Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 865 She Walked In

Chapter 865 She Walked In

The master turned his head to look at Yanyan.

His eyes were full of inquiry, but he didn't say whether he saw Chen Zhen or not.

Yan Yan felt that Master's strange expression must have been slapped in the face by himself, and he was a little embarrassed, so he became so silent.

Yanyan couldn't help but turned her head to look at Chen Zhen who was hiding behind the big tree.

Because of the monk's excellent eyesight, she could even see Chen Zhen's unbelievably frightened expression when he looked at her.

But the child always hid behind the old tree and watched them quietly, not daring to go out of the night mist wilderness.

Yan Yan withdrew her gaze, and then looked at the suddenly silent Master beside her, whose mood was obviously more gloomy than before...

Yan Yan suddenly reacted.

Chen Zhen didn't dare to follow, probably because he was afraid of being reprimanded by his master.

The child will be surprised, probably because he guessed that the master is going to take her to find the storyteller, that's why he showed such a surprised expression.

And the master suddenly became gloomy and unhappy at this moment, probably because Chen Zhen found out that he came to her in the middle of the night.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Zhen's reaction and Master's performance are all explained.

The two walked forward for a while, and Yanyan vaguely heard the sound of gurgling water.

Is there a river here?

She was a little surprised.

The master didn't speak again, and kept walking in silence.

After walking not far, Yanyan smelled the smell of water, and could faintly see the dark, narrow river flowing quietly downstream along the river bed.

After crossing the river, Yan Yan looked forward and couldn't help frowning.

It was dark in front of him, and it seemed to be hidden in a thick fog, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

The experience of going through the night mist and wilderness just now was really shocking, Yanyan was a little disgusted by the fog.

Can't help but ask: "Master, are we going to pass through a night mist wilderness? The visibility in this place is not much better than the one just now."

The master had never heard of the term "visibility", but he guessed right away that Yan Yan was describing the scenery in front of him.

"There is indeed fog here, but unlike the fog in the Night Mist Wilderness, the fog here will not be dangerous."

The tone of the master's speech was a little heavy.

Yan Yan couldn't help but glance sideways at the old man's profile.

She could clearly sense that Master was in a bad mood. As for the reason, she guessed that it was probably because Chen Zhen followed him secretly.

Chen Zhen said that he also wanted to find a storyteller, and he might have asked his wife before.

Although this old man has a bad temper, he is really nice to Chen Zhen.

She didn't even want to bring it, and definitely didn't want Chen Zhen to find it.

Yanyan was habitually distracted, so she didn't notice that she was being taken away from the ground by the master.

The two of them still seemed to be walking on land, but they had already stepped on the void, walking higher and higher, gradually approaching a cloud as black as ink.

The black cloud is the blurred fog that Yanyan saw just now, but there is no dense forest here, but the shape of the cloud is a bit weird.

There are two hollows in the middle of the cloud.

Through the hole in the thick cloud, Yan Yan vaguely saw houses and houses inside, but those houses were also too dark to see clearly.

However, just as the old man was about to lead Yanyan through the hole in the black cloud, Yanyan suddenly heard a faint sentence "Don't go!"

The voice seemed to be blown by the wind from a very far away place, erratic and somewhat uncertain.

But Yan Yan heard clearly.

She paused, then suddenly turned around and looked in Chen Zhen's direction.

But this place is too far away from the night mist wilderness, looking over there, you can only see a large expanse of indistinct white smoke on the other side of the river, and you can't even see the huge old tree where Chen Zhen is hiding.

Seeing that Yanyan stopped suddenly, the master also stopped.

He looked at Yanyan's expression turning around, his eyes were bright, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?"

Yanyan lowered her head, her expression was a little uneasy, and her breath was a little unsteady, showing a bit of panic: "I heard Chen Zhen's voice just now!"

The master stared closely at Yanyan, and an imperceptible gleam flashed in his eyes: "What did he say?"

Yan Yan and Master looked at each other: "He said 'don't go'"

The master's pupils shrank: "Did you really hear Zhen'er say that?"

Yanyan nodded vigorously: "I have been with Chen Zhenzhen for several days, I will not admit his voice, but it feels a little far away, and I can't hear it clearly."

The master lowered his eyes and pondered for a while: "Even Zhen'er persuaded you not to go, you have thought it through clearly, do you still want to go to the storyteller?"

Yanyan nodded without thinking, "Go!"

The master took a deep look at her, turned around and stepped into the dark cloud hole.

Yanyan hurriedly followed.

Before completely entering the Black Cloud Cave, Yan Yan couldn't help turning her head to look at the night mist wilderness across the river again.

She had a hunch that Chen Zhen was in the wilderness of night mist, but why didn't the master go to him?
Isn't he worried that something will happen to the child in the night mist wilderness?

Filled with doubts, Yan Yan withdrew her gaze.

At this moment, they have stepped through the dark clouds and are slowly falling from the void.

When Yan Yan completely came back to her senses and saw the scene in front of her clearly, her eyes widened in surprise...

Because she saw Hunton Town!
Why is it Huntun Town?
They hadn't turned back just now, and they had crossed a river, so it was impossible to go back the same way.

Yanyan's heart was suddenly a little dazed, and she also felt a little unsure of what to do.

She suddenly turned her head to look at the old man: "Why did you return to Huntun Town?"


Chen's Houzhai
The boy lying on the bed closed his eyes tightly, apparently still in a deep sleep.

But the boy in his sleep frowned, and kept whispering: "Don't, don't go! Don't go—"

Chen Zhen raised his voice suddenly, let out an exclamation, and then opened his eyes suddenly.

Chen Zhen panted heavily, his dark and bright eyes were full of anxiety, and there was still terror in his mind.

Staring at the familiar beams on the roof, Chen Zhen sat up while supporting the bed, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and habitually turned his head to look out the window.

It was still pitch black outside the window, Chen Zhen stared wide-eyed in surprise, and then looked at Geng Lou who was on the third desk next to the window.

It's not even five o'clock.

Chen Zhen couldn't believe it and raised his hand to touch his face.

He had that nightmare again tonight, but tonight he woke up from the nightmare by himself, and it was not yet dawn.

Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Recalling the dream just now, Chen Zhen frowned again.

Although the dream tonight was the same as before, but for the first time, there was an extra person in his dream.

It's that sister.

He saw the sister in the woods.

It was the first time he had seen another person in that strange dream.

He could see clearly that his sister was walking towards the big skeleton, and he was yelling at her desperately, trying to stop her.

He clearly saw her stop, and she turned her head back.

At that time, he was very happy, thinking that his sister heard his call, and he called out louder.

But she just looked back and walked into one eye socket of that terrifying big skull.

(End of this chapter)

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