Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 858 An old man came in the middle of the night

Chapter 858 An old man came in the middle of the night

Seeing the back of Mr. Xiang disappearing into the backyard, Bo Chengxian frowned.

He Ji packed the reheated food in a big food box, and when he handed it over to Bo Chengxian, he specifically told Bo Chengxian that there was a can of soup in it, and asked him to be careful not to spill it.

Bo Chengxian thanked him, and went up to the second floor with the food box.

Walking to Yanyan's room door and knocking on the door twice, Yanyan's voice quickly came from inside: "Come in."

Bo Chengxian pushed open the door with the food box and walked in.

Put the food box on the square table opposite the bed, seeing Yanyan writing at the desk, Bo Chengxian said while laying out the vegetables: "The suzerain will rest for a while before doing things. Taste how well the cooks in this small shop are doing."

When there are no outsiders, Bo Chengxian will change the name of Yanyan back and still call her suzerain.

Unexpectedly, Bo Chengxian brought back a big food box, Yanyan raised her eyebrows.

The monks in the late stage of qi refining have already started to fast, but sometimes they still eat occasionally to satisfy their cravings or hobbies.

Although Yan Yan has long been bigu, she never refuses food.For example, she likes the steamed stuffed buns made by Mrs. Chen, so she has to buy one with different fillings for breakfast every day.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Yan Yan put down her pen, got out of bed and moved to a square table to sit down.

As soon as she sat down, Bo Chengxian hurriedly put the soup pot in front of her, cleaned the spoon and chopsticks with cleaning technique, and handed it to Yanyan respectfully.

Then he lowered his eyes, and Bo Chengxian looked ashamed: "The disciple is incompetent, I didn't find out where the gentleman the Sovereign Master is looking for lives."

Yanyan took another empty bowl by herself, and put a bowl of soup in front of Bo Chengxian in front of Bo Chengxian.

"Try it while it's hot, this pigeon soup is very delicious, where did you get this food box?"

Bo Chengxian stood still, looking in surprise at Yanyan who was buried in the soup.

Yan Yan had a gluttonous expression on her face, as if she was completely immersed in the ordinary bowl of pigeon soup in front of her at the moment.

Bo Chengxian even suspected that she didn't hear what he just said at all.

Looking down at the bowl of pigeon soup that looked like milk in front of him, Bo Chengxian couldn't help but say again: "Sovereign, I didn't find out where the storyteller lived. Are you... not annoyed?"

Yanyan's bowl of soup has bottomed out.

Seeing that Bo Chengxian was still standing, Yan Yan signaled him to sit down, and said with a smile: "I can't even find someone myself, complaining about what you did. Drink it quickly, this soup is really very fresh."

After finishing speaking, Yanyan picked up another chopsticks dish to taste.

Naturally, the level of cooking cannot be compared with that of Bi Cheng, but the superiority lies in the delicious ingredients, which shows the hard work of the cook.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan didn't even have a word of reproach, Bo Chengxian was a little touched, took a sip of soup, and said: "Don't worry, the suzerain, tomorrow the disciple will go to the tea shop to follow up and inquire, and I don't believe that the storyteller's subordinates will be lost."

Yan Yan shook her head: "You don't have to rush to find the storyteller, I'll figure out a solution for this matter. When you have free time, teach He Ji the cultivation method of opening the spiritual root. I think this young man has an honest and steady personality, and he is also a good person. I know how to repay my kindness."

"Tonight's meal will never be so exquisite and plentiful based on the greedy look of the shopkeeper. He must have paid us extra meals for us. He probably felt that I had received my three energy-replenishing pills." I'm sorry. If you think he has a good foundation, you can accept him as a disciple."

Bo Chengxian hurriedly said: "The suzerain really has eyes. When the disciple came back today, it was He Ji who called me and took this food box and handed it to the disciple. The disciple will open the spiritual root for him tomorrow, and then measure the root bone for him." .”

Yanyan nodded, and after dinner with Bo Chengxian, Bo Chengxian cleaned up the dishes and left.

Yanyan was still sitting alone under the candle to sort out the clues of what happened in the past few days.

Ever since she came to Huntun Town, Canghua has always asked her to find out the mystery.

The reason why she left the caravan for a while and brought Bo Chengxian to this remote town of Huntun alone was also guided by Canghua.

Canghua said that there is a big monster here that can improve her spells.

There is also an antidote that can restrain the evil spirit in Tonba's consciousness.

In order to improve her spatial cultivation and for the sake of Tonba, Yan Yan came.

But apart from telling her these things, Canghua refused to give her any hints.

From here to now, the only thing I reminded her today is that when explaining the space technique, it was mentioned that the reason why Mr. Shu can control the time and space here is that he found that special space.

But where is Mr. Storyteller?

What is the special space he found...

Unknowingly, many things were written on the paper, but Yanyan's mind became a mess, feeling more and more confused.

The night was deep, and I didn't know which sect in the distance rang the morning bell.

Yanyan took out the constant sundial from her bosom and took a look, it was almost ugly.

The morning bells and evening drums in this world are different from the temples on the modern earth. The morning bells and evening drums in this world still follow the ancient custom.

Hit it every half an hour, and every time you hit the Zen seal, you will be awakened by the bell, illuminating the path of the hungry ghosts in the underworld.

The light of the Zen seal can make the evil spirits who have been unable to see the light all year round see the light.

It can also enable scholars in the underworld to study.

Listening to the melodious bell, Yan Yan straightened her waist and stretched her waist. She felt that her head hurt from thinking about these things, so she put away her pen and ink and prepared to practice meditation.

Just as she rolled up the rice paper on the table, her movements suddenly stopped, she slightly curled the corners of her lips, and said with a low smile, "What are you doing outside, please come in."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a dry and thin old man walked in.

Yanyan sat cross-legged in front of the kang table and did not move, she turned her head to look at the person who came by: "Master doesn't rest in the middle of the night, and came to me, but you want to teach me lessons?"

The person who came was Chen Zhen's wife.

The old man was still wearing the old daytime gown at this time, but his spirit was completely different from that pedantic old man with cloudy eyes, unreasonable and alcoholic in the daytime.

Although the old man described him as thin and dry, his eyes were clear and bright, and he had a very different expression. Looking at Yan Yan now, he didn't need to open his mouth, and the aura of intrigue was released from him.

The master walked to the tea table with his hands behind his back and sat down, his eyes met Yan Yan's, his long gray eyebrows gradually frowned: "You really came here for a purpose."

Yanyan nodded generously and admitted: "Yes, otherwise, this girl will live a rich life with delicious food and drink, so what are you doing in this remote town?"

The master's face was gloomy, and his expression had been serious since entering the room: "I don't care what you do in this town, but stay away from Chen Zhen, I don't want to see you having any contact with my students anymore."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows: "Chen Zhen is your student, not your son. The lady of the Chen family doesn't even ask me if he comes or goes with me, is the Master being too lenient?"

The master fixed his eyes on Yanyan's face: "I came here tonight to talk to you, not to discuss but to inform. Since Chen Zhen called me master, I have to discipline him. I advise you Don't act willfully, if the girl refuses to be persuaded, I will not hesitate to take the girl's life to protect my students."

(End of this chapter)

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