Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 916 slap the face

Chapter 916 slap the face
The chin, mouth, and nose are clearly visible, but the upper cheekbones, eyes, forehead, and brain begin to blur.

Yanyan's heart skipped a beat.

Is this what the monster really looks like?

The thoughts in her mind were just for a moment, and the actual situation did not allow her to think about it carefully. The dark clouds pushed half a terrifying demon face and screamed wantonly in the sky, and might attack her at any time.

Yanyan reacted extremely quickly and suddenly raised her hand, and the surging power of green wood spewed out from her palm again.

Yan Yan's hand wrapped by the power of Qingmu grabbed the void, and shouted violently: "Whip!"

The trees in the entire night mist wilderness below came alive again, spreading and growing into the air frantically, and soon gathered into a thick, long and soft wooden whip.

Countless flexible branches were quickly twisted together to form a thick living wooden whip, which was whipped fiercely according to the evil wind whistling in the air.

"Hoo... Rumble..."

The huge whip whipped precisely on Feng Yao's body made of thick clouds, directly breaking up a large piece of black cloud, and Feng Yao, who was holding half of his face, was also directly split into two parts.

Then Yan Yan saw the half of Feng Zhong's face, she didn't seem to feel any discomfort, instead she quickly turned around, her movements were more flexible than before, and she turned directly towards herself.

At this time, half of the monster's face was facing Yan Yan for the first time.

Faced with this half face, Yanyan suddenly felt a little familiar.

Although there was only half of it, Yan Yan always felt that she had seen this face somewhere before.

That half of the face was facing Yanyan, the lips parted suddenly, and he laughed: "That's right, besides the power of space, you also have the power of Aoki on your body, it's a surprise."

"If I eat you and seize the power of space in your body, this illusion of mine will become unbreakable. At that time, I will be the real master of this small world, and this place will truly belong to me. Can't help me, ahahahaha..."

When the monster said these words, a small piece of tongue suddenly stuck out from the mouth of Zixiao Kai, and licked his lips lightly as if very greedy.

But it was this inadvertent small movement that made Yan Yan's mind buzz.

Because when the half of the monster's face was doing the trick of adding tongue and lips, Yan Yan recognized this face.

This is Chen Zhen's face!

She had seen this movement on Chen Zhen's face before, it was exactly the same!

It was the last time Yan Yan made an appointment with Chen Zhen to talk in the night mist wilderness, when Yan Yan gave Chen Zhen Lingmai steamed buns.

Chen Zhen licked the corners of his mouth with his tongue because the steamed buns were too fragrant.

Because he has always been quiet and introverted, suddenly making such cute little movements, suddenly showing a bit of childish playfulness, left a deep impression on Yanyan at that time.

But why is Chen Zhen's face on the monster?
Is this a deliberate illusion by monsters?or real?

The monster seemed to see what Yanyan was thinking, and smiled softly again: "Have you been recognized? Hehe, are you surprised? I actually have the same face as this child."

The monster looked very proud, half of its face swayed from side to side, as if it was looking at a mirror in the void.

Even the tone of its voice has become very gentle, and the divine consciousness can also make the voice into Chen Zhen: "Actually, we are one, but this child is too stubborn and always refuses to admit this reality."

While speaking, the monster finished looking in the mirror, and turned the half of his face to Yanyan again:

"Since you are on good terms with him, why don't you try to persuade him not to resist anymore, maybe it's... well, reserved. And you should also follow me, I can make a difference and leave two for you two Complete head, wouldn't it be nice for us to be the overlord in this world and enjoy happiness for a long time?"

Yanyan's brows were pressed together, and her arms were raised suddenly: "You fart!"

As she shouted, the entire forest below seemed to be boiling with anger, and countless branches stabbed straight at the demon in the air like sharp swords.

The vain half of his face seemed to feel that the power of wood controlling these trees was pure and thick, and there was also a hint of vast and domineering temperament.

This kind of strong domineering made him very uncomfortable, so he didn't dare to get close to those wildly growing branches easily.

But the trees were so crazy that the half-faced monster had to dodge left and right, and it seemed a little embarrassed to dodge.

Gradually, the monster's behavior began to become a little irritable and impatient, obviously it was slowly losing patience.

It carefully avoided the attack of the branches, its head suddenly shook, and the long hair-like thick cloud dragged behind, suddenly engulfing the trees that were attacking madly.

Then this head actually directly abandoned the hair that protected it, leaving only half of a bald face with a big mouth, biting Yanyan from top to bottom.

Taming lightning with the speed of half a face, even Yan Yan didn't react.

Although she has been concentrating on the battle situation, but because the opponent's speed has exceeded the limit of her eyesight, there is no way to track the opponent's trajectory with her eyes.

When the scene was suddenly bitten just now, in Yanyan's view, the other party just disappeared from the same place suddenly.

Yan Yan was a little surprised, and immediately looked around for the trace of the half face, but when she raised her face again and looked at the top of her head.

When she saw that half of the face again, the other party had already reached the tip of her nose, facing her face to face.

Yan Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and her heart skipped a beat.

She clearly smelled the breath of death, which was right in front of her eyes.

But she had nowhere to hide, and she couldn't even close her eyes in time.

All we can do is wait for death to come!

At this moment, Yanyan suddenly understood in her heart that this statement was not an exaggeration, there was a kind of despair, and she could only sit and wait for death.

Just like her at this moment.

Almost when Yanyan felt that the monster's tongue had reached the tip of her nose, there was a strange and tough wind in front of her face, with her familiar breath, suddenly and swiftly swipe from her face door.


Accompanied by that thin but strong wind passing by, Yanyan heard a soft sound of something shattering at the end of her nose.

The sound is a bit like teeth cracking a potato chip.

Then Yanyan saw half of the face in front of her, a thin line appeared in the center of the bridge of the nose.

Yanyan squinted her eyes subconsciously, her skin felt a little itchy and cool, she felt a thin wind blowing from that thin thread.


This is……


Just when Yanyan squinted, the half of her face that was almost touching the tip of her nose began to separate from the middle bit by bit, as if cut by a precision instrument, neatly divided into two halves.

 happy weekend

(End of this chapter)

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