Chapter 307
"Sensei, this is the current situation report in Tengchong, please take a look."

Fang Jingyao took out a telegram while talking: "The front line is blocked, and the troops in all directions are not happy."

"I said why the 18th Division is not in a hurry now. It turns out that these bastards have started to play tricks again. Are they really deceiving me that there is no one in China?"

Liao Mingyu glanced at it hastily. The content of the telegram showed that the Japanese army in Tengchong had used a large number of poison gas bombs and bacterial bombs, resulting in the death of more than 5000 people in the 3000th Group Army in the southeast, more than [-] soldiers fell ill, and nearly [-] people were injured. varying degrees of injury.

"Hehe... Didn't we seize a batch of chemical bombs in Longling?"

Fang Jingyao smiled slightly, his sharp eyes were full of deep meaning, there is nothing more perfect than hitting the enemy with their own weapons.

"Yes! I almost forgot."

Liao Mingyu couldn't help applauding, when he took down Longling some time ago, he happened to seize dozens of mustard gas bombs, isn't it time to use waste?

"I remember that thing should be a 70mm caliber, right? It can be fired with a Type 92 infantry gun. We still have a lot of 92 infantry guns in our warehouse." Fang Jingyao added.

"Well... Send a report to Zhao Gongming and ask him to deliver the gas bombs and infantry artillery in person. Be careful during transportation!"

Liao Mingyu thought for a while and immediately issued an order. It's time for the little devil to have a taste of biochemical weapons.

"Okay, I will arrange this matter."

"In addition, we have to prepare anti-virus preparations on the front line, so there is no guarantee that the little devil on the other side will use chemical bombs."


"By the way, is there any news from Long Wenwen?" Liao Mingyu suddenly thought of something.

"There is not much information for the time being. Except for the initiative to report every night, Captain Long, we can't contact him the rest of the time, saying that we try to keep the radio silent." Fang Jingyao replied slowly.

Although Fang Jingyao is only employed as a staff officer now, he handles most of the affairs of the division's staff department, and everyone agrees to his position in the third division. The teacher doesn't care about anything except fighting.

"What the hell does this kid want? When they left in a group, they only brought three days' worth of dry food. Now they've disappeared for two days. Do you want to be a savage if you want to stay in the mountains?"

Liao Mingyu complained angrily. At this moment, he couldn't figure out what Long Wenwen's purpose was. From the map, their position was still some distance away from the rear of the Japanese army.

After all, in addition to the three regiments placed on the front line, the 18th Division has nearly 1 troops in the rear. Although most of them are auxiliary soldiers, they still have a certain combat effectiveness. Can be easily shaken.

When they left, they carried exactly three days' worth of rations, which were basically canned beef, compressed biscuits, and the like. If they had a little money, they could ensure that the entire army would be fed for five days, but what about after five days?Liao Mingyu wasn't sure that the whole battle would be over in such a short time.

Fang Jingyao caressed the mustache on his lips, and said meaningfully: "Perhaps Captain Long has other plans."

"It goes without saying that that kid has a lot of crazy ideas in war, and his head is full of all kinds of crazy ideas. Only you can't think of it, and he can't do it."

Liao Mingyu spoke with a bit of a headache, and there was a little praise and helplessness in his tone, but there was a sense of gnashing of teeth in it.

Fang Jingyao nodded to express his understanding: "I'm worried right now that Commander Long will take those 2000 people to cut off the little devil's back. If he really dares to do this, the whole battlefield will be messed up, and our plan will also be affected."

"Well, the plan can't keep up with the changes, let's adapt to the situation and change."

Liao Mingyu shook his head, and decided not to worry about Long Wenwen and his party. From the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that the latter could bring him some surprises. After all, this guy is a big monster.


Time passed, and the two sides lived in peace for another day. The Japanese army still did not launch an attack. The calm battlefield seemed to be the calm before the storm.

This morning, a dozen convoys of seven or eight 92 infantry guns suddenly came from the rear.In addition to the artillery, they also escorted a batch of mysterious large boxes with Japanese numbers and numbers written on them.

The soldiers in charge of transportation also appeared to be extra cautious, and some members of the medical team even walked along with them. If you observe carefully, you can see a lot of worry and uneasiness in their eyes.

These items were quickly delivered to the Artillery Battalion of the Second Regiment. Not long after, even the Artillery Regiment directly under it sent many experienced gunners over. Although the soldiers were curious, they didn't know what was in those boxes.

At this time, Chen Jize and several old subordinates were discussing the battle plan at the position of the third regiment on the left wing.

"Okay now, Lao Yuan and the others have also been transferred away by the seats, Jize, tell us how we should fight later." Hong Mu complained weakly with a loud voice.

Just this morning, the division headquarters sent an order to transfer Yuan Li's chariot battalion to the 200th Division's garrison, saying that the armored forces would be used in a unified manner.

For a while, the three regiments lost a great deal of combat power, which also made Hong Mu and others who had tasted the sweetness sigh.

"Baby face, don't complain. Didn't you call my air defense battalion here? When the little Japan comes up later, I will show you the power of the Hazi 40 anti-aircraft gun. That power is not what I blow, the steel plate They were all beaten to pieces by him!"

Li Jie, who hadn't seen him for a long time, actually appeared in the headquarters of the third regiment, and patted his chest to reassure Hong Mu.

Originally, he was dropped into the air defense force directly under him a few months ago. At that time, there were not many anti-aircraft weapons, and the so-called air defense battalion was just an empty shelf and almost became a marginalized team.It wasn't until Liao Mingyu got 16 Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns that the entire air defense battalion returned to the frontline troops.

No, after the chariot battalion was transferred away, Liao Mingyu was worried about the lack of front-line firepower, so he directly deployed the air defense battalion to the front-line positions.

"Li Jie, your troops are not all assigned to the Third Regiment, are they?" Chen Jize said the crux of the problem in one word.

"Uh...hehe...half of them are in the second regiment, and I can't help but arrange the seats, but I'm also thinking of my old comrades. People came directly to the third regiment, and they haven't been to 233 highlands." Li Jie smiled embarrassedly.

Because the two positions are very important, all the anti-aircraft firepower of the air defense battalion was evenly divided into two places. He brought only eight 8-caliber anti-aircraft guns and a dozen 40mm anti-aircraft machine guns to the third regiment.

"Okay! Why are you still discounting it for a long time? What are you doing here? It's better to change a few anti-aircraft guns." Hong Mu complained.

"No, I have the hammer method..."

"Oh, that's enough, that's all!"

Hong Mu gave him an annoyed look, and purposely quarreled with him. It's not been a day or two since the two of them have been flirting with each other.

After talking for a while, Hong Mu cast his eyes on Chen Jize again, and asked eagerly with a round face, "I said Jize, this little devil has been quiet for two days, should we refresh him? "

"I'm afraid it's not necessary. There are more than [-] Japanese on the other side." Li Jie continued.

"You bastard, shut up!"

"Aren't you a turtle son?"

"Stop arguing!" Chen Jize shouted in a deep voice, "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. You all restrain the troops, and no one is allowed to attack without my order."

If the Chariot Battalion was still there, he would dare to pull out his teeth, but for now, it is better not to do things that are not sure for the time being.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Jize has more or less noticed some clues. Liao Mingyu definitely has some plan and is waiting for the opportunity to implement it, including the first group that disappeared for three days. He doesn't want to affect the progress of the whole plan because of his own reasons. .

"Boom boom boom boom boom...!"

At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion sound from the outside position, and everyone's face changed slightly. It was the Japanese shelling that was exploding!
When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Chen Jize jumped up and shouted in a stern voice: "So the officers obey the order! Go to your respective posts and prepare to meet the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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