Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 993 Tooth Extraction

Chapter 993 Tooth Extraction
After getting off the altar, Yanyan looked around, and saw Sisi in her room doing needlework with Ah Xiang and the other women.

Sisi seemed to be in a bad mood, as if her beautiful dress was torn during the fight just now.

Lie Shanding quietly stood by and watched the chess.

Xing Yutang was lying on the grass next to Deng Wenming.

Yanyan heard that he fainted as soon as he entered the Sumeru Realm, and she didn't know if it was because of excessive fright or other reasons.

Deng Wenming had checked his physical condition for him, and there was nothing wrong, as if he was asleep.

Then Yanyan saw Chen Zhen squatting alone under the stairs of Yulan Building, poking the mud with a small wooden stick.

Probably because his previous performance disappointed everyone, no one in Sumeru Realm is willing to accompany him at the moment.It looked a little bleak.

Seemingly sensing Yanyan's gaze, Chen Zhen, who was pushed aside by everyone, quickly raised his head.

But as soon as he raised his head, the small wooden stick that was holding the circle in his hand immediately shone with a green light, and turned into a thumb-sized herbaceous spirit, which rushed out of Chen Zhen's hand.

As soon as Cao Mujing escaped, she ran towards Yanyan, and ran onto Yanyan's shoulder before stopping.

The grass spirit with the big thumb stood on Yanyan's shoulder, and yelled at Chen Zhen with a thin voice:
"Aren't you not contaminated with karma? Don't touch this elf. If you touch this elf, you will be involved in karma with this elf. Be careful to hinder your path to becoming a god!"

In the end, Cao Mujing stuck out her small tongue, "Slightly, slightly..." and frantically stuck out her tongue at Chen Zhen.

After being poked by Yanyan's finger on her belly, the little grass spirit flew around her with a smile, and ran away playfully.

Yan Yan is helpless, it seems that this guy has completely offended someone, the Xumi Realm must have been broadcasting live again just now, no wonder even the good-tempered prostitutes ignored him.

Yanyan said: "You rest for a while, I'll go and see Tonba."

Chen Zhen originally wanted to say something, but seeing Yanyan's worried eyes, he could only slightly nod his head and lowered his eyes.

Yan Yan felt that it was actually good for Chen Zhen to be alone for a while, and if everyone had an opinion on him, then the problem must be her own.

Let him think about it quietly.

Arriving at the door of Tonba's beast lair, Yan Yan stepped in.

Although it is a tonba beast's nest, but this nest is made of the well-developed aerial roots produced by the flower of her Magnolia House. It looks like a big round bird's nest, with thick layers of Meadow, very warm and comfortable.

Because this litter is a living aerial root, it will continue to grow as the size of the tonba grows.

When it was first formed, it was the size of an ordinary kennel, but now it is as big as a normal bedroom.

Tonba was lying on the meadow in the middle of the beast's nest, but at this moment, Tonba was not sure if he was seriously injured, and he had returned to his original size.

Tonba was seriously injured this time, his entire body was almost beyond recognition, and his face was so flaming that his skin was torn apart.

Canghua must have cast a spell at this moment, the wounds on its body surface have all healed, and its fur looks fine.

But Tonba never woke up.

Yanyan stretched out her hand, and her warm palm lightly landed on Tonba's forehead.

As soon as her hand landed, she felt the fur under her hand tremble slightly.

Yanyan was caught off guard, she forgot to withdraw her hand when she met a pair of scarlet eyes.

From those scarlet eyes, Yan Yan saw full of malice, and a strong desire to devour everything.

Seeing Yanyan's white and tender hand stretched out in front of her eyes, the pair of scarlet and evil animal pupils instantly turned into two thin vertical lines, the beard on the corner of her mouth turned up, opened her mouth suddenly, and bit Yanyan's hand hard .

Yan Yan was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her hand before she came to her senses and called out loudly: "Tongba, come back quickly!"

But this time, Tonba didn't respond to Yanyan's call. In those scarlet beast eyes, there was only greed and cruelty belonging to the gluttonous evil spirit.

Seeing Yanyan dodging, Tunba let out a low growl, jumped up and rushed towards Yanyan.

But before Tonba could pounce close, two tentacles-like air roots suddenly stretched out from behind it, quickly tied Tonba's waist and neck, and forcibly restrained its protruding animal body on the meadow.

This is Xumijing's autonomous behavior, and it is not controlled by Yanyan's mental power.

When Tonba pounced on Yanyan just now, a momentary fear naturally formed in her consciousness. As long as Yanyan had these emotions, Xu Mijing would automatically think that Yanyan's safety was threatened, and would threaten Yanyan. The side of the shot.

Even if Canghua attacks Yanyan, he will also be suppressed by the seal on him.

In Xumi Realm, Yanyan is an absolutely safe existence.

And when those air roots wrapped around Tunba's body, the air roots simultaneously glowed with a soft green light.

Tonba's blood pupils stared irritablely just now, surrounded by green light, his eyelids sank, and he fell down on the meadow again.

Yan Yan knew that this was Canghua's green wood power.

Although I don't know when Canghua put the ban on Tunba, but judging from the effect, the ban seems to make it calm down and fall into a coma, and it doesn't seem to hurt it.

Feeling the disappearance of Yanyan's fear, the root of Qi that was tied to Tonba's body was also quietly retracted.

Yanyan checked Tonba's body again, and found that it had just fallen into a deep, deep sleep, and finally let go of her heart.

But Yanyan is very curious about whether Tonba's eyes will return to a gentle water blue when he is asleep now.

When a person is fast asleep, the eyeballs will automatically turn out when the eyelids are opened, Yanyan plans to open Tonba's eyelids to have a look...

Carefully getting close to Tunba's face, Yan Yan could feel the warm breath unique to beasts, evenly puffing on his face.

It seems that the little guy slept quite deeply.

She carefully put two fingers on Tunba's furry eyelids, pinched them lightly, and then slowly...


Just when Yanyan was about to lift Tunba's eyelids, a sharp and almost perverted howl suddenly came from outside.

The howling Yanyan almost poked his finger into Tunba's eyes.

Yan Yan's pretty face darkened, she stood up abruptly and stepped out of the beast's nest, looking up.

With such a perverted howl, nothing in the Sumeru Realm can make such an ugly sound.

Nothing else, the voice just now was the howling one!

Coming out of the beast's nest, the Mahalaka on Yanyan's arm turned into a long snake bone whip.

Yanyan was about to give this guy a hard time, but when she raised her eyes, she was stunned.

What is this for?

Canghua is...

What about pulling Huang's teeth?
A game of chess is over.

Canghua's expression was still the usual indifferent expression, he just stretched out a finger and pointed at the void.

As his fingers moved slightly, two old Magnolia branches stretched out long, like two chopsticks, stretching into Huang's mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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