Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 960 Chen Zhen, do you think you have enlightened?

Chapter 960 Chen Zhen, do you think you have enlightened?

The girl's black hair was flying, and her flaming skirt was swept away like a torrent swept up by a violent current. In her hand was a bright silver eight-foot snake spear, and the spearhead was entwined with the aftermath of purple electricity that gods and ghosts feared.

The girl was standing between Lie Shanding and Huang, her glistening eyes were quiet and introverted, revealing a seven-point coldness and full murderous intent, she watched the big monster supporting the sky, and smiled.

"Desolation, born from greed, hatred, despair, and loss, can destroy all vitality, exterminate humanity, force people to die, including destroying the hope in the heart of a person, this is the reason for you, the reason for the formation of the wild spirit, and what the power asks for The source is the sadistic demonic obstacle."

On the opposite side, Huang, the dead tree lotus above his head, quietly turned towards the girl who descended from the sky, without speaking.

Yanyan's cherry-colored lips smiled lightly: "You came for Huntun, so the local people's morals are lacking, greedy, selfish, and tyrannical. But when you killed these greedy souls, you forgot another thing. "

Huang's body paused imperceptibly, as if he was attracted by Yan Yan's next content.

Yan Yan's smile gradually became stronger: "Mr. Yumei's story has actually been explained clearly to you: Chaos was artificially injured, opened seven apertures, and passed on wisdom. At the same time, he entered the endless sea of ​​suffering in the ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and finally died because of losing his true nature. But Death also means the end of the boundless sea of ​​suffering, and according to the cause and effect of reincarnation, it is the beginning of a true birth to the world."

Speaking of this place, Yan Yan's eyes flowed, like autumn water embracing the galaxy: "The true nature came to the world, and the divine rebirth is you, the time to eradicate the barrenness."

When he finished saying this, he looked at Huang Huo's big body on the opposite side and gave a noticeable pause, and smiled Yanyan: "Unfortunately, no matter how deep your cultivation base is, you are still a monster after all, and you can't understand the vastness of the origin of my human race, especially your kindness." Absorbing the beliefs of people with corrupt morality will make you even more lacking in the great wisdom of our human race, and you deserve it for this difficulty!"

While speaking, Yan Yan shook the Zhangba Snake Spear in her hand, and the fierce spear tip wrapped in the wild and domineering thunder fury, suddenly threw out a thick purple lightning light, and struck the opposite Huang.

The lotus head of the desolate dead wood shook violently, and the faces around her were instantly scattered by the originally condensed demon power, and the huge figure turned into a plate of loose sand dancing wildly.

The purple lightning ray that Yanyan slashed across crossed the scattered faces, setting off a mournful wail, and scattered his body to avoid Yanyan's blow.

"Girl be careful! It uses space power to suppress you!" Sisi hurriedly reminded from behind.

"I know, you take them away quickly!" Yan Yan ordered without looking back.

"Don't worry, I will protect them!" Si Si's voice came again, already a little ethereal.

Chen Zhen was a little curious, and looked in the direction where Sisi was speaking, but in the direction where the voice came from, Chen Zhen's eyes suddenly widened.

He was surprised to find that Sisi had disappeared where he spoke just now, and not only Sisi disappeared, but also the defeated Lie Shanding and the unconscious Tonba.

Chen Zhen suddenly remembered that Sisi had transformed into himself. No monster in the world could compare to its unpredictable and true imitation ability.

The so-called mirage can transform all illusions. It completely merges its own body with this illusion, and uses the technique of space hiding to completely cover Lie Shanding and Tonba.

In this way, even if they are all swallowed up by the big monster, as long as Sisi does not show up, it is a part of this world, and if it hides deliberately, no one will be able to find it.

It really is a natural invisibility protection barrier!

It's no wonder that Yanyan brought Sisi, who had absolutely no fighting power, out of the Sumeru Realm. It turned out that Sisi's special ability was cleverly arranged and used by Yanyan to protect her.

Looking at Yanyan's meticulous layout in front of him, Chen Zhen shook his head regretfully: "This is the cause and effect between Ding, Taotie and Nahuang. You can have nothing to do with it, so why bother to mix it up?" Go into the cause and effect of others?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhen couldn't help sighing again: "It seems that many things in the world are blinded by greed, hatred and obsession, and are inexplicably swept into other people's cause and effect without knowing it. Very few people are sober."

When he said this, Chen Zhen was surrounded by lotus phantoms again.

Looking at the lotus flowers slowly dancing around him, Chen Zhen felt peaceful and clear in his heart.

There was a gentle smile on his face, and he thought with relief: Although the lotus flower is just a shadow in front of his eyes, at least this proves that he has clearly seen his true nature and already possessed wisdom.

Now as long as he maintains neither arrogance nor anger, does not involve other people's karma, and upholds pure goodness, he will surely be able to prove the golden body again!

With this thought in mind, Chen Zhen became more conscious and more confident, and then he raised his head to look at Yan Yan who was holding a thunderclap and slashing towards the wilderness.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zhen said to Yan Yan: "Just now, the Huang and Lie Shan Ding, Tonba is ending the karma between them, you and I are both unrelated passers-by in their karma, why bother to be obsessed Among them? You should know not to involve other people's cause and effect, not to be attached to, not to be greedy and angry, it is good!"

At this point, Chen Zhen once again had the illusion of a lotus flower appearing faintly all over his body.

Chen Zhen looked serene, stretched out his palm and held up an illusion of a lotus flower, handed it to Yan Yan and said: "Cultivate good thoughts, and you can understand and realize the way of God."

Yan Yan swung his spear sharply and a thunderbolt slashed towards Huang, surrounding her, drawing a white shadow of the waning moon with her as the center, smashing Huang Jiang's gathered Wanmian figure to the ground again.

While the two sides were panting for breath, Yanyan turned her head and saw Chen Zhen standing on the edge of the dense forest not far away, with a calm expression and faint confidence.

A nonchalant smile appeared on Fang's lips, and instead of answering, she asked, "Chen Zhen, do you think you have enlightened?"

Chen Zhen was a little confused by Yanyan's sudden question.

This question is difficult to answer, although he has a wonderful understanding, but he has not yet had the opportunity to prove the Tao, he does not know how to reply Yan Yan, so he can only silently look up at the girl.

With a flick of the spear in his hand, a beautiful gun flower bloomed on the front of his head, and Yan Yan's smile suddenly changed from the shallow to ostentatious.

With a leap, she flied towards the sky, narrowed her eyes and glanced at the dead tree lotus head that was turning to her side, her voice was clear and clear, but it filled the world in an instant.

Yan Yan suddenly asked loudly: "What is good? Chen Zhen, you answer me."

Chen Zhenzhen's head was shocked, he was still comprehending this question, he was afraid of being abrupt and honest, so he dared not answer it lightly.

Yanyan sneered:
"It is good to cherish the moths and the green lanterns!"

"It is good to feed eagles with meat and sacrifice their lives for righteousness!"

"Educating sentient beings to open up wisdom is doing good!"

When she spoke, her voice sounded like the ancient and turbulent waves that have gone through the years, and her voice vibrated in this boundless and silent space.

Chen Zhen stared wide-eyed, staring at the girl in thick and bright clothes in the void without blinking.

Maybe the girl didn't pay attention when she spoke, but Chen Zhen saw it clearly.

Just now, when Yanyan uttered those few words, around her body, there were also lotus flowers looming around her, entangled endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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