Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 885 Mahalaka Speaks

Chapter 885 Mahalaka Speaks
Yanyan didn't disturb Canghua playing the piano, and sat down quietly opposite him.

At the end of the song, Canghua lightly knocked his palms to stop the lingering sound.At the same time, the violin of Aoki's power illusion also dissipated between his fingers.

Canghua stretched out his hand to pick up the tea in front of him, and said lightly: "Sure enough, there are some origins."

Yanyan could hear the overtones in Canghua's words, and hurriedly asked: "What is the identity of this child?"

Canghua: "From the song, we can only hear that this person is also one of the tribes of the West River Styx, and he came from the same land as Mahalaga. However, his title is probably not as high as Mahalaga. The sudden appearance this time is probably because he recognized his identity."

Yan Yan: "No wonder this monster insists on eating his soul, it really is a great tonic."

Canghua: "You failed to convince him today, what are you going to do next?"

Yanyan spread out on the old magnolia branch on the altar, and Ge You lay down in a standard posture: "Think about it, this kid doesn't want to be a bait, and I can't violate his filial piety, what else can I do? Let's get tied up."

"Pfft!" Deng Wenming not far away snickered.

Yan Yan was in a bad mood and glared at him.

Canghua's eyes were calm: "Perhaps, you can try to take him back to have a look."

Yanyan sat up straight in a jerk: "Go back? Where?"

"Ding ding ding ding... Let's go back to the past, where else can I go, otherwise go back to my mother's house? How stupid... Ding ding ding..."

Lie Shanding hopped over with his four short legs, and said something abruptly.

Yan Yan frowned: "Go back to the past?"

She obviously still didn't fully understand what Lie Shanding meant.

Lie Shanding shook his square head: "Didn't he want to protect his mother and everyone? But these people are all dead long ago, right?"

Yanyan immediately corrected herself: "The lady of the Chen family is not dead, neither are the master and the storyteller."

Lie Shanding rolled his eyes towards the sky: "I think you chatted with that child for a while, and it didn't affect his child, but let his child influence you."

After finishing the counting, Lie Shanding poked Yanyan's forehead lightly with a corner: "What are you doing, this kid is so kind, you let him see that the whole town of Huntun was killed by a big monster During the process, can he not be touched at all?"

"Since you can't convince him, let him see the truth with his own eyes! This is not the same as you giving him steamed buns, stupid!"

Yanyan faced the forehead with a round red mark, and her eyes suddenly flashed brightly: "Hey, what Lao Ding said is very reasonable, this is a good idea! Hey, you have a pig iron head Pretty smart!"

"Ding ding ding ding... Who gave birth to iron bumps, we call it Hunyuan iron, don't you understand the innate spirit iron!" When Lie Shanding spoke, the pride in his tone almost overflowed.

Yanyan patted Lie Shanding's big head, and praised with a smile: "Yes! That's right, the smartest pig iron lump in the world!"

"It's not a lump of pig iron! Again, ding ding ding ding..."

Yan Yan hugged Lie Shan Ding with her two soft and white hands, and Lao Ding suddenly lost his temper.

Yanyan's attention has turned to Canghua: "But my current cultivation base has not yet activated the space technique to return to the past, so there is no way to take him back to see the past."

If she could have gone back a long time ago, why bother to go to such lengths!

Canghua's calm purple eyes glanced at her arm lightly; "Perhaps you can consider asking Maharaja to help you."

This proposal surprised Yan Yan, she subconsciously lowered her head to look at Mahalaka who was quietly lying on her arms.

I don't know if it was because of Canghua's reminder, or because of her own illusion, when her eyes fell on Maha Luoga, she seemed to hear a faint clang.

She suddenly felt that it might be possible to do this...

It can be done!

In the evening, she locked herself in the inn room, Yan Yan sat cross-legged on the bed, and in front of her was the qin transformed by Maharaja.

Yanyan's fingers lightly hooked on the seven strings, ticked and circled...

But if someone is around at this moment, you will find that Yanyan's eyes are actually in a free state.

She was actually distracted.

She was thinking about the suggestion that Canghua gave, using Maharaja to bring Chen Zhen back to the past.

Canghua just reminded her that she could ask Mahalaka to help, but did not teach her how to help.

This is really a very difficult problem.

Although Yan Yan knew that Mahalaka's spiritual power was much stronger than her own, but to go back to the past, only her space power could do it.This has nothing to do with the strength of Maharaja's own spiritual consciousness.

Mahalaka's spiritual power is powerful, at most it is easy to use when fighting, and it will give her more help.

For example, the big snake that could often turn into a hill before helped her successfully frighten those opponents who didn't know her details.

But she had to do the hard work of traveling through time and space by herself, and even Mahalaka was able to travel through Chen Zhen's dream because she borrowed her space power.


Just when Yanyan was distracted, she inadvertently pressed the fingertips of the fifth string, and was suddenly flicked by the tremor of the string.

Yanyan's thoughts of wandering in the sky were instantly brought back to reality by this news.

Her eyes fell on the silver piano in front of her, and then she saw the string she was holding on the piano lightly plucked.

But only the fifth string made a long scattered sound, and there was no other movement after that.

Yan Yan thought it was going to play music again, she stared at the surface of the piano expectantly and waited for a while.

It turned out that Maharaja just moved a string, and did not intend to play a song at all.

Yan Yan frowned: "Just a word, you shouldn't be distracted just to interrupt me."

"Kong Zheng—"

As soon as she finished speaking, the four strings and seven strings on the quiet surface of the piano suddenly rang twice in sequence, as if responding to Yan Yan's words.

Yan Yan stared at Maharaja in surprise: "Can you understand me?"

"Kong Zheng—"

The four strings and the seven strings sounded in sequence again, exactly the same as the chords just now.

If Mahalaka's response just now was accidental, this time Yanyan can be sure that it was responding to itself.

If the sound just now was equivalent to "yes", then the exact same syllable this time answered her question clearly.

"Can you understand me? That's great!" Yan Yan clasped her hands on the strings excitedly.


The strings trembled slightly again, and Maha Luoga actually made a series of brisk and ethereal pressing notes with her hands lightly resting on the strings.

This time Yanyan believed it completely.

Mahalaka was talking to her in its own way, with a musical voice, which showed that it could indeed understand her and respond accordingly.

Yan Yan pondered for a while, and asked: "You called me just now, did you have a solution to Chen Zhen's matter?
 Are you 2 today?

  It is said that today is the day with the most 2000 since 2 years, I hope everyone can get good things in pairs!

(End of this chapter)

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