Chapter 879
As soon as Yanyan stepped out of the door, Tan Xiangzi vigorously pushed the door shut.

The thin body seemed to be drained of all strength in an instant, leaning against the door limply and slowly sliding down, and fell to the ground.Holding his head with both hands, his shoulders began to tremble, and his withered body shrank into a ball.

Burying his face in his palm, he let out a low, suppressed sob...

Yan Yan, who had already reached the door of the thatched hut, stopped, turned around and looked at the private school with the tightly closed door, sighed softly, and walked out of the thatched hut.

When we came to the street outside, the warm sunlight reflected the bustling cars, horses and pedestrians on the street.

On the surface, this world where the rules of time and space have been changed does not look any different.

However, Yanyan has already known the truth of this world, in her eyes, Huntun Town is full of weirdness and illusion, and it will never return to its previous appearance.

Just about to go back, Yan Yan suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at the Chen Family Dim Sum Shop.

The lady of the Chen family was squatting in front of one of the big earthen stoves, adding firewood to the hearth.

When Yanyan looked over, the lady of the Chen family had just stood up and was about to open the cage drawer, when she inadvertently raised her head, she saw Yanyan standing at the door of the private school, also looking over here.

The lady of the Chen family was taken aback for a moment, then she smiled at Yan Yan and waved to her enthusiastically.

Looking at the gentle and virtuous smiling face of Mrs. Chen's family, Yan Yan's mind once again recalled the kind and kind mother-in-law from last night, and she unconsciously turned her steps towards the Chen's dim sum shop.

When she came near, Mrs. Chen pointed to the private school across the street, then pointed to the backyard, waved her hands lightly, and said "ah, ah" monosyllable.

Yanyan understood, what she meant was that Chen Zhen didn't go to school today and was at home.

When the lady of the Chen family saw her coming out of the private school, she probably thought she was looking for Chen Zhen.

Smiling at Yanyan again, and signaled her to wait with sign language, the lady of the Chen family turned around, quickly lifted the lid of a drawer on a large earthen stove, and prepared to get some snacks.

Before getting the snacks, the Chen family's wife habitually wiped her hands on the starched floral apron.

But just after wiping it, he frowned and looked down at his hand.

Seeing that her expression was different, Yanyan asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

The lady of the Chen family checked her fingers, as if she had been scratched by something, she frowned, her fair face showed doubts, then she lowered her head and touched her apron with her hands.

Yan Yan waited patiently beside her.

She saw Mrs. Chen groping for a while on the surface of the apron, as if she had touched a hard pimple, and then put her hand into the big pocket facing the apron.

Afterwards, Yanyan saw the Chen family's wife take out a small lump with a bright white metallic luster from her pocket...

The moment she saw clearly what Chen's wife took out from her pocket, Yanyan froze on the spot.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she fixed her eyes on the things in the hands of Mrs. Chen's family.

It was an ordinary piece of silver, about two or two taels, and it was a piece of silver cut from a whole piece of official silver.

This kind of broken silver is easy to circulate in the market in Huntun Town, and it can be seen almost everywhere in the hands of ordinary small vendors.

But Yan Yan was very impressed with this piece of silver.

Because that's what she is.

Or, it was the dime that slipped into her mother-in-law's pocket last night when she bought buns with that mother-in-law of the Chen family.

Yanyan stared blankly at the money in the hands of Mrs. Chen, but her complicated eyes did not attract Mrs. Chen's attention.

Because the lady of the Chen family is also confused by this piece of money at this moment.

She clutched the money, her brows were furrowed, obviously she couldn't remember where the money came from.

At this moment, Yan Yan has recovered from her astonishment.

He stepped forward and gestured with his hand: "Don't you remember who gave this money?"

The lady of the Chen family nodded immediately, and gestured with her hand: "No one buys steamed buns with such a large amount of money. If she accepts it, she will be very impressed, but this one has no impression at all."

Yan Yan smiled, gestured and said: "Could it be that your Gao Tang took it in when he guarded your stall this morning?"

The lady of the Chen family looked at Yanyan's gestures with a confused expression, then shook her head, smiled and waved her hands again and again, and quickly made a series of gestures: "How can someone else guard my appearance for me? Since Chen Zhen's father passed away, only me The couple spend their days guarding this shop."

Quietly watching the sign language of Mrs. Chen smiling and gesticulating, the expression on Yan Yan's face gradually softened.

no one else!

Then the mother-in-law she met last night...

Then, in Yanyan's eyes, the figures of the kind old lady who brought her buns last night and the gentle young woman in front of her gradually overlapped...

At this moment, she understood everything.

But at the moment when the truth was discovered, Yan Yan was not excited to solve the mystery in her heart.

She remembered last night, the only lantern in the lonely city.

I thought of the old woman who was lonely and stuck to the storefront, and was already in her dying years.

Thinking of those trembling, rough hands that could no longer move the big steamer...

Yanyan felt that the circles of her eyes suddenly became a little hot.

Time has passed, when the former Huntun Town has become a deserted city like a tomb, when everything here is almost forgotten by the world...

The elderly mother is still with her son, even if her child is a lonely soul.

This is the most selfless, warmest and greatest love in the world!

Yan Yan suddenly turned around, trying to hide her embarrassment, but unexpectedly saw Tan Xiangzi who came out from the gate of the thatched hut at some time, looking quietly at this side.

Tan Xiangzi seemed to have sensed Yan Yan's emotions, his red eyes were also full of sadness.

Yanyan looked at Tan Xiangzi quietly, and said silently: "How long can the lady of the Chen family wait?"

Tan Xiangzi's tight lips began to tremble slightly when asked.

He knew what she meant.

Yanyan stared at Tan Xiangzi with her clear eyes, and then asked, "How long can Yumei wait?"

Tan Xiangzi's tight lips parted, and his hands hanging on both sides gradually clenched into fists.

In the eyes of Yanyan looking across the street, mist gradually appeared...

But Yanyan didn't intend to let him go, she continued to ask through sound transmission: " long can you wait?"

The last question made Tan Xiangzi's whole body tremble uncontrollably, and two lines of dirty tears finally couldn't be restrained from pouring out of those firm and cold eyes.

Yanyan's eye circles were already hot and humid.

She wanted to leave, but her wrist was gently held by a warm and soft hand.

Yanyan hurriedly used her spiritual power to force back the tears in her eyes, turned around, and saw the gentle and smiling lady of the Chen family stuffing a warm oil-paper bag into her hand.

She quickly signed in sign language: "This is water chestnut sugar buns. You really liked the ones you gave last time, and he came back and said you liked them too, so I bought water chestnuts again. I made more this time. You and Zhener, you still need to send some to your wife..."

 I like this chapter very much. To be honest, I wish all the mothers in the world have a peaceful life and a healthy body.

(End of this chapter)

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