Chapter 882

Chen Zhen looked a little frustrated.

He was in a very complicated mood at the moment, mixed with helplessness for being helpless in catching the monster and guilt for breaking Yan Yan's promise, but he still nodded slightly: "Just ask."

Yanyan: "Didn't you ask me where is the other Night Mist Wilderness when I was at the inn?"

Chen Zhen was surprised why she suddenly brought up this topic.

His expression was a little unnatural, and he blushed again: "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have listened to you talking to that young master at the time. I just heard you say that too unexpectedly, so... I couldn't hold back and asked out .”

Yanyan: "I'm telling you now, where is the real Night Mist Wilderness."

Chen Zhen raised his head, his eyes were full of strong curiosity.

Yan Yan's expression was surprisingly calm.

She spoke very slowly, but every word was very clear: "The other Night Mist Wasteland is your dream."

After telling the truth, Yanyan stared into Chen Zhen's eyes without blinking.

She wanted to see what the child really thought after knowing this fact.

However, Chen Zhen's performance was not as unexpected as Yan Yan imagined.

Chen Zhen was surprisingly calm.

Yan Yan frowned...

She wondered if the child didn't hear what she just said at all.

She was about to speak, but Chen Zhen lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something seriously.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head, looked at Yan Yan and said solemnly: "No wonder I often walk at night, but I have never encountered a monster. It turned out that it went to my dream."

Yan Yan glared at Chen Zhen, her expression was nothing but surprise.

The kid's behavior was so calm that he didn't even look like a kid.

This is why Yanyan always feels that Chen Zhen is different from ordinary children.

She suddenly had a guess, that monster was so persistent in getting Chen Zhen's soul body, this child might actually be the reincarnation of some god?

Chen Zhen always had a calm expression, and seeing that Yanyan was silent, he continued on his own: "Actually, when I heard you said there was another Yewu Wilderness, I also thought about it when I went back, and what you said was about the same as what I guessed. "

Yanyan's three views at this moment have been completely crushed by the child's calmness.

Shouldn't normal people be terrified and then think about how to catch monsters? Isn't this kid short-hearted?
But Chen Zhen is still analyzing this matter with Yanyan seriously:
"Then, can it be understood in this way? This monster originally ran amok and harmed people in the town, but somehow it got into my dream by accident, and then it stayed in my dream all the time .”

"Although it scares me every now and then in my dreams, in fact, there are no monsters in Huntun Town now?"

Chen Zhen's question stopped Yanyan from asking.

She only knew that the streets in this town were full of ghosts, but she hadn't had time to figure out whether there were monsters or not.

Mr. Yumei tampered with the laws of space created by monsters, he can control the time and space here, and he can also temporarily protect the caravans and pedestrians who accidentally enter the town through here.

But she didn't bother to ask if the monster could still come in.

Chen Zhen laughed suddenly, his expression suddenly relaxed: "If that's the case, it's actually quite good, so let's do it this way."

"What the fuck is that?" Yanyan didn't understand what the child meant.

Chen Zhen's previous guilt towards Yanyan was gone now, and he still smiled happily: "Sister, don't bother to catch the monster, just let it stay in my dream."


Yan Yan thought she had heard wrong.

Then she saw that when Chen Zhen smiled at her, his eyes were full of joy from the bottom of his heart.

He said happily: "If you lock the monster in my dream, it won't come out and hurt others. Isn't that good?"

After Chen Zhen finished speaking, he found that Yanyan's expression became ugly in an instant, and explained: "Since my sister said just now that she was not sure about catching the monster, then don't force yourself, or you will be very dangerous. This is not good for everyone. right?"

Then, Chen Zhen returned to the relaxed and happy look on his face: "Just let it stay in my dream, I am willing to sacrifice the dream and imprison it in it, anyway, I am almost used to being scared so much now. It's just that it's hard to get up in the morning, so I need my master to knock on the cloud board to call me, and I will explain it to my father and son later, and the old man can understand the master..."

At this moment, Chen Zhen was truly relieved, and his smile was extraordinarily bright.

His smile comes from the heart.

He felt that there was no better solution than this. Compared with the horrible night, sacrificing his dreams, being able to lock the monsters in his own dreams, and protecting the safety of the whole town, this is simply the smallest price. It's a better deal than that.

Yanyan bit her lip, frowned and looked at the bright and innocent little face of the child in front of her...

Your wife can understand you... Your wife can understand you big head ghost!

She was completely speechless at the moment.

Originally, he wanted to tell Chen Zhen the truth, and guide him to help him lure out the big monster. Who would have known that this child's brain circuit was so strange.

He was so happy that he decided to keep the monster in his dream for a long time.

That's the big monster that devoured the whole town!

What did he think it was, a pig locked in his pen?

Yan Yan thinks that if Chen Zhen's attitude is heard by Mr. Yumei who has been supporting him, his wife who has worked so hard to protect him, and his elderly mother who has been accompanying him so hard, it is estimated that the old man and old lady will let this child go straight into the coffin. go.

But looking at Chen Zhen's elated appearance at the moment, it seems that he has a sense of pride in becoming a world-saving hero in seconds.

Yanyan's thoughts of persuading Chen Zhen disappeared instantly.

Even if she cuts her tongue now, the child won't agree to go with her to lure monsters.

He has been immersed in the beautiful illusion of saving the whole world and can't extricate himself completely.

She didn't want to waste her saliva.

Forget it, think of another way.

The result of the conversation was completely beyond Yanyan's expectations, she was a little annoyed, and planned to go back to the inn.

But Chen Zhen suddenly remembered something again, and asked, "But sister, I still have a question. Why did this monster choose my dream? Is it because I am different from others?"

Yanyan was about to get up, but when she heard Chen Zhen's question, new hope rose in her heart.

After all, the child hadn't lost his mind yet, Yan Yan once again guided and said: "As we monks know when catching monsters, monsters are actually very smart. Since it will choose you, it must have its purpose. Maybe you are really different from others .”

Chen Zhen himself was not a monk, but he had heard about the monks' subjugation and elimination of demons, so he nodded immediately, agreeing with Yan Yan's words.

Seeing that it was reliable, Yan Yan continued to induce: "Then do you yourself feel that you are different from others?"

Chen Zhen thought about it carefully, then shook his head: "I don't think I'm any different from others..."

He hadn't finished speaking when a "Zheng" sound suddenly came from above their heads.

 I finally caught a cold. The recent climate change is quite unreal. Be careful to keep warm.

(End of this chapter)

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