Chapter 31 Destruction
"Don't panic, get ready for battle!"

Seto tried his best to stabilize his mind and commanded the surrounding soldiers.

In fact, there is no need for the commander's order.

At this moment, there are only less than one squadron of soldiers on his position. Now that he has lost the mortar position, he can no longer suppress the enemy on the artillery, facing the Chinese soldiers with strong firepower and high morale.Seto didn't know what to do.

"Let Kojima withdraw immediately! Let him quickly return to help!"

"Hey!" A messenger next to him replied immediately.

"Shut up!"

"Da da da da da!"

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

The light and heavy machine guns on the Guizi's position opened fire first, and the two jets of fire snakes were especially evident at night.

Due to the fact that there were still many trees in front of them, and the poor visibility at night, the effect was not ideal, and only a few unlucky ones were swept away by the machine gun.

"Ahead, don't get together, spread out, look for cover, and watch out for the little devil's grenade!"

"Cui Yong, you two heavy machine gun crews are here, let me suppress their machine guns!"

There is still more than 500 meters away from the Guizi position, Long Wenwen instructed the soldiers.

"The light machine gun covers the charging brother and hits Lao Tzu hard!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

"~Boom! Boom!"

The Sichuan Army also fired back, and the bullets from both sides flew in the jungle "swish, swish".Intensive bullets flew towards the Guizi position, and Japanese soldiers continued to be shot and killed.

The devil's grenade began to explode, and the shells kept exploding in front of the soldiers, bursting into pieces of fire, in an attempt to prevent them from continuing to charge.


Suddenly, a mortar shell landed 20 meters in front of the Japanese army's position, startling the little devils not far away.

"Damn, I missed it!"

Li Liansheng straightened his right hand, pointed his thumb at the Guizi's position in front, closed his left eye, and observed the distance between the two sides.

The terrain where he is located is relatively high, about 900 meters away from the Japanese army position.It can observe the situation of the Japanese army on the opposite side very well. This position is so ideal that it can no longer be an ideal artillery position.

"5 degrees to the left, minus 3 degrees of elevation, let go!"

The dull sound of the mortar being fired instantly sounded.


This cannonball hit the middle of the Japanese army's position accurately, and several unlucky little devils were blown up by the cannonball.

"Everyone, adjust the angle to 60. Fire!"


The cannonball exploded on the Japanese army's position, and the little devil was blown away by the sudden cannonball, and his arms flew horizontally.

"Keep firing, don't stop!" Li Liansheng shouted loudly.

7.8 soldiers were sweating, struggling to control the firing of 6 mortars. Due to the lack of personnel and the relatively large size of the little devil's 90mm mortar, the artillery fire was affected in terms of loading and rate of fire.

But even so, the devil at this moment was fatally injured.The shells kept falling on the position, killing and injuring countless little devils, and the firepower of several machine guns was instantly misfired!

Meng Fan's hoarse voice shouted at the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion: "Good chance brothers, rush! You can rush to Yang Liulang!"

"Haha, that's right!"

Long Wenwen laughed loudly and greeted the soldiers to rush forward with a gun.

Taking advantage of this neutral position, the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion quickly approached the Japanese positions.He was stopped by Long Wenwen 80 meters away from the Japanese army's position: "All stop! Find cover on the spot, wait for this wave of artillery fire to end, and let's rush up again!"

The shells swept wildly for a while, and Li Liansheng had sharp eyes and found the main force of the Sichuan Army who had approached the Japanese army's position.

"Okay, ceasefire! All ceasefire!" he shouted to his companions around him. "Our mission is complete, let's go, support the regiment leader and them!"

Seven or eight people rushed into the woods quickly.

Since Liao Mingyu and the others were in the woods ahead, it was too dark to confirm the exact location, and it was impossible to hit the little devil with a mortar.


At this time, Xiao Dao was still chasing and beating Liao Mingyu with his troops. He was very annoyed. In the jungle at night, he could hardly see his fingers. On the way of pursuit, three or 40 people were killed by the opponent.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Liao Mingyu raised his gun and emptied a magazine, then hid behind a big tree. The bullets shot by the little devil behind him kept hitting the tree beside him, and his teammates were suppressed too.

Liao Mingyu shouted not far away: "It's not hot, the little devils are too close, throw them two more thunders!"

Neither hot nor talkative, he quickly took out two grenades from his chest, opened the chain, and threw them at the charging little devils.


The dark night sky perfectly concealed the trajectory of the grenade, and the little devils were blown away before they had time to dodge.

Liao Mingyu's combat team took the opportunity to distance themselves from the little devil again.

"Damn!" Just when Kojima was about to give up his pursuit, he heard a burst of intense gunfire from the main position behind him.

Did something happen to the field?He immediately called a soldier next to him and was about to send him back to check the situation. At this time, a panting Japanese soldier came running from the rear.

"It's too much to chew, Staff Officer Kojima!"

The Japanese soldier gasped and hurriedly said.

"The Chinese people are... attacking, and the main position is in jeopardy. Captain... let you return to help immediately!"

Kojima was frightened: "Quick, the back team becomes the front team, retreat! Hattori, your team stays to block the enemy!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!"

At this moment, Liao Mingyu and his group who had been dodging suddenly jumped out and shot violently, killing several Japanese soldiers who turned and ran back.

"Little devils step back, entangle them for me, and buy time for them to die!"


At this time, the artillery fire on the Japanese positions finally stopped, and Seto's shoulder was also scratched by a shrapnel.

He shook the soil on his body, covered the wound on his shoulder, stood up, and looked out from the trench. Countless Japanese soldiers were killed, and many wounded soldiers were lying on the ground crying.The shelling just now killed at least 5.60 of his soldiers!
"Huaxia people rushed up!"


"Ah! My legs, who will save me."

Screams and wailing surrounded Seto's ears, his heart seemed to be dripping blood, the footsteps outside the position were getting closer and closer, not caring about the physical and mental pain, he quickly took out the southern fourteenth on his waist. The pistol shoots outward.

"Bam! Bam! Bam Bam Bam Bam!"

The remaining devils hurriedly raised their guns and opened fire, and the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion who rushed in front were killed and injured by bullets.

The soldiers who followed behind pulled the lead of the grenade and threw it forward with force, and dozens of grenades were thrown into the position.

Boom boom boom!A burst of explosion sounded, and the little devil was blown up to the ground, causing countless casualties, a gap appeared in the position, and the brothers of the Sichuan Army who rushed up frantically rushed into the devil's position like a wave!

Long Wenwen jumped into the trench, holding a Mauser pistol in his hand, the gun case was mounted on the grip to form a butt, and the little devil in front of him was a quick shot with his shoulder against the pistol.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

The 15 bullets in the gun were quickly fired, and the enemy in this trench was quickly cleared, and the comrades behind kept rushing into the trench.

The screams of killing and screaming came one after another, and the entire battlefield was filled with the smell of blood.

The remaining little devils with less than 50 people were divided and surrounded by the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion. They gathered in twos and threes to prepare for the last desperate fight against the Sichuan Legion.

"Don't fight with them with bayonets, try to solve the battle with guns as much as possible!" Long Wenwen raised his hand and killed a devil who was rushing towards him.He shouted at the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion.

Da Kui opened fire at the little devil in a Czech style, and beat the stupid devils who were going to fight with bayonets to the point of blood.

Others also fired, relentless bullets frantically reaping their sinful lives.

"Baga! Chinese people, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Seeing that the situation was over, Seto was stunned, raising his pistol tremblingly and preparing to commit suicide.


The high failure rate of the southern fourteenth has appeared again at this moment, and the bullet is stuck!
Seto was stunned, how the hell is it so hard to even die?Just as he was about to find the weapon on the ground and cut himself off, a soldier quickly rushed up and smashed the butt of his gun on his head, knocking him unconscious.

"Sir, there's a devil lieutenant here!"

"Hey! Don't kill it, this is a rare thing, tie it to Lao Tzu and gag his mouth. Don't let him bite his tongue and kill himself."

Long Wenwen walked up, stepped on Seto's head, put the gun on his shoulder, and said proudly with his hips on his shoulders.

"Sorry, bring a platoon to clean up the remaining enemies! The others come with me!" Then Long Wenwen led the crowd towards Liao Mingyu's direction.There's still a bunch of little devils waiting for them to kill.

The little devils on the ground were quickly annihilated, but the poor Seto became a prisoner at the feet of Long Wen…

(End of this chapter)

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