Chapter 989

The world only thinks that the Sumeru Realm is the supreme space treasure in the entire mountain and sea world.

In fact, the Sumeru Realm is far from that simple.

Even Canghua doesn't know all about the connection...

While thinking about these things, Emperor Yan's gaze returned to Yan Yan again.

These things are obviously not suitable to talk about with the current Yanyan.

Although it's not yet time, Emperor Yan couldn't help but frown again when he thought of the future that the child was about to face.

In the future, it is indeed cruel to this child.

However, these are the fates she cannot escape.

She was born for this...

Emperor Yan sighed softly in his heart, but there was no trace of distraction on his face, and he said calmly: "This time you can summon the Sumeru Realm to appear in reality, which means that you have gained experience in controlling the power of space. If I have the energy, I will also appear I will personally guide you. As for the purpose of the Sumeru Realm, you can’t grasp it at present, you only know a corner.”

"This trip is going to Guixu, the road is long and the mountains are far away, and the future is not good. You can master the Sumeru Realm as soon as possible to improve your own practice, and you can also speed up your progress."

Yan Yan nodded vigorously.

After saying this, Yan Yan's figure gradually became lighter, and a golden streamer wrapped around him.

Sensing that Emperor Yan was about to leave, Yanyan nervously took a step forward subconsciously, and asked anxiously: "If I have any advice on cultivation, how can I find you?"

When the words were spoken, only half of Emperor Yan's figure was left.

His figure is getting taller and taller, but his image is getting lighter and lighter, as if he is about to melt into the air.

Yanyan couldn't tell what kind of mood she was feeling at the moment.

When he said he wouldn't let her go back, she annoyed him.

But now that he was leaving, Yan Yan felt a strong reluctance rise from the bottom of her heart.

Even she couldn't understand that feeling, it was the reliance on her close relatives, the natural trust.

This kind of reluctance and nostalgia even surpassed her trust in Canghua.

something like...


Emperor Yan stretched out his hand slowly, his broad palm extended towards Yanyan's hair.

But just when the palm was about to caress the top of Yanyan's hair, that palm had faintly almost disappeared.

In the end, the palm failed to touch Yanyan, and only two words were left in her ear: "Remember, you have the supreme blood, move forward bravely, I can sense you, and I will do my best, help you……"

Yan Yan suddenly raised her head, the original appearance of her spiritual world had been restored before her eyes.

Emperor Yan's obsession went back.

Stretching out his hand, a golden aura, like a snow particle, lightly fell from the air and landed in Yanyan's palm.

A small one, but a powerful warm touch instantly swept the whole body.

Yanyan's spiritual body was instantly enveloped in a gentle golden brilliance, like a big, warm hug.

Her cheeks were a little itchy, Yanyan raised her head and rubbed her hands, but the back of her hands was full of wet water marks.

Why are you crying again?

Yanyan felt that she was very strange.

The first time she met a strange man, even if he was a great god, but she had never been with him before. Why did she always have an indescribable sense of grievance when she met Emperor Yan.

This kind of mentality is exactly the same as when a child goes to kindergarten and is bullied by other bear children, sees his father appearing at the gate of the kindergarten after school, rushes in, and lays his nose and tears on his broad shoulders.

"Cut! He's not Canghua, why are you crying!"

Yan Yan ruthlessly touched the tears on her face, then turned around, but tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Feeling angry, I wiped it hard...

Still flow!

Finally, Yanyan couldn't restrain herself anymore, she held her mouth and howled out: "I didn't explain how I found you at the end of the day, Yandi, you are a trap!"

When Yanyan came out of the Sumeru Sutra with snot and tears, a gust of tyrannical wind came towards her head-on.

Yanyan was still teary, and she didn't have any precautions, she only felt that her head was covered with sand and stones, and she subconsciously covered her head and face with her arms.

Then, in her inadvertently lowered gaze, Yan Yan saw madly rushing towards Mr. Yumei, and using the evil wind to transform into a sharp claw that was digging towards Mr. Yumei's throat...

This thing is actually so rampant!
Yanyan's thoughts were awakened suddenly, and only then did she realize that she had talked to Emperor Yan in her spiritual consciousness for so long just now, but at this moment in this illusion, nothing seemed to have changed.

It was like she had pressed the pause button during the fight just now, and now she pressed the start button to continue fighting.

Yan Yan was already in a bad mood, but now she was worried that she had no place to vent her emotions.

When I saw the barrenness, I became angry.

The phoenix's eyes narrowed, and a ruthless light flashed from his eyes, and he shouted angrily as his palms flew: "Frustration resolves disputes, and the light is in the same dust..."

As the spell burst out from her mouth, the golden flames of Xumi Realm standing behind her burst into flames, and the whole illusion was like an asphalt road in summer with a high temperature of [-] degrees, and even the air began to become distorted and rippling.

Every speck of dust seemed to be endowed with thinking, trying to position itself according to Yanyan's thoughts.

The storm-shaped palm that Huang stretched out to Mr. Yumei flew around it several times in an unexpected posture, and finally entangled it into a transparent mummy with his breath.

This experience is extremely painful.

Huang is awake from the beginning to the end, but every movement of it is not controlled by its own thoughts. This feeling is like watching the food sent to its mouth to continue its life when it is obviously hungry. The food was fed into other people's mouths...

Huang wants to cry.

Seeing Huang's painful appearance, Yanyan finally felt much better than before. She glanced to the side inadvertently, and then saw Mr. Yumei raised his head and looked towards her in surprise.

Sir can move?

He was able to resist the power of Xumi Realm!

Yan Yan stared round in disbelief.

Probably because everything in the illusion has stopped at this moment, Mr. Yumei can see Yanyan's face clearly.

But why is this girl still not moving?

Mr. Yumei was so embarrassed.

He was still holding the "forbidden" rune in his hand behind his back.

He just thought that the child was going to die, so he decided to use his last strength, even if he couldn't destroy this illusion, at least he could die together with this evil monster.

Then at the most critical moment, he almost crushed the rune in his hand, and the child suddenly became OK again.

Mr. Yumei almost had the illusion of surviving after a catastrophe.

Then he saw Yanyan raised her arms high, this posture was very imposing... Mr. Yumei felt that this child was finally about to give up completely.

Mr. Yumei's heart fell back into his stomach following Yanyan's raised hand.

But just as he thought she was done, the child stopped moving!

The heart that the old man had just put in his stomach rose again.

Can this kid do it?
Whether he pinches this talisman or not!
Just, it's embarrassing...


PS: At this point in the text, the fight is basically over, because the Xumi Realm is another invisible button that is about to activate the great power, and Yandi is added in the middle. The plot of this chapter is very important for Yanyan to inherit the god position later.

The fight is over, let’s just smile at the last article, I like to see your cute smiles, hehe, the pot cover saves your life (⊙_⊙) Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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