Chapter 17 Plan
In one day...

The soldiers of the Sichuan Legion experienced two fierce battles.Not to mention the loss of personnel, the ammunition consumption is quite huge.

Although the firepower of the more than 20 submachine guns is fierce, the first accumulated submachine gun bullets have long been exhausted, and the rifleman's 7.92mm bullets are not much left.Grenades are also seriously short.

You know, a submachine gun, hold the trigger, 30 bullets can be fired in a few seconds, and the rate of fire is amazing.

This kind of place where fighting can happen at any time.A soldier with a submachine gun must carry at least 180 bullets to barely support his daily combat needs without affecting the mobility of the battlefield.

Like the scene where a magazine finishes a battle in a movie and TV drama, it all happens in a dream.

This is a very serious matter!If they encounter the little devil again, then they will just run away, and it is impossible to charge with an empty gun.

Liao Mingyu frowned and looked around the entire battlefield.

Now that the weapons and supplies have been collected, the little devil's three-eighth style is piled up by the wall of the wooden house.Grenades and the like have already been distributed to everyone.There are still two grenade cartridges left, and 11 grenades. This thing is one less than one, and there is no place to add it.

Soldiers are treating wounded soldiers, or resting on the spot, eating canned beef, dry food and so on.

"Bah! What the hell is this, it smells sour, this little devil is too unpalatable." Milong took a bite of the rice ball he took out from the little devil, spit it out in disgust, and threw it on the ground, it wasn't enough. Step on it.

The big Kui who used the crooked-handled machine gun was sitting next to him complaining to Milong, how the devil's light machine gun didn't work well.

There are three crooked handle machines in total, but there are not many bullets, and this kind of machine gun is extremely cumbersome to shoot. Every time, the pressure plate must be opened, and the 5-round bridge clips are pressed into rows to feed the ammunition. mouth.Not to mention a waste of time, it is very complicated.I don't know which creative designer designed it.

The Type 92 heavy machine gun was not ready to be carried. On the one hand, it was too heavy. It would take two or three soldiers to carry it and run, which was not conducive to jungle maneuvering. On the other hand, Liao Mingyu disliked its low firepower continuity and slow rate of fire.

As a suppressive weapon, heavy machine guns must ensure continuity of fire, speed and power.And now the mainstream heavy machine guns use ammunition chains to feed the ammunition, but the little devils do the opposite, using the springboards learned from France to feed the ammunition, which is also related to their national conditions. The lack of materials is destined to them in Do not dare to waste lavishly on weapons.

Like Type 92 heavy machine guns, crooked handles, etc., they all have to "feed" the guns. They don't think about the continuity of firepower at all. The high-level requires them not to shoot randomly like Germany and the United States, only short bursts can It embodies the essence of machine guns, with precision as the primary standard.

Anyway, it is to say that saving bullets is refreshing and refined.Say stingy as tall.

There was still a while before the system was upgraded. Liao Mingyu took advantage of this spare time to call Meng Fan into the room and help him re-medicate him.

At this time, Long Wenwen walked in with a map and looked at Meng Fan who was lying on the board and grinned, and couldn't help joking.
"Yo, this lord, I see that you called a heroic and valiant person outside me just now. Why is it a sick cat now?"

"Little Master, I am called Junjie who knows the current affairs, can bend and stretch, unlike some people who are foxes and tigers..." Meng retorted angrily.

Long Wenwen was not annoyed either, he opened the map with a smile, and said to Liao Mingyu, "Let's agree, let's gather the strength of a regiment first, then you will be the eldest brother, and I will be the second brother."

"What do you mean, Tuanzuo, you agreed to this guy's request." Meng Fan asked worriedly.

"What eldest brother and second brother, bandits, it's called the head of the regiment!" Liao Mingyu said honestly, "I plan to gather all the defeated soldiers along the way to form an armed force, so that we will have the capital to confront the little devils head-on. Otherwise, there are only a few people, and I'm afraid that if they don't reach the Nujiang River, they will have to be shot."

They were not outsiders, so Liao Mingyu explained to Mengfan.

"Yes, yes, the head of the regiment." Long Wenwen laughed, and then pointed to the important military locations marked on the map: "Airports, ammunition depots, oil depots, field hospitals, barracks, everything, let's take your time, One by one."

"Can you do it? Those deserters won't listen to us for no reason, and it's not easy for little devils to fight." Meng said worriedly. He didn't believe in Long Wenwen anyway.

"Why not! Living people should move, and living people should go to war!" Long Wenwen suddenly raised his voice and shouted at Meng Fan.

"How can you say no clothes..."

"Same robe with your son!" Liao Mingyu suddenly took the second half of his sentence.

The two eyes looked at each other, and they saw determination and a hint of madness in each other's eyes.

Meng Fan stared blankly at the two of them, and he felt that the two of them had something in common.

They are all madmen born for war.

"The system upgrade is complete, the War Mall function is turned on, and the battlefield analysis system is turned on..."

"I'm sorry, you are here for a break, Long Wenwen, you have planned our next course of action, I'll go out and see the brothers."

Liao Mingyu made a random excuse, walked out of the wooden house, and came to a corner with no one.

"The War Mall is open? What can I buy now?" Liao Mingyu asked eagerly.

"The host of the unlocked items in the mall can be exchanged with points, and the unlocked items need to be unlocked with points, or unlocked by quest rewards, and the host can browse and check by themselves." The system explained.

Liao Mingyu hurriedly looked it up in his mind. There were all kinds of weapons and equipment in the mall, but most of them were gray, indicating that they were not unlocked.To unlock, you need to spend a lot of points.

He saw an M16A4 rifle used by the US military in later generations. It cost hundreds of thousands of points to unlock, and the price of a single exchange was also frighteningly expensive. This is probably the amount he could not collect in his life, let alone other more advanced weapons.

However, the price of weapons closer to this era is relatively cheap, such as the few weapons that are unlocked now:

In the official rifle, 10 points can be exchanged for one.

Thomson submachine gun, 20 points
Sten submachine gun, 12 points
Lee Enfield Rifle No. 4, 15 points
Czech light machine gun, 20 points
German grenade 5 points

The price of all kinds of bullets is not much different, about 10 points and 100 rounds.

"It's still not cheap. The points earned from killing more than 100 devils for co-authoring are enough to buy more than 1000 bullets or 10 rifles??" Liao Mingyu couldn't help but feel ashamed, it was equivalent to killing 10 devils for a gun. Only now did he know how valuable the 5000 points Xiaozui contributed at the beginning.

"In this way, first exchange 7.92 rounds of 3000mm bullets, 45 rounds of .5000 bullets, 7.7 rounds of 100mm bullets, and 100 grenades." Liao Mingyu gave an order.

"The redemption is successful, and it has been stored in the warehouse. A total of 1310 points are spent, and the remaining points are 3893"

It's not easy, this mall is not as easy to use as I imagined.It is too difficult to pull out a large army with the strongest equipment by this simple method.

There is still a long way to go, so follow the original plan and take the elite line first.

"In exchange for 2 Czech light machine guns and 30 Thomson submachine guns."

"The redemption is successful, the total cost is 640 points, and the remaining points are 3253"

He spent nearly half of his points all at once, and Liao Mingyu was heartbroken. It's easy to spend money and it's hard to make money.Let’s do it for now, and then make plans when the team grows.

The disadvantages of the Sten submachine gun were gradually reflected in the two battles just now. A magazine sometimes jammed before it was fully fired. It was necessary to re-pull the bolt to withdraw the jammed bullets before continuing to shoot. This is very important on the battlefield. fatal problem.Moreover, the penetrating power of the 9mm pistol is insufficient, especially in the jungle, and even thicker trees cannot be penetrated.

So he plans to use all the more powerful and powerful Thomson generation.

Liao Mingyu took his rifle and walked to another small wooden house, with an iron lock hanging on the door.

A gun butt smashed the iron lock, and inside was a table, chairs, and some daily necessities. It seemed that it was the warehouse office of the British army, and it was just right to put ammunition supplies here.

After a while, Liao Mingyu strode out and shouted at Kang Ya and Snake's butt who were sitting on the sandbag smoking, "Kang Ya, bring someone over to have a look, I found something good!"

A group of people rushed over and looked inside, all of them were amazed.

"I'll just say, there's no good stuff in the warehouses of these England guys. It turns out that they are all hidden in this big fart hut."

"My God, it's all Thomson submachine guns! With so much ammo, we've made a fortune!" Kang Ya happily wanted to hug the snake's butt, but was kicked away by the latter
"You stay away from me, I don't like men."


(End of this chapter)

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