Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 905: Tan Xiangzi's Gift

Chapter 905: Tan Xiangzi's Gift
Yanyan's eyes fell on the small wooden box again, and then she asked the exact same question again: "What is this?"

Mr. Yumei frowned: "I didn't just tell you."

This time, Yan Yan didn't raise her eyes to look at Mr. Yumei, her expression didn't seem to be talking to him, more like she was talking to herself.

Mr. Yumei looked at Yanyan with a strange expression.

I thought this girl was pretty, but suddenly she became chatty.

But there was a clear smile on Yanyan's face, then she put the lid on the wooden box again, and gently pushed it back in front of Mr. Yumei.

Mr. Yumei glanced at the wooden box that was returned again, his brows furrowed even tighter, and he looked at Yanyan: "What do you mean?"

Yan Yan shook her head: "I can't accept this thing."

Mr. Yumei's expression changed: "You..."

Yanyan nodded: "You don't need to hide it on purpose, I already know what it is. It's not suitable for me to accept such a heavy thing, and even if I accept it, I feel uncomfortable. Sir, I thanked the master for me, and by the way, I will take this thing away. Give it back to him."

Mr. Yumei was startled at first, then his face became more solemn, and his eyes became more complicated.

In the end, he seemed to be unable to restrain himself, and asked, "Who were you talking to just now?"

Yanyan smiled playfully, raised a finger mysteriously and pointed upwards: "God!"

After finishing speaking, he bared his snow-white little tiger teeth, turned and walked outside.

Mr. Yumei, who was staring at her handsome back in a daze, was left behind.

After sitting there for a moment, Mr. Yumei suddenly laughed softly.

If this girl is really helped by a god, he can rest assured.

But when his eyes fell on the small wooden box in front of him, he frowned again.

The girl confiscated this thing, which shows that this person is indeed as Tan Xiangzi said, his character is indeed good, and he can indeed be trusted.

After all, more than two hundred years of practice have been condensed in this qi cultivation pill, not to mention that Tan Xiangzi's cultivation is not bad.Since she already knew what it was, it was even more impossible not to be moved by it. However, this girl refused without even thinking about it. Obviously, she had no greed in her heart and her mind was pure.

After tapping the wooden box twice with his fingers, a wicked smile gradually appeared on Mr. Yumei's face.

This smile is completely inconsistent with his usual temperament, it seems extremely inconsistent.

Picking up the small wooden box, Mr. Yumei said to himself: "Fortunately, I left behind when I attacked that stubborn guy, but I don't know if I can put him back as it is..."


After explaining to Mr. Yumei, she walked out of the teahouse, and Yanyan walked along the noisy market all the way to Chen Zhen's dim sum shop.

In the end, there was only the time and place to make an appointment with Chen Zhen.

When approaching the dim sum shop, Yan Yan could smell the steamed buns mixed with hot steam.

She sniffled and smiled.

The steamed stuffed buns with pickled vegetables and pork come out of this cage.

Then, she saw the lady of the Chen family rubbing her apron with both hands in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop, looking anxious as she wanted to help but had nowhere to put her hands and feet.

In front of the steaming earthen stove, Chen Zhen was holding his sleeves high, taking the freshly steamed steamed buns off the pot, and putting the steamed buns on the pot...

The slight sweat on the child's forehead was shining brightly under the sun, and the front of the shirt was covered with white flour...

Today's Chen Zhen is not the same as before.

After putting the cage away, Chen Zhen raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and saw Yan Yan standing at the corner of the street not far away.

Yan Yan was looking at this side, with a gentle smile on her face.

Chen Zhen turned around and said something to Mrs. Chen, who immediately smiled and nodded to Yan Yan.

Then she turned around quickly, took a clean white towel to wipe the sweat off Chen Zhen's forehead, and dusted the flour off his body...

Looking at this pair of mother and son who are close to each other, Yanyan's eyes suddenly became hot.

Suddenly I miss my mother too.

When she was in a daze, Chen Zhen had already trotted over.

"When did my sister come? Why don't you go and sit down, my mother asked me to call you to eat at noon."

Yanyan shook her head and laughed: "I want to go, your mother will definitely give me a bunch of buns. I don't need to eat, so I lost those buns for nothing."

Chen Zhen laughed: "It's not worth anything, my mother likes my sister, and she is happy to give you the buns, so it's worth it."

When he said this, Chen Zhen kept his eyes on the busy lady of the Chen family who was not far away.

Yan Yan saw the deep nostalgia in the child's eyes.

In the past, Yanyan had visited the Chen family's dim sum shop several times. Although Chen Zhen was also gentle and filial, she always put her studies first. Today is obviously different from the past.

From Chen Zhen's words and deeds, Yan Yan could feel that even though he still didn't fully believe the truth he said, Chen Zhen's attitude towards the Chen family's wife had obviously changed because of her words.

In addition to the closeness in the past, there are deeper emotions, such as guilt, and such as...cherishing.

"The preparations that should be made are almost done. I came to you to agree with you on the time and place of departure."

Chen Zhen looked back at Yanyan, obviously a little surprised.

He felt that it should be very difficult to go back in time and let time flow backwards.

I didn't expect Yanyan to be ready so soon.

Facing Chen Zhen's surprised gaze, Yanyan's expression was calm: "This time I will bring you back to the past, and I will realize it from a dream."

Hearing these words, Chen Zhen didn't show the surprise just now, he lowered his eyes a little, apparently listening very seriously.

Yanyan continued: "Because your dream is a special hub specially set up by monsters to restrict the entire illusion. Therefore, if we want to go back to the past, we still need to pass through your dream."

"Since your dream is a meeting point, I plan to make an appointment in your dream where we meet. I have also thought about the specific place, under the old Migu tree."

Chen Zhen raised his head and frowned: "Are you still showing up in my dream with your piano like last time?"

Yanyan nodded: "Yes, every time you have that dream, I will feel it. I will take my piano to find you in your dream. No matter who arrives first, I will wait under the old Migu tree .”

Chen Zhen nodded readily: "Okay, see you soon!"

Yan Yan looked at Chen Zhen's bright and serious eyes, and nodded: "See you soon!"

After speaking, Chen Zhen looked at his dim sum shop again, and saw that the Chen family's wife was about to move down the two steamed steamed buns from another earthen stove.

The busy and thin figure of the lady of the Chen family looked a little thin in front of the steaming steamer.Chen Zhen didn't care that Yan Yan hadn't left yet, so he rushed back in big strides.

But the moment Chen Zhen turned around, Yanyan suddenly thought of something, and asked hurriedly, "Why didn't you go to school today?"

(End of this chapter)

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