Chapter 89

At first, Hao Ruisheng felt that Yanyan's denial of acquaintance with Shen Yuyun was probably because of embarrassment, but looking at Yanyan's character, she felt that she did not seem to be a contrived person, but rather that the two of them were really fine.

Moreover, Hao Ruisheng vaguely felt from Yanyan's words and attitudes when she mentioned Shen Yuyun that she seemed to hate Mr. Shen.

Could it be that Mr. Shen was too impatient and offended the beauty?
Yanyan saw that Hao Rui's eyes were full of inquiry, and said helplessly: "Missy is a smart person, and I don't like to talk around corners. When you saw me in the morning, it was because I was under the control of my uncle and I had no choice but to follow him. I really have nothing to do with him. If you ask him to do something, if you want to get ideas from me, it will be a waste of effort. "

Hao Ruisheng raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

She did not expect Yanyan to be so frank and straightforward, she was quite surprised.

With Shen Yuyun's ability and his status as the master of the caravan in the Haofu, many people in Luwu City would like to curry favor with Shen Yuyun in their dreams.

Don't say that she saw this girl brought into the mansion by Shen Yuyun with her own eyes, and those girls who couldn't beat him would climb up to him if they could find any excuses.

It's rare for a girl to act honestly and honestly.

Hao Ruisheng suddenly had a good impression of Yanyan: "You are Master Bi's apprentice? Then you can cook too? Why don't you go back, talk with me, and use my small kitchen here for dinner Cook a simple meal for me, and save me from sending someone to work for your master."

Yan Yan responded with a cheerful smile: "Okay!"

She just fell asleep and gave her a pillow, and she was about to get close to Hao Ruisheng.

The two of them were chatting, when a maid outside came in with a tray covered with red velvet.

The servant girl bowed to Hao Ruisheng: "This is a handwritten note from the newly received young ladies, I hope the young lady will reward you with good luck."

When Hao Ruisheng saw the thick pile of red handwritten notes, his brain hurt: "Who can finish writing so much? I'm not a bookstore owner, so I'll go to Wang Xianggong from Mobaozhai to write it!"

The little servant girl was a little embarrassed: "Mobaozhai has not opened for two days. I heard that Wang Xianggong Zhong Gaotang has recently passed away. His shop may be closed for a while."

Mobaozhai is the common name for shops selling study utensils in the mountains and seas. In addition to selling pens, ink, paper and inkstones, some Mobaozhai also make a living by writing letters, petitions, and signatures on behalf of others.

Hao Ruisheng was talking about the latter.

After the little maid said this, Hao Ruisheng felt even more headache, he rubbed his temples and hesitated: "How about... take it and let the master write..."

The little servant girl had a sad face: "Master has been so busy with the banquet for thousands of people these days, I sent the stack last time, and the servant girl hasn't brought it back yet."

Yanyan next to her was also speechless.

This eldest lady was absolutely spoiled by her father, even the auspicious notes bestowed by the bride were written by her father, this is out of habit.

Yan Yan felt that if she worked hard on Hao Ruisheng, maybe it would be successful!

Feeling preoccupied, Yan Yan raised her head and said with a smile: "It's just a few auspicious notes, I'll write them."

Hao Ruisheng's eyes were filled with surprise: "You can write? Uh, you can also draw!"

Yanyan is not modest at all: "Everything!"

Hao Ruisheng seemed to have found a savior, and immediately called in four or five maids to serve Yanyan's pen and ink.

Yan Yan picked out the Mottled Bamboo Zihao Xiaokai from the large pen holder, and didn't even type the manuscript, just took the auspicious paper and started writing.

Auspicious paper is a custom in the wedding etiquette in the mountains and seas.

Before the bride leaves the court, she presents a red note with auspicious words to her unmarried sisters or friends in the family. Those who cannot read can also use paintings instead.It is intended to convey happiness and make auspicious pictures.

It is said that the auspicious notes of the bride-to-be are particularly effective.This statement is a bit like robbing the bride's bouquet on earth, except that there is only one bouquet on earth, but many auspicious notes can be written.

Hao Rui was born in a wealthy family, and her fiancé-in-law is famous for his talent and appearance, so there are naturally many girls who ask her for auspicious notes.

Yanyan writes the pen with spirit, almost without thinking, she writes at her fingertips.

My mother is a national player in Danqing. Although Yanyan's attainments are not as good as her mother's, she still has profound skills in Chinese painting and calligraphy.Each piece of paper written by her not only contains auspicious words, but also attaches a small painting or fighting formula. The layout is gentle, exquisite and unique.

Hao Ruisheng couldn't put it down so much that he couldn't bear to give it away.

And those poems presented by Yanyan Yu...

"Death and life are broad, say with Zicheng. Hold your hand, grow old with Zi"

"Throw me a papaya, and repay it with Qiongju. The bandit repays it, and it will always be good."

"Tao Zhiyaoyao, his son Ye Zhenzhen, Yu Gui, is suitable for his family."


When Hao Ruisheng read it, she only felt that the words contained fragrance and special charm, but she had never read it.The three hundred words of the poem are pearls and pearls, which fascinate Hao Rui so much that he can't stop.

Growing up in a scholarly family since she was a child, Shen Huaguo's vast and vast poems, Huafu and Yanyan are almost at her fingertips. Coupled with her superb and solid painters, within half an hour, the thick stack of auspicious notes is all finished.

Yanyan is regarded as a treasure in Hao Ruisheng's eyes.Hao Ruisheng wished to be treated as a guest of honor, how could he have the heart to order her to cook in the back kitchen?

Calling Tan Yin and Tan Qin, the two big maids, Hao Ruisheng ordered: "Bring out those red sandalwood boxes from the back room!"

Tan Yin immediately recognized that Yan Yan was the little cook who brought the food just now.

At this moment, this lowly little cook is actually sitting behind the eldest lady's desk, and there is actually a little maid beside her who is dedicated to serving the pen and ink...

The young miss actually thinks highly of this fox!

Therefore, after Hao Ruisheng gave his orders, Tan Yin stood still.

"Those boxes are the young lady's favorite things. There are outsiders here at the moment, so it might be inappropriate to move them out."

When Tan Yin was talking, he looked at Yan Yan with extremely unfriendly eyes, and his words also had meaning.

Yan Yan was not surprised by Tan Yin's attitude at all, she was turning the Xiangzhu Zihao brush in her hand, Yan Yan smiled slightly at the corner of her lips, and stared at Tan Yin with her bright and beautiful eyes, there was something deep in her eyes.

Tan Yin's and Yan Yan's eyes met, as if everything in his mind had been pierced through, and he felt panicked, so he quickly turned his eyes away.

This woman is a bit evil, and there seems to be a mystery that can see through everything in those beautiful and outrageous eyes.

Hao Ruisheng didn't pay attention to Tan Yin's subtle expression changes, and laughed and scolded: "Miss Tang is not an outsider, she is my best friend who I just made today, and I want to give her a meeting gift. Don't dawdle, hurry up and carry the box out!" "

Tan Qin hurriedly dragged Tan Yin out, called a few other maidservants, and came in carrying three red sandalwood carved wooden boxes.

The people from Haorui Life opened all the wooden boxes, and took Yanyan to look at them one by one.

"These are all things that I cherish on weekdays, and they are all rare in the market outside. You can see what you like and pick whatever you want."

Yan Yan was curious about what kind of treasures this young lady was hiding, so she poked her head into the cage, she couldn't help being speechless when she saw it.

Inside the box and cage is simply gold and jade, dazzling and charming.There are palm-sized doro cat-eye crystal beads; there is a statue of the queen mother carved from Xiaohuashan jade;

Yanyan admired the treasures in the three boxes.Even if she was once the daughter of the president of the group, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.Any one is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Sure enough, she is the daughter of the richest man, this girl is really rich!
 Hao Ruisheng is also a wonderful person.There is also an activity of guessing the ancient animal face coin is still in progress (I tell you quietly, someone seems to have guessed it in the book review area)
(End of this chapter)

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