the white mist in Yanyan's hand.Don't dare to breathe.

"Refined, refined into a gaseous state?!"

So many spirit stones piled up like a hill!

This result has completely exceeded Deng Wenming's cognition.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Lie Shanding stretched his muscles proudly: "Xiao Wenming now knows what real purification is? So before, I said that yours is at most fusion, are you convinced?"

Deng Wenming sighed and nodded fiercely, his eyes were full of adoring little stars
Yanyan held the lingering white mist and moonlight in her hands, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

Although there are so many spirit stones to extract such a mass of qi, Yanyan can clearly feel the pleasing power dissipating on it when he appreciates it closely at this moment.

After admiring it, she began to feel a little overwhelmed and asked, "How to use this thing?"

Lie Shanding said: "This is already the purest spirit qi, you can draw it by inhaling it directly into your body as you do in daily practice."

Yanyan had never seen such spirit energy before, she was a little uncertain, she turned her head to look at Canghua.

Canghua: "I'm afraid you can't find such a pure qi cloud in this world, you just do what Lie Shanding said."

After instructing Yanyan, Canghua cast his eyes on Lie Shanding: "This one is well refined!"

Having received a compliment from Canghua, Yanyan looked at Lie Shanding in surprise: "Old Ding, you must have expended a lot of energy just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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