Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 926 Remembering Something from the Past

Chapter 926 Reminds me of something from the past

Listening to Mr. Yumei's tangled and puzzled words, an evil smile gradually appeared on Yanyan's face.

Mr. Yumei doesn't know, but she does.

There is only one power that can make all the flowers, plants and trees in this world crazy.

That is the power of the Eastern Shenmu that belongs to Canghua itself.

When he was at a loss just now, Yan Yan did indeed say that he would use all the power of green wood in his body.

This is also the reason why the phantom of the sacred tree that had been floating above her head suddenly turned into a beam of sharp blades of light and pierced the black abyss.

It's just a coincidence that the timing was a bit of a coincidence. Just when she was mobilizing all the wood power in her body, Mr. Yumei also dominated the trees in the night mist wilderness to drive this way.

Perhaps Mr. Yumei also sensed the power of wood she released, but even if he had the power of wood, it was not as sharp as the natural vegetation's induction of the power of wood.

Feeling the stronger power of wood, these auras naturally rush towards this side like crazy.

Even if Mr. Yumei's level of controlling spirit qi is high, he can only be pushed up passively in the face of the power of wood that is much higher than his own.

It is estimated that the big wooden awl can cause so much damage to monsters, even Mr. Yumei himself is surprised.

Saying goodbye to Mr. Yumei, Maha Luojia took Yanyan and Chen Zhen to the time and space leading to the past.

There is no scenery around, only a yard of white.

Yanyan finally had time to check on Chen Zhen's condition.

Chen Zhen was still in a coma. He didn't know if he was too stimulated just now. There were traces of blood oozing from his mouth, nose and ears.

Although the blood stains had dried up, they rubbed against his face during the violent shock just now.

So at this moment, Chen Zhen looked a little miserable.

Yanyan found a handkerchief for him to clean up the blood stains on his face. After finishing all this, Yanyan noticed that Chen Zhen's eyelids trembled slightly, and then he frowned tightly.

Yan Yan's movements of pinching the bloody handkerchief froze slightly, and then she stared at Chen Zhen's face with a complicated expression.

The child clearly has sentience.

So, he is...

Fell asleep!
Just now, in order to take him back to the past, these people almost lost their lives through desperate fights. This guy is lucky, he has been sleeping all the time!

This is no longer a big deal, this is simply lack of care!
Yanyan was a little angry, so she slapped Chen Zhen on the arm angrily: "Hey, wake up! The bus is here!"

In fact, Yan Yan's slap was not serious, but Chen Zhen really woke up faintly.

As if his eyes couldn't adapt to the endless whiteness, Chen Zhen first raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and then he saw Yan Yan squatting beside him.

Chen Zhen's gaze stayed on the bloody handkerchief in Yanyan's hand for a few seconds, and he began to move his body slowly.

Then he found that he was tied up, and he was still very sleepy.

Chen Zhen looked at Yanyan suspiciously.

Yanyan has already thrown away the bloody handkerchief, and is untying the knot for him
Yan Yan explained while explaining: "Don't get me wrong, I tied you here because I was afraid that I wouldn't care to look at you during the fight and accidentally throw you away. The situation just now was a bit dangerous."

Hearing what Yanyan said, there was no surprise on Chen Zhen's face.

He nodded slightly: "Well, I know."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and saw Yanyan looking at herself with complicated eyes.

Chen Zhen thought for a while, and then replied solemnly: "I didn't pretend to faint because of fear. I did faint at that moment. But later, I had some vague perceptions, but I never really woke up."

When he said this, Chen Zhen turned his face and took a deep look at Mahalaka.

His mood was inexplicably depressed suddenly, and he added: "In addition, I also remembered some things from the past."

Yanyan didn't notice the way Chen Zhen looked at Mahalaka, her focus was mainly on what Chen Zhen said.

Because at the last moment of leaving that illusion, Mr. Yumei strongly urged, and his tone was very clear, he said that Chen Zhen's past experience was very bad.

As soon as Chen Zhen woke up, he suddenly said "I remembered something from the past", and Yan Yan also became nervous all of a sudden.

She carefully observed Chen Zhen's expression and demeanor, and asked cautiously, "What do you remember?"

Chen Zhen had a hesitant expression on his face, as if he was trying to remember, then he shook his head lightly: "It's something that happened a long time ago, and it was intermittent and confusing."

While listening to him, Yan Yan carefully checked his emotional changes, but she found that Chen Zhen didn't show any painful expression.

Then Yanyan boldly continued to ask: "Is it related to what happened when we went back to the past?"

Chen Zhen sighed softly and shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

When he was talking, he raised his hand and put it in front of him, looking at it quietly, with a helpless tone: "I think of things from a long, long time ago, but as the current me, those things that happened when I was alive Well, I don’t remember it at all.”

Lowering his hands, Chen Zhen looked at Yanyan with a serious expression: "Now, I'm even more curious about what happened to me while I was alive, and why I don't have any memory."

When they were talking, Maharaja suddenly let out a long and quiet cry.

Although Yan Yan and Chen Zhen still maintained their sitting postures, the space in front of them suddenly twisted like a whirlpool.

The original pure white space and some miscellaneous colors are all mixed together like porridge.

Yan Yan felt that her eyes were a little dazzled, she subconsciously hugged Mahalaka's horn, and closed her eyes.

Because of the discomfort in her eyes, she didn't see it. Chen Zhen, who was sitting opposite, didn't react at all at the moment.

Chen Zhen just watched the space twist, change, squeeze, and stretch in front of him with a calm expression...

Finally, when the scene in front of him completely stabilized, he and Yanyan were already standing...

Hundun town.

Yan Yan kept her eyes closed, feeling that the surrounding environment had become stable, and she even heard someone talking, so she slowly opened her eyes.

She was standing on a street with her arms empty, and when she turned around, she saw Mahalaka's body curled up and her belly walking beside her.

Although Mahalaka still maintains the snake shape, its current figure has shrunk a lot. Part of its body is dragged on the ground for walking, and the upright part is just as tall as Yanyan.

Such a posture makes Mahalaka move extremely flexibly.

"Where's Chen Zhen?"

Yan Yan asked nervously.

"Hiss—" Maha Luojia spat out the snake letter, turned his head and looked at the other end of the street.

Yan Yan looked along Mahalaka, and saw Chen Zhen standing quietly in front of the gate of an ordinary family, tilting his head to look into the yard.

Quietly coming to Chen Zhen's side, Yanyan also looked in curiously, and asked casually, "Do you know this family?"

Chen Zhen nodded calmly: "This is my home."

 Ask for tickets, thank you, bow~
(End of this chapter)

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