Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 953 Prepare... to slap your face!

Chapter 953 Prepare... to slap your face!
Seeing those skeletons after being attacked and disappeared, turned into vivid human faces with complete features and even expressions, Mr. Yumei's gaze also became serious.

"No! It shouldn't be like this, these people should dissipate after being charged with power!"

It was Tan Xiangzi who had been staying upstairs before speaking.

When he said these words, Tan Xiangzi flew down and came to the side of Yanyan and Mr. Yumei.

He stared at the monsters that were changing from skeletons to human faces one by one, and said in surprise: "These people have died long ago, but their faces are still alive? That's impossible."

At this time, Tan Xiangzi also recognized that these faces were those who had lived in Huntun Town.

When those skeletons turned into human faces, the expressions and demeanors of those people also recovered at the same time, as if fresh flesh and blood grew out of the skulls.

It's just that without the body, everyone has only one face left.

Although Tan Xiangzi was amazed at the strange changes in front of him, Yanyan and Mr. Yumei were not unfamiliar with these faces at all.

These are the faces that surrounded the big snake after taking Yanyan and Chen Zhen through the final illusion and rushing into the monster's mouth before the time-travel meeting passed.

Especially Yanyan saw the past, she understood that these are the souls of those who were swallowed by monsters.

Yan Yan thought about it later, their existence with such a human face was probably a ray of soul consciousness preserved by the monster, or it might be a magic technique used by the monster to control the created illusionary territory.

It's just that Yanyan didn't want to understand why these people have only one face.

"Hey Hey……"

Turned into a face, these things who don't know if they can be considered human, let out a sinister and sneer, which makes people feel creepy.

"Dead, since they are all dead, let them all stay!"

The face of the guest who spoke first suddenly rushed towards Yanyan.

It's just that before reaching Yanyan's approach, he was hit by the snake's tail suddenly thrown out by Maha Luoga on the Yanyan wall, and it was scattered with one blow.

The shattered face let out a mournful wail, and at the same time issued a series of vicious curses from its mouth.

Before the others responded, Xing Yutang, who had been standing on the second floor, heard the wailing of that face and those curses, and immediately felt a burst of boredom in his heart, and his blood was a little restless.

One face was scattered, and many faces rushed up, and the Mahalaka wrapped around Yan Yan's arms had turned into a pair of snake bone whips.

Yanyan flung the fierce spirit energy wrapped around the whip, making a blast, and as soon as the whip was thrown out, more than a dozen faces were smashed and collapsed immediately.

After every face is drawn away, they will utter ugly curses or curses.

Although those ugly insults and curses were heard endlessly, Yan Yan was so excited that she almost danced a pair of silver whips, and the sharp whips joined together, wrapping her whole body in the center like a cocoon.

Those faces rushing up are like fragile air bubbles, as long as they hit the snake bone whip, they will instantly turn into bursts of gray haze and dissipate away.

It's just that there are too many faces being slapped, and Yanyan's side is constantly being abused, which sounds a bit annoying.

I don't know if it was Yanyan who told the final ending of the story, the targets of those faces were all directed at Yanyan alone.

Although the other three were also surrounded by countless faces in the tea shop, those faces seemed to ignore their existence, and none of them attacked the three of them.

At this moment, Xing Yutang also flew down.

Seeing Yanyan attract those skeletons and human faces to her, Xing Yutang was a little worried, and asked, "Why did Miss Yan suddenly tell the ending of the story? Did she do it on purpose or not?"

He hasn't seen Yanyan these two days, he doesn't know her whereabouts, and naturally he doesn't know her plan.

The gangster next to him is watching the movement of the next door every day, but even the gangster, apart from his apprentice Bo Chengxian who knows Yanyan, who earnestly teaches that guy named He Ji the practice method of opening up spiritual roots every day, has nothing to do. Discover Yanyan's whereabouts.

For some reason, Xing Yutang was always worried about the little girl.

Mr. Yumei: "This story was originally an allusion. I used this story as the sealing spell of this illusion, and it was also to enlighten the remaining souls here. Telling the ending of this story broke the seal of this illusion."

At this point, Mr. Yumei looked at Yanyan who kept waving his double whips, and sighed: "When she said the ending, she attracted the breath that triggered this space force to herself, so these dead spirits who have been trapped here for a long time Only find her alone."

Then, Mr. Yumei's eyes fell on the more and more skeletons pouring in from the outside, with a hesitant expression: "These skeletons would have been directly turned into dust after being attacked, and their real bodies have long since died. They are just some illusions, their bones have already been sealed by me with the spirit of wood and scattered in the loess."

"But today, after these dry bones were broken up, they turned into such faces that could attack. This shows that the monster has exiled the original resentment from these undead spirits in advance."

Tan Xiangzi smashed two faces that flew past him with a wine gourd and was about to rush towards Yanyan, and said: "So, this monster has set up an ambush in advance, it knows that this little girl is going to deal with it. I wanted to catch her off guard."

Yumei nodded: "It seems that this monster has other plans today."

Seeing more and more skeletons coming in, Yanyan showed no intention of retreating, so Mr. Yumei beckoned to recall the two big tea leaves that were attacking the skeletons.

If it was the layout of monsters, the more skeletons he smashed, the more faces he would attack Yanyan, this is not an option.

But just as Mr. Yumei recalled the tea tree leaves, Yan Yan threw out the whip, and the other whip rolled, and the tea tree leaves that had just fallen into his palm flew up.

"The old man continues to hit the skeleton, if you don't hit it, what should I smoke?"

Mr. Yumei: "But, in this way, didn't you fall into the trap of the monster?"

Yanyan smiled brightly: "I know it's a trick, so I just follow the trick!"

Mr. Yumei heard what Yan Yan said, and only when she was absolutely sure of fighting the monster, he threw a few tea leaves again.

Hearing that Yan Yan had a plan, Tan Xiangzi and Xing Yutang also came to their senses, they copied their respective guys and rushed into the skeleton, and beat them up like chopping melons and vegetables.

Tan Xiangzi and Xing Yutang have been suffocating for a long time, and now they let go of their hands and feet, and they feel very comfortable.

The face that was smashed for a while was cursing, the fog was filled, and the bones and sticks were flying all over the sky...

However, skeletons from all directions are constantly pouring towards the teahouse. Even if the four of Yanyan can fight, there are too many skeletons coming this way.
Seeing that several people were about to be buried by skeletons like a mountain of corpses.

Tan Xiangzi waved the wine gourd, which had grown to the size of a person and a half, and shouted: "We can't fight this way, there are too many bones. What about Zhener? Do you want to take him with you? What if the monster takes advantage of us? We are busy here to take Zhen'er away, our work is not in vain!"

Yanyan slapped her face and replied: "Don't take it, Chen Zhen has already gone to find the monster."

 Good night, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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