Chapter 826
Speaking of this topic, Yanyan and Xing Yutang also keenly noticed at the same time that the guy's expression became more nervous than before, and there was still deep terror in his eyes.

Xing Yutang frowned: "If someone is lost at night, do we have to find it before dawn?"

The two guys nodded almost simultaneously.

Yanyan raised her eyebrows: "Then what if the person can't be found?"

The fear in the eyes of the two guys was even deeper, they stared straight at her, as if they couldn't believe that Yanyan asked such a direct question.

But the two of them didn't say anything, they just shook their heads vigorously.

Yan Yan raised her eyebrows: "Don't dare to say."

The two immediately lowered their heads at the same time, one of them acted like he didn't hear it, obviously pretending to be stupid.

The other one seemed a little sorry, and nodded sullenly.

Yan Yan smiled.

She became more and more interested in this strange town.

However, the guy who nodded suddenly raised his head again, looking at Yanyan with complicated eyes: "Actually, there is still a place I haven't found..."

Hearing this, the other guy suddenly raised his head and gave the guy who spoke earlier a hard push: "You lost your mind and went crazy! Can you come back after that place?"

The nodding guy was pushed to the ground and staggered but didn't make a sound. The guy's hands were tightly clenched into fists, as if he was struggling psychologically.

He looked noticeably more honest than the other.

Yanyan and Xing Yutang both placed their hands on his clenched fist.

Both of them knew that what this person was clutching in his hand was the energy-replenishing pill that Yan Yan had given him just now.

The hesitation on the honest man's face was obvious, and his expression was still a little painful. It was obvious that this decision made him very embarrassed, and the knuckles of the hand holding the spiritual energy pill turned white.

Yanyan glanced at Xing Yutang beside her.

Xing Yutang's face was still serious and deep, which seemed a bit intimidating.

But he just stood there and waited patiently. The other party made his own choice, and didn't mean to urge him.

"What do you mean!"

Suddenly, a accusation broke out in the quiet atmosphere.

Gang Jing walked up to the hesitant buddy, raised his eyebrows and said, "Young City Master asked you two to come out with him to lead the way, and also paid you five spirit stones each."

"You were very straightforward when you agreed. If you encounter some difficulties, you will not go here or there. If you don't go anywhere, what do you need to come out?"

"Since you agreed, you must lead the way. Wait for a while until the sky is bright, and hurry up!"

The guy who scolded the other party just now knelt down and kowtowed again and again: "I beg you to be merciful, I beg you to spare this little life, I really can't go to that place, people will die!"

Probably because he was really scared, this guy couldn't hold back his tears when he spoke, the clothes he was wearing were thin, and he shrank on the ground at this moment, looking very pitiful.


Gang Jing waved his hand and yelled: "You guys promised to come out to find someone, you have to go if you go, you have to go if you don't go, don't dare to talk anymore..." He raised his legs and pointed at the kneeling guy on the ground step on.

Yan Yan flicked her fingers lightly, and a small qi slammed into Gang Jing's ankle hard.

Gang Jing was unprepared, and half of his body suddenly tilted to the side, almost falling.

Turning around and glaring at Yanyan angrily: "You dare to do something to me."

Yan Yan smiled: "This is just an ordinary transaction, and it's not that you signed a prostitution document. Who said that you can't go back on your word if you do business? Have you ever heard that a transaction can't be benevolent? You also only paid five low-grade spirit stones. It's not worth driving people to death, and five low-grade spirit stones just want to buy their lives, isn't it a bit picky?"

Gang Jing: "Who are you scolding? How dare you insult the Young City Lord."

Yanyan: "I'll scold whoever answers!"

Gang Jing: "..."

Everyone: I'm dumbfounded again.

To deal with this little girl, Mr. Xiang's fighting power is obviously not good enough.

Yan Yan turned around and said to the guy kneeling on the ground: "Get up and talk."

The clerk touched the corners of his eyes with his sleeves and stood up, bowing his hands to Yan Yan: "Thank you for your understanding, Miss. I really can't go to that place. Those who went to that place in the dark never came back alive."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows: "Why didn't you come back?"

The man swallowed the smear, and replied with a sob: "When it gets dark, there is fog in that place. The fog is so thick that you can't see the road, and it can't even be blown away by the wind. When the sun comes out in the morning, it will clear up by itself. Wait until the fog clears and then go in, and nothing will happen. Are you surprised?"

Yanyan: "Is it like this every night?"

The guy nodded: "It's been like this every day since I can remember!"

Xing Yutang: "Those who didn't come back, did they all go in by themselves?"

What he meant was to ask if there was anything else.

The guy shook his head: "They all disappeared after entering. We don't know how they got in, so I didn't ask."

Hearing about the fog, Bo Chengxian also became interested, and their White Mist Hall is dedicated to playing with the fog.

Bo Chengxian asked: "After the fog dissipated, have you seen the bodies of those missing people?"

The guy shook his head: "I haven't seen it!"

Xing Yutang: "Thus, the whereabouts of those who walked into the dense fog are unknown."

The guy nodded: "Yes, no one knows where those people have gone. You said it was scary. So, I advise you gentlemen not to go. If the person you lost gets into the fog, I advise you not to go." found."

Xing Yutang's eyebrows were slightly lowered, and his tone was firm: "People must be found, people must be seen when they are alive, and corpses must be seen when they are dead."

Hearing this, the clerk looked at Yan Yan with a look of despair, his eyes were full of begging.

He wanted to beg Xing Yutang, but the master was too coercive, the guy didn't even have the courage to look him in the eye.

Yanyan was about to speak when another guy who had been silent all this time spoke up suddenly.

He spread his hand, revealing the spirit qi pill that Yan Yan had just given in his palm.

The buddy looked at Xing Yutang: "Give me two more such pills, and I will take you to Yewu Wilderness."

night mist wilderness
Hearing this place name, Yan Yan raised her eyebrows.

The name is quite vivid.

But this guy didn't ask Yanyan for the pill, but asked Xing Yutang instead.

Xing Yutang glanced at the Buqi Pill in his hand, and almost didn't think about it, he nodded happily: "Okay! Lead the way!"

The guy who knelt down just now shook his head violently: "I won't go to that place, no matter how much money you give me, I won't go!"

After finishing speaking, the man bowed deeply to several people: "I beg you gentlemen, please do me a favor and let me go back."

Xing Yutang waved his hand: "You go!"

Hearing this, the guy felt like he was being pardoned, thanked him again and again, turned around and ran towards the inn.

Xing Yutang said to the remaining buddies: "Let's go!"

The clerk shook his head, and stretched out his hand in front of Xing Yutang: "Give the pill first and then lead the way."

Unexpectedly, this guy was so straightforward, Yan Yan was a little surprised, and couldn't help but take another look at him.

The guy's face was so tight that the veins in his temples could be clearly seen.

He was obviously nervous to the extreme, but he looked at Xing Yutang very persistently.

 happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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