Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 94 Hidden Number, Ning Fengzi

Chapter 94 Hidden Number, Ning Fengzi
The car parked in front of a rather inconspicuous shop.

Yan Yan looked at the gray and gray signboard in front of her, and wanted to ask: How long has this shop been closed?The ashes accumulated on the door plaque can bury people.

As if he could see what she was thinking, Shen Yuyun said: "Mr. Ning has a low-key personality, so he doesn't want to make the facade look impressive. You'd better talk less when you see him later."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yuyun added another sentence: "In fact, most of the 'hidden accounts' opened by monks are like this. They usually only do business for regular customers."

Yan Yan only found out about it after listening to Shen Yuyun in the car just now.

The business names opened by monks are called "hidden names", but in fact, they don't know the meaning of opening a shop.

In the world of mountains and seas, every place is guarded by a fixed Xiuxian Gate, or controlled by a powerful monarch, which is the so-called "territory".

Although monks don't care much about money, for a cultivating sect to operate, it still needs essential financial resources as a foundation.Therefore, in addition to accepting the filial piety of the mortals in their territory, Xiuxianmen will also do some business with mortals in their own territory.

If other monks come here to do business, it will naturally violate the interests of the local cultivating sect. Of course, the fat hens raised by others will not allow outsiders to pick up eggs.

Therefore, some casual cultivators want to earn money or resources, so they can only secretly open a small shop and do some business with regular customers, because what they earn is only petty profits, and the sect of cultivating immortals doesn't bother to care about it.

This is the origin of the "hidden sign".

The Mr. Ning that Shen Yuyun recommended to Yanyan was a casual cultivator.

Mr. Ning, named Ning Fengzi.

At this moment, this Ning Sanxiu was sitting opposite Yanyan and Shen Yuyun, eloquent and eloquent.

"Girl, look at this, this is the Shiquan Dabu Pill... Don't you like it? I have another one here, this one is even more powerful, the Vajra Indestructible Dali Pill... and this one, this is the Dragon Born Tiger Roaring San... ..."

The veins on Yanyan's forehead twitched a few times.

She wanted to growl right now.

Shen Yuyun introduced something to her. This person has the same name as him: Ning Fengzi = Ning Crazy

Seeing Mr. Ning talking endlessly like a rotten faucet, Shen Yuyun was as confused as Yan Yan.

After getting used to it for a while, he explained in a low voice in Yanyan's ear: "Mr. Ning, he...was really not like this before, he might be more enthusiastic towards female guests!"

Yan Yan frowned and looked at Shen Yuyun, her eyes implying that he should quickly shut up this lunatic.

Shen Yuyun interrupted Ning Fengzi, who was talking non-stop, and said in a friendly tone, "Mr. Ning, you may have misunderstood. The pill that my friend wants to buy is mainly a pill that can quickly increase the spirit energy in the body. I don't know if Mr. Spot goods?"

Ning Fengzi looked Yanyan up and down, and smiled treacherously: "This girl has only started practicing for a short time, hasn't she?"

Shen Yuyun nodded: "Exactly! She wants to condense high-quality Qi Ling."

Ning Fengzi's smile deepened: "If I'm right, she didn't want to condense high-quality Qi Ling as soon as possible, but she couldn't condense Qi Ling at all!"

Yanyan's eyes were filled with shock, Dai Mei frowned and stared at the other party.

Shen Yuyun didn't expect Ning Fengzi to be able to see Yanyan's crux at a glance. Although he was surprised in his heart, his face was still calm: "Do you have a good opinion, sir?"

Mr. Ning smiled meaningfully: "Of course there are pills, and they are definitely of high quality."

Ning Fengzi waved to the two of them, and led them into another room dedicated to storing pills, opened a small drawer on the shelf, and took out a gourd-shaped sapphire vial the size of a thumb.

Gently put the small jade bottle on the table, Ning Fengzi said: "Here is a condensed jade pill. The tripod was just released the day before yesterday. You can get three of them with one tripod."

"Those two pills were sold on the same day, and there is only this last one left. If the other party didn't bring enough money, there wouldn't even be this one left."

While Ning Fengzi was speaking, he unscrewed the cork of the sapphire vial, and a clear fragrance instantly filled the room.

Yanyan sniffed and sniffed a few times, only to feel refreshed and comfortable.

Shen Yuyun also twitched her nostrils twice, and said in amazement: "This Ningyu Pill has the blood of the right palms of Dixiu and Zhu Yan?"

Ning Fengzi praised with a smile: "Uncle is indeed the proud student of Tianbei Island, he really has insight!"

Shen Yuyun smiled faintly, and turned to look at Yanyan next to her: "This Ningyu Pill is of good quality."

This is to tell Yanyan: Genuine product, you can accept it.

Yan Yan glanced at the sapphire vial: "Can I have a look at the elixir?"

"Of course!" Ning Fengzi tilted the vial, and a round bullet rolled out of the vial into his palm.

The elixir is brownish-yellow, very similar to the color of deep water sandalwood, but the surface has traces of being tempered by fire and mercury, and when it is turned, there are vaguely silky lines, and there is also a touch of quicksand gold mixed in during the process.

Shen Yuyun looked at the elixir and explained to Yanyan: "Look at the quicksand pattern on the surface of the elixir, it is the trace of blood from Zhu Yan's right palm. Zhu Yan's liver was born in the palm of his right paw, and the blood stored in the liver is gold. colored blood."

Yan Yan nodded slightly.

Although she doesn't know elixir, but this elixir has a round and smooth appearance, and the inside smell is mellow and mellow, so it should be good based on intuition.

Yanyan's gaze shifted from the pill to Ning Fengzi: "What price?"

Ning Fengzi stretched out five fingers.

Yanyan Dai raised her eyebrows slightly: "50 taels of silver?"

Ning Fengzi chuckled: "Gold"

Yanyan was surprised: "So expensive?"

She looked sideways at Shen Yuyun who was beside her.

Shen Yuyun lowered her eyes and drank tea silently.

Apparently, there are rules about pricing in this place, and Shen Yuyun can't lend a hand.

Yan Yandai frowned: "Can it be cheaper?"

Ning Fengzi glanced at Shen Yuyun next to him, turned his eyes to Yanyan's face, and said with a sly smile: "You kiss Lord Shen, and I'll give you 50 taels of silver."

Yanyan: "..."

This old lunatic owes a lot!

Yan Yan looked back at Shen Yuyun.

Shen Yuyun was also looking at her while holding a teacup.

Yan Yan glared at him, reached out and took out an ingot of gold from the pouch at her waist, and threw it on the table.

She was too lazy to chat with the lunatic, so she took the pill, turned around and walked out.

After walking to the door, a black thing suddenly sprang out from the shadow behind the door, stretching out its long hairy claws to grab Yanyan's wrist.

The speed of that thing was extremely fast, Yan Yan was unprepared, she was about to be caught by that black thing, suddenly a wall of light with colorful flow pattern appeared in front of her.

The paw hit the bare wall as if it had been scalded, and fled back to the corner screaming "hiss".

Only now did Yan Yan see clearly that the dark thing in the corner was actually an old baboon with wrinkled flesh.

Yanyan didn't know what the old baboon meant by jumping out suddenly, and when she turned around, she saw that Shen Yuyun had already put away the recruiter.

It turned out that the five-color light wall just now was Shen Yuyun's activation of the recruiting armor, which blocked the claws of the old baboon for her.

Shen Yuyun turned back to look at Ning Fengzi with unfriendly eyes: "I brought the person here, so he is naturally my friend of Shen Yuyun. Is it wrong for Mr. Ning to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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