My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 313 The Autumn Wind Sweeps the Leaves

Chapter 313 The Autumn Wind Sweeps the Leaves

"Tch, I really don't need to be beaten."

Yuan Li looked at the three wrecked tanks that were emitting thick smoke, with a look of disdain on his face.

Surrounded by six Shermans and more than a dozen T26s, the little devil's tank had no suspense, and was blasted to pieces by concentrated artillery shells in an instant.

Subconsciously knocked on the steel plate of the Sherman tank, the hard feeling under the touch seemed to be full of strength, which made Yuan Li sigh: This is what a steel monster should look like. Compared with it, what is it like? Type... T26... That's far from it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the machine: "Battalion Commander Yuan, I am Yang Zeshui of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment. The division commander ordered us to cooperate with each other and move forward quickly."

"Understood Commander Yang, I will let the tank formation slow down, and you must follow up as soon as possible!" Yuan Li replied immediately, his eyes gradually looked away, and the sound of explosions from the open field two or three kilometers away was constantly coming.

Eating the tank brigade of the Japanese army is just an appetizer, and the real meal is yet to come.

"Battalion Commander, the fifth company reported that three T3s had broken down, and they couldn't fire anyway." In the marching tank team, the soldiers quickly reported.

World War II tanks with unreliable mechanical properties often have various problems during combat. What's more, the T26 is strictly a product before World War II, and it is especially prominent in the more complex and harsh environment of Southeast Asian battlefields.

"Let the crew solve it themselves first, and the others move on."

Yuan Li made a decisive decision, and ordered in a deep voice: "The tank formation starts to speed up, the armored vehicle troops are in the rear, and the infantry mopping the tail must be fast."

The 56th Regiment, which originally followed closely behind the chariot brigade, is in a difficult situation at the moment. It can even be said that they have entered a place like the purgatory of Shura Land.

The Artillery Regiment of the Third Division fired at them continuously for 20 minutes. In this open and unsheltered area of ​​Mapingchuan, the air waves blown up by the 105 howitzers were like a hurricane, which could instantly roll people into the sky like rolling leaves, let alone the The 155 howitzer is completely the existence that dominates this land.

The artillery battalions of the second and third regiments also turned their guns around at this time, using shells to baptize the little devil without any scruples.

Thousands of Japanese were completely exposed to this suffocating firepower, and the dense shells were overwhelming, and even the same crater was hit by two or even multiple shots.

The caliber is justice, the turret is the truth, the explosion pierces the clouds, cracks rocks, and resounds through the sky, and the sound of wind and thunder that destroys the plow court and sweeps the holes is the truth roaring in the world!
When everything was over, the battlefield was scorched black everywhere, with countless bullet casings that could not be seen at a glance, and the corpses and stumps all over the ground were accompanied by waves of disgusting blood.

More little devils were shattered by the explosion. They looked calm on the surface, but they were already cold corpses. There were not a few Japanese who passed out from the explosion.

And those Japanese who survived the artillery fire have been stunned. Looking at the surrounding pieces of stumped limbs and rotten internal organs, everyone's heart is filled with incomparable fear.

Everyone knows that the 56th Regiment is basically over...

Without waiting for the surviving defeated Japanese soldiers to react, the 15 tanks led by Yuan Li and the countless armored vehicles behind them formed a torrent of steel, rushed towards the face at an extremely fast speed, and slammed into the little devil's body in the ranks.

How could these remnant soldiers resist the imposing tank convoy, they would collapse at the touch of a touch like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, they could no longer care about any orders, they just threw away their helmets and armor and fled in all directions.

"This group of aggressive little devils now know how powerful they are, and the commander of the division on the opposite side is probably going to collapse."

At the observation post of the division headquarters, Fang Jingyao said with great interest as he looked at the smoky battlefield covered by clouds and the sun.

"That boy Long Wenwen hasn't contacted yet?"

Liao Mingyu on the side was still lying on the artillery mirror and watching the front carefully. The movement of the battlefield had already been sent to him through the radio and radio to the machine. The tragedy of the little devil could be observed from this hillside. Just for this moment?

"This... not yet." Fang Jingyao shook his head and answered truthfully.

In the past few days, except for a regiment who took the initiative to contact the division headquarters, the telegrams sent in the past were like nothing, and no response was received at all. Fang Jingyao only knew that Long Wenwen and the others had climbed over the mountains and went behind the Japanese. The location is also unknown.

"This bastard, come back and see how I deal with him!"

Liao Mingyu cursed angrily, raised his head and ordered sharply:

"Forget about them, order the engineering regiment and the guard battalion to join the counterattack with the 200th division, give Xing Fuquan and Chen Jize an order to immediately organize the second and third regiments to counterattack across the board, and let me eat the 18th division!"


At this time, the Japanese in the rear didn't know what happened, because they were blocked by the 233 highlands, and they could hardly see the open land from their positions. The brigade lost contact with the 56th Wing.

Seeing that the effects of air support and gas bombs were about to disappear, Shinichi Tanaka, who didn't know what to do, immediately ordered the 55th Regiment to attack the main position, hoping to attract and reduce the pressure on the open ground.

The two sides fought extremely fiercely. I thought that the Huaxia people should suffer heavy casualties after the gas bombs hit, but I didn't expect that the 55th Regiment encountered very tenacious resistance during the attack.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while, and the impatient Tanaka continued to invest more troops on the battlefield, even sending out the brigade directly under the division.

Li Liansheng, who was on the top of the mountain, finally seized the opportunity. He immediately ordered the soldiers to launch the gas bombs with several 92-type infantry guns that had already been set at a good distance.

Unknowingly, the Japanese army rushed headlong into the deadly poisonous fog. Needless to say, the horror of mustard gas, they never dreamed that one day they would taste the taste of poison gas bombs.

It just so happened that the southerly wind was blowing, and the deadly mustard gas drifted with the wind and enveloped most of the attacking team.

Don't look at the little devils who like to play with gas bombs, but they don't have much protective equipment. Gas masks are not popular at all. A large number of Japanese soldiers can only hold their necks in the poisonous fog and fall to the ground with difficulty. The death condition is extremely bleak.

The Japanese commander immediately ordered to retreat. Facing the mustard gas, they were helpless and could only run as fast as they could. How dare they continue to attack.

The defeat on the front line made Tanaka Shinichi very angry, but when the sad news came that the chariot brigade was destroyed and the 56th regiment was defeated, he was completely stunned********ga!An attacking team of four and 5000 was defeated in less than an hour?how can that be! "

Chief of Staff Ushijima also had an unbelievable expression, grabbing the communications soldier by the collar and growling viciously.

"Hi Hey"

Although the communications soldier was afraid, he still told the actual situation: "The enemy... the enemy's chariot troops are advancing very quickly, and Colonel Shangshu is gathering the remnants and leading troops to stop the enemy, but..."

"Just what!?"

"It's just that the enemy's offensive was too fierce. The 56th Regiment suffered numerous casualties. The captain of the Jiangkou Regiment was seriously injured, and the battle and chariot brigades... were all broken."

(End of this chapter)

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