Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 847 That's Huntun Town

Chapter 847 That's Huntun Town

As long as the magic sound disturbs Chen Zhen's mind, the sound of the cloud board will follow.

However, although the sound of the cloud board can refresh the mind and awaken the mind, it still cannot completely get rid of the interference of the magic sound on Chen Zhen.

Amidst the rushing sound of cloud boards, the euphemistic ghostly voice could still be heard clearly in Chen Zhen's ears.

"Come on, child, I like a clean and pure child like you, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The magic sound and the sound of the cloud board intersected non-stop, constantly hitting Chen Zhen's eardrums in turn.

Chen Zhenxin became more and more irritable and restless.

He suddenly let go of the tree trunk, covered his ears tightly with his hands, and closed his eyes tightly so as not to look at the terrifying big skull on the opposite side.

Then he began to read the "Book of Rites" aloud:
"A gentleman thinks about winning energy, thinks before acting, speaks before acting, deeds must think about what he says, what he says must be thought about, and thought about what he says must be thought without regret. It can be said to be prudent..."

When memorizing aloud, I could only recall the contents of the book in my mind, and my mind began to focus again, and the magic sound in my ears immediately became significantly lower than before.

Chen Zhen finally got some peace of mind.

He rejoiced.

Knowing stop and then having steadiness, steadiness and then being able to be quiet, and being still and then being able to be at peace.

Quiet, can rest assured.

Chen Zhen began to read aloud non-stop.

Gradually, only the sound of my own reading remained in my ears.

But there is also an obvious disadvantage of reading aloud all the time.

That is very mouthwatering.

Not long after reading, Chen Zhen felt his mouth was dry and his throat was burning as if it had been set on fire, and his voice of reciting the book also dropped down.

And the magic voice that summoned him seemed to be staring at him all the time.

As soon as the voice of the endorsement was lowered, the magic voice immediately counterattacked, and Chen Zhen was disturbed and disturbed again. He had no choice but to raise the volume of his voice again, and began to endorse without stopping.

Chen Zhen stood under the old tree like this, covering his ears with his hands tightly, reciting the book out loud.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Whenever he raised the volume of reciting, the sound of the master's cloud board would also become very clear.

Yunban's voice was crisp and clear, as if it could break the haze over Chen Zhenxin's head, making him forget the treacherous dreams in front of him, his mind was clear, his thinking was clear, and his homework could also be clear.

At this time, Chen Zhen felt calm and serene, and the deep fear shrouded in his heart would be relieved a lot, but when he was too tired to recite the book, the magic sound would come back immediately.So repeated, one disappears and the other ebbs and flows.

As time passed, Chen Zhen felt that his physical strength was constantly declining, and his voice became more and more hoarse.

Chen Zhen felt a faint fishy and salty smell in his throat, and his throat was already sore.

Chen Zhen knew that his throat was broken, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as he stopped reciting, his mind would be immediately disturbed by the magic sound.

He was afraid that he would sink into this terrible dream and never wake up again.

"If you don't treasure gold and jade, you should be loyal and trustworthy; if you don't pray for land, you should consider righteousness as land; if you don't pray for a lot of accumulation, you can use a lot of literature to...cough cough cough..."

A sharp pain in the throat provoked a cough.

Talking non-stop, Chen Zhen felt as if there was a steel needle stabbing pain in his throat.

He struggled to open his mouth, and moved his lips desperately, but in the end, he could only make a virtual "hehe" sound, and he could no longer make the sound of reading aloud at the beginning.

The dry lips opened and closed helplessly, like a fish thrown into the case, struggling in vain and uselessly.

The sound of the master's cloud board is getting farther and farther away, and the call of the magic sound is clearly as if it is close at hand.

The small town candles flickering in the big skull's eye sockets seemed to be laughing at his futility.

Chen Zhen finally couldn't hold on any longer, and hung down his hands covering his ears in frustration and exhaustion.

When Chen Zhen raised his head feebly, he was surprised to find that the huge skeleton was right in front of him.

The pair of empty eye sockets were facing Chen Zhen, and the dots of people's lights were also reflected in Chen Zhen's eyes.

At this moment, Chen Zhen could almost see the specific scene in the skull's eye sockets so clearly.

When he saw the scene in the big skull clearly, he could hardly believe his eyes.

The Xinghuo family in the big skeleton, the smoke from the cooking, is not anywhere else.

It was Huntun Town where he lived!
The small town in the big skull turned out to be Huntun Town where he lived!

When he really saw the true appearance of the town, Chen Zhen felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

Why is Huntun Town in the weird big skeleton?

Is this a dream?or reality?
Chen Zhen was flustered.

I began to doubt where I was at the moment.

"Come on, kid, you saw right, this is where you live, come on, kid, it's time for you to go home..."

The magic sound came again indistinctly, pouring into Chen Zhen's ears.

This time, Chen Zhen forgot to endorse the book, and the sound of the teacher's cloud board was no longer in his ears.

That ethereal and strange voice got into his consciousness unsuspectingly.

"go home……"

Chen Zhen's eyes began to gradually become lax, and he murmured in a daze following the magic voice.

"Yes, go home, good boy, you live here, go home quickly..."

The magic sound rang out at the right time, erratic and indistinguishable from far and near, but strangely poured into Chen Zhen's mind, occupying all of his consciousness in an instant.

Chen Zhen's pupils began to shrink sharply, and following the guidance of the magic voice, he nodded slightly: "Well, I live here, I should... go home..."

"That's right, kid. It's time for you to come back, come on, your home is here, come back quickly..."

The magic voice whispered, as mellow as a soft whisper, as if it could glimpse into Chen Zhen's inner thoughts, a little seductive.

Chen Zhen's stumbling steps began to move forward step by step.

Chen Zhen's pupils shrank smaller and smaller, leaving only the size of a pinhole. His eyes were empty and lifeless, and he walked forward mechanically.

Step by step, he bypassed the old tree, walked out of the woods, and walked towards the dark and strange big skeleton.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The sound of the cloud plate knocking resounded throughout the dense forest full of strange thick fog, always urgently urging.

But when the sound of the cloud board passed through the dense forest and spread to the wilderness outside the forest, it would be blown away by the howling night wind immediately, becoming erratic and insignificant, and finally completely ignored by Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen stepped forward mechanically, repeating stiffly: "Back, go home...I want to go back...home..."

If Yanyan was here at this moment, one could tell at a glance that Chen Zhen was exactly the same as He Ji who took them to Yewu Wilderness that night.

In the empty and silent night, with dense fog and flowing waves, between the dense forest and the big skeleton, a thin young man moved as stiffly as a corpse.

The boy walked out of the dense forest, stepped into the wilderness, and walked step by step to the not far away, with a black and hollow mouth open...

 Good luck on the second day of the Lunar New Year
(End of this chapter)

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