My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 23 Growth Comes at a Price

Chapter 23 Growth Comes at a Price
There is no doubt that this is a one-sided massacre, and almost all the little devils are being tortured by their necks.They have no resistance at all in the face of their inner fear.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Legion felt the thrill of killing for the first time, and also understood that the little devil is not invincible.

At the end of the battle, when the few surviving little devils realized that this was just a man-made military attack, it was too late.Seeing that the situation was over, he resolutely chose to kneel and surrender...

"Haha, Tuanzuo, this battle was so enjoyable!" At this moment, Meng Fan came over with a rifle that was stained with blood.He shook off the blood on the bayonet and said excitedly.

"Little grandpa never thought that little devils can be like chickens. They don't resist at all. They stretch their necks and wait for us to cut them. Haha, after losing so many years, I finally raised my eyebrows today!"

Looking at the corpses of Japanese soldiers all over the place, Meng Fan felt emotional for a while.

"A person will have something to be afraid of, and if he is afraid, he will not be able to think rationally. This time, the little devil just lost in arrogance and ignorance."

Liao Mingyu said noncommittally after throwing away the samurai sword in his hand that had already been chopped into a curling blade.

"Okay, report the casualties."

After lighting a cigarette, Liao Mingyu let out a sigh of relief and said slowly.

Meng Fan was refreshed and immediately said: "287 devils were wiped out, 5 were taken prisoner, 6 of our army were lightly injured, and no one died in battle."

"Captive? What's the use of taking it?" Liao Mingyu raised his brows and said meaningfully.

"Yes! I'll arrange it here." Meng Fan understood, turned around and walked out.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Legion were also very excited!
After being chased away by the little devil for so many years, he finally became the uncle today.

Everyone worships their leader more and more.It was Liao Mingyu who brought them victories again and again, and brought back their self-confidence to this group of depraved soldiers.

"Snake butt, you slapped people with a kitchen knife again, no wonder I ate a bloody smell last time." Yao Ma glanced at Snake Butt with disgust.

"Don't eat it, you poor boy. I can cut people and vegetables with this kitchen knife. Do you want to cook the little devil meat for you to eat?"

The snake's butt was joking, while rubbing the kitchen knife on the clothes of the little devil's body, wiping off the blood on it.

"Oh, me, you guys are all done? The regimental commander is not loyal. He let me blow the cold wind on it for a long time, but I didn't catch anything. It's a pity, alas."

Milong, carrying a machine gun, swaggered in and swaggered in.Looking at the people who are cleaning the battlefield, I feel regretful.

Xiaodoubing followed behind him with the ammo box on his back, looking at the devil's corpse and the pool of blood all over the place with some fear.His eyes widened, and he was shocked.

Liao Mingyu walked in front of Long Wenwen, and the kid was hanging on his laurels, sitting there and asking Li Erwa to help him bandage the wound on his shoulder.

"Is it hanging up?" Liao Mingyu asked.

"The group seat, it's okay, I was attacked too quickly by the captain of the devil, and it scratched the skin." Long Wenwen raised his head and laughed.

"To wipe out one and a half squadrons of devils, this battle is really enjoyable. Haha"

"But the group, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not." Long Wenwen said suddenly and mysteriously to Liao Mingyu.

"It's a fart, how can you learn to be like Meng Fan, beating around the bush when you talk about it." Liao Mingyu said impatiently.

"Hey, some of your soldiers are a little peeing." Long Wenwen said nonchalantly, and then his eyes slowly glanced in one direction.

Liao Mingyu followed his gaze suspiciously and looked over, A translation?
I saw Ah Yi and a few soldiers standing in the corner timidly. Without exception, they all looked nervous, and their faces were even pale. They looked at the blood-covered corpse on the ground with missing arms and broken legs. There was a hint of fear in it.

Liao Mingyu couldn't help frowning. He had seen this expression too much. It was the fearful expression of a recruit who entered the battlefield for the first time. It could even be said that the little devil who had just been slaughtered had this expression.

"This is not a good phenomenon." Long Wenwen walked over to Liao Mingyu and whispered to him.

"I observed it, from the first two battles, these people have been timid, only followed the large army to fire their guns, and the charge also fell behind. As for whether they hit the devil, only they themselves know. ."

Liao Mingyu was silent, his brows furrowed as if he was thinking about something.

"They can paddle the water in a tailwind fight. If the battle situation is at a disadvantage, they may kill our entire army!"

"One swept away ten, ten swept away a hundred!"

Long Wenwen's words reverberated in Liao Mingyu's heart like a thunderous thunder, and he didn't even notice the cigarette butt that was about to burn.

That's right, that's the case with the routed soldiers outside who were still running around in the woods.

In fact, not everyone wants to run away, but when everyone around them is running away, who can stay out of it?

There are only two ways to survive on the battlefield.Either escape or kill the enemy!When you don't even have the courage to fight, the only thing left is to run away.

Squeezing out the cigarette, Liao Mingyu nodded, as if he had made some kind of decision, and shouted at Bu La, who was not far away: "No hot, go and stop Fanla immediately, don't kill those prisoners, all of them. Tie me up and bring it here!"

Long Wenwen glanced at Liao Mingyu approvingly. It seemed that the head of the regiment, like himself, could not tolerate a bit of sand in his eyes.


"Don't worry, don't panic! The head of the regiment shouted not to kill!"

Bu Lai, who had just walked out of the barracks, watched from a distance that Meng Fan was in command of several soldiers, and was about to kill the little devils kneeling on the ground, so scared that he hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Ah? If you don't kill him again, this master deliberately uses the little master as a pastime." Meng murmured in a dissatisfied voice.

The five little devils were escorted back to the barracks where Liao Mingyu was.At this time, most of the Sichuan Legion gathered here.Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Liao Mingyu strode towards Ah Yi.Looking at him blankly, A Yi's eyes dodged left and right in a panic, not daring to look directly into Liao Mingyu's eyes.

"Tuan... Group seat, what's the matter?" A Yi asked cautiously.

"From yesterday to now, have you killed a devil along the way?" Liao Mingyu asked suddenly.

"The group seat, that... We have beaten devils along the way, and..."

"Answer me! Have you ever killed a Japanese soldier!?"

"" Ah Yi lowered his head embarrassedly.

"I'll ask you again, the good opportunity just now, the little devil is waiting for you to kill, have you done it? And you! Answer me!"

Liao Mingyu suddenly increased his voice and shouted towards Lin Yi and the three recruits behind him.

Several people were afraid and anxious, and they didn't know what was going on in the group seat. They shook their heads for unknown reasons and said, "No."


Although he was smiling, Liao Mingyu's eyes were like sharp knives slashing on the faces of several people.

"It doesn't matter, now I'll give you another chance. Have you seen those little devils? One of them will kill them."


Several people couldn't believe their ears, but then Liao Mingyu handed each of them a rifle with a bayonet.The order was given again.

"Major Lin Yi, I order you to kill the enemy in front of you!"

"This... the group seat, they are already prisoners, I..." Ah Yi stammered nervously.

"This is an order! Major Lin Yi, do you want to disobey the order?" Liao Mingyu interrupted him mercilessly.

Several Japanese soldiers can now see that these Chinese people want to use themselves to train the recruits, as they often do.

Then several little devils shouted arrogantly:

"Come on いよ, バカな魚め (Come on, you stupid pigs!)"

"Shi na coward! (Huaxia coward!)"


With a gunshot, the Japanese soldier who shouted the most was shot in the head and fell to the ground... The 45mm bullet directly shattered one-third of his skull.

The other little devils became quiet in an instant, and everyone in the Sichuan Army was also taken aback.

Liao Mingyu slowly put down the smoking pistol and said to Lin Yi and the others again: "Do you know what they just scolded you? They called you cowards, cowards!"

"Now pick up your gun, stick a bayonet in their chest, and prove to them that you're not a jerk!"

Several people slowly raised their guns, but their hands trembled uncontrollably.No one dared to step forward.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Liao Mingyu fired three shots in a row and shouted, "I'll say it again, kill them! Otherwise, I will shoot you now! Do you choose to kill or be killed?!"


The three recruits gritted their teeth with difficulty, and suddenly pulled the trigger with a loud roar.

"Bang bang bang!"


The three little devils were shot directly, and they were shot upside down by the official rifle at such a close distance.

With a "thump", the only remaining Japanese soldier suddenly knelt on the ground, his heart collapsed, and he shouted hoarsely: "Press Melo, don't kill me. Please don't kill me!"

Seeing the Japanese soldier kneeling on the ground crying and begging for mercy, Lin Yi couldn't do anything.

"The group seat...I can't..."

"I'm so disappointed, Ah Yi." Liao Mingyu whispered in his ear.

"You're too soft-hearted, do you think he's pitiful and innocent?"

"But have you ever thought about your father, he's all innocent? Isn't he pitiful?!"

Liao Mingyu suddenly increased his voice and asked Ayi by the collar.

"If your father sees your virtue today, you say, will he hate you?!"

"Ah!" Ah Yi roared regretfully, his eyes instantly wet with tears.

His father, just walking to work, was used as a target for training guns by a few boring little devils, and shot his head with a shot.No one was recruited and no one was offended, just because these Japanese soldiers wanted to practice their guns.

Because of this incident, he angrily joined the military academy and became a soldier.

This incident has always been a nightmare in his mind.

"This little devil is also an accomplice in killing your father. They don't deserve your mercy. You have to avenge your father! Avenge the Chinese who were killed by these beasts! Kill him!" Liao Mingyu yelled at him.


Ah Yi roared wildly, charged at the little devil with the rifle, and the bayonet on the rifle stabbed the little devil's chest fiercely.

"Ah! Ya beautiful!"

Tears blurred his eyes, and the bayonet was stabbed sideways, only stabbing into the little devil's shoulder.It hurt so much that the devil screamed on the ground.

Ah Yi's eyes were red now, he pulled out the bayonet and continued to stab him frantically until the little devil was dying and could not make any sound, his chest was already bloody and terrible.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm so wrong!" The sad Ah Yi knelt on the ground and hugged his head and cried.I'm sorry for calling Dad in the native dialect.

Growing up is always accompanied by pain and tears...

(End of this chapter)

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