Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 934 The Meaning of Monster Names

Chapter 934 The Meaning of Monster Names
"Its purpose is to capture the inherent weaknesses in human nature."

When she said this, Yanyan suddenly remembered a word that Meng shoemaker said when he was beating a woman just now.

Yan Yan didn't hear very clearly at that time, she only vaguely heard what the other party said, which seemed to be "panic".

Is this the name of a monster?

Still confused!

Another question arose in Yanyan's heart at the same time.

Why does Meng shoemaker know the name of the monster?

Was it the genie who revealed it in their dreams?

She has lived in Huntun Town for so long, and she has always wanted to find out information about this monster, but even Mr. Yumei and the master don't know what the monster is called.

Does this mean that the name of this monster has a very important meaning to itself.

In fact, Yanyan has always known that in this world of mountains and seas, names are of special importance.

A person's name in this world is no longer just a title for this person, it also has a substantial effect on this person that can even affect fate.

For example, if you swear to the way of heaven, you must say the name of the person who made the oath.

Another example is rituals such as casting curses and casting Gu. Names are used in many places.

These ceremonies pass a person's name and birthday, and finally realize the result of the ceremony on the person whose name was recorded in the ceremony.

Even, for example, such a powerful name like Canghua has even been used as a spell for body protection for some special groups such as the Wood Elves...

Therefore, this big monster tried every means to hide its own name, and there must be some deep meaning behind it.

Yan Yan suddenly bent the corners of her lips lightly, this time she came back, just in time to find out the name of this monster.

Yanyan was thinking about monsters.

Chen Zhen was thinking about Yan Yan.

To be precise, he was thinking about what Yanyan said just now.

He didn't quite understand what the inherent weakness of human nature is.

When he was about to ask, the monster who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke again: "I am very satisfied with your performance, so, as a reward, I decided to be merciful and return your child to you."

This sentence has two meanings.

The former one was obviously approving of Meng shoemaker's behavior of beating the woman, to please the monster.

The second half of the sentence is for women.

Those who were beaten and those who were beaten were praised and rewarded at the same time.

So, what will be the result of this?

The expression on Chen Zhen's face became even more confused.

He looked at Yanyan puzzled: "I'm getting more and more confused about what this monster wants to do!"

There was clarity in her big, flaming and clear eyes, and her tone was full of confidence: "Isn't the matter getting clearer and clearer? The whole thing is moving more and more in the direction I guessed."

While speaking, Yanyan glanced at the shoemaker Meng and the woman in the center of the crowd.

At this time, Meng shoemaker knelt on the ground and kowtowed to unknown places one after another.

The child returned to the woman's arms.

The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, completely immersed in the excitement of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Although the child in her arms was tortured to the point of dying, the mother who was holding the child also kowtowed in an unknown direction to thank Meng shoemaker.

And from her expression, she didn't intend to blame the shoemaker Meng who beat her just now, not even a bit of resentment.

It was all pure gratitude, to the monster for giving her the baby back.

Automatically ignored all her tragic experiences, all of which were caused by monsters.

Because the monster praised Meng Shoemaker, in the heart of the woman who was beaten, the other party's behavior became what she deserved, and even became ridiculously merciful.

Yanyan's eyes turned to those who had been watching just now.

Almost all the expressions on the audience's faces showed a relaxed and relieved look.

Because the monster was happy, they gained a temporary sense of security, and no one went to investigate whether Meng Shoemaker's behavior was correct.

Perhaps in the hearts of these people, they are still silently grateful to Meng Shoemaker for beating a woman who is helpless...

Yanyan finally set her sights on the Chen family's wife and Chen Zhen.

On the face of Mrs. Chen's family, worry and sadness became heavier.

Her two arms have been holding onto Chen Zhen's arm tightly, as if she let go of her hand for a moment, and her son will disappear from her side.

Yanyan's eyes moved to Chen Zhen beside her.

Chen Zhen's eyes are still calm and bright, his emotions seem to be frozen, and it will never have violent ups and downs.

But Yanyan saw that the blue blood vessels on the back of his left and right hands suddenly popped up.

Chen Zhen was angry, but his emotions were too restrained, and he couldn't see it at all on the surface.

Yan Yan's gaze stayed on Chen Zhen's eyes at this moment for a little longer.

She found that Chen Zhen at this time had clean and clear eyes. Although he was still calm, he seemed calm and full of wisdom.

This kind of Chen Zhen was her impression of Chen Zhen.

Then her gaze shifted to Chen Zhen beside her.

Then he found that Chen Zhen, who was following him, was always in a daze.

Chen Zhen, who had traveled through the illusion of monsters and woke up again, had indeed changed too much.

And it seems to have become... stupider than before.

Chen Zhen who followed was looking at the shoemaker Meng and the young mother who knelt on the ground and kowtowed to thank him with puzzled eyes.

The monster's voice sounded again: "Are you really grateful to me?"

Meng shoemaker and the woman kowtowed more sincerely, as if their foreheads were not their own.Hearing the sound of their kowtow, Yanyan felt panicked in pain.

The monster Jie Jie laughed: "Okay, since you are grateful to me, let me know your sincerity. Now, I need your help to find someone. This person is in your town. His birthday is... ..."

When the monster said this, he paused for a while before speaking slowly: "Bingyin Jiawu Jiaxu."

The birth date in the mouth of the monster is exported.

All the people present suddenly started talking in low voices.

Still kneeling on the ground, Meng shoemaker boldly asked: "Great Immortal, there is no date of birth in this horoscope, please tell me when it was made, and I will definitely find it out for you soon."


This time, the monster gave a straightforward answer.

It seems that the monster doesn't know when Chen Zhen was born.

No wonder he couldn't be found.

Yanyan once again set her sights on Mrs. Chen and Chen Zhen.

Strangely, the lady of the Chen family's expression became much calmer than before.

I don't know if it's because the monster doesn't know Chen Zhen's birthday, she is relieved, or because she is afraid that her emotions will expose Chen Zhen's identity and force herself to be calm.

But Chen Zhen's eyes were obviously filled with surprise.

He was obviously very surprised, he had no idea that the person the monster was looking for was him.

Chen Zhen, who was standing beside Yanyan, also turned to look at Yanyan in obvious surprise.

"Its next target is really me! How on earth do you know?"

Chen Zhen felt that the little girl in front of him was very powerful. At this moment, he admired Yan Yan's intelligence from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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