Chapter 318 Alliance Flag

"Ah! Yamelo! Ah..."

The desolate screams were endless, and four or five pairs of big feet kept kicking and kicking the Shao Zuo, giving him a vivid lesson in etiquette.

"Damn it, you're still stubborn after losing a battle. Who gave you the courage? Huh?" Long Wenwen spat and kicked the Major's balls again. The severe pain made him shrank into a prawn .

"From now on, this knife will take my surname, and I will chop you up with a knife!"

Long Wenwen put away this ivory katana sword very proudly. As the saying goes, a good horse deserves a saddle, and this high-quality saber can only reflect its true value if it is in his own hands.

"Leader, take a break from the meeting first, and let the brothers take care of you."

The helping soldier next to him preached flatteringly, and continued to fight, but was stopped by Long Wenwen: "Okay, tie up these grandchildren, these are my life-saving charms."

The reason why Long Wenwen didn't kill them was entirely because he wanted to take him back to claim credit for Liao Mingyu. After all, this time he acted on his own initiative again, and it would be hard to explain why he went back without a little something.

The division head had already sent someone to urge him to go back to report, so don't worry about anything else, we have to settle this matter first.


"Report, Captain Lin reported that the four big pits in the north have been dug, what should I do next?"

In the temporary command of the front line, Liao Mingyu was studying a Japanese flag carefully, and saw that he was very devoted, and he just responded casually to the report of the communication soldier and had no further words.



"Header Lin..." the communications soldier had to ask again.

"Oh, let him pull all the prisoners of war over there, and I'll be there in a while."

Liao Mingyu agreed in a trance that the reason for being so preoccupied was entirely because of the somewhat broken Japanese flag on the table, which was also known as the most difficult to obtain.

The military flag is extremely sacred in the Japanese army, and it is only owned by the formed infantry regiment and cavalry regiment, so it is also called the regiment flag.

It evolved from the Japanese plaster flag. It has 16 blood-red rays of light. It is also known as the "Rising Sun Flag". The three sides of the army flag are decorated with purple tassels. On the top of the wooden lacquered flagpole, there is a three-sided gold-plated The big flag crown, three sides are the 16-petal chrysanthemum pattern embossed family emblem pattern of the Japanese imperial family, which looks extraordinarily solemn.

The flag of the alliance must be bestowed by the emperor himself, and it is the core of the unity of the army. The spirit of the soldiers to the flag is unparalleled in the world.

According to the regulations of the Japanese Army, if the alliance flag is present, it will be compiled, and if the alliance flag is lost, it will be punished.Therefore, this military flag is a very important thing in the Japanese army. One of the best second lieutenant officers of the regiment must be selected as the flag bearer, and a military flag guard squadron must be specially set up to protect it.

We must know that throughout the course of the War of Resistance, both the Chinese army and the American army in the Pacific were eager to capture a Japanese alliance flag, but they failed to do so.

Let alone captured, looking at the entire history of the Anti-Japanese War, even forcing the Japanese army to burn down the alliance flag can be regarded as a commendable pride.

Because according to the devil's combat regulations, the flag guard squadron or squad generally does not participate in frontal battles. When it is judged that the battle situation is in danger of annihilating the entire army, the flag guards should burn the military flag to prevent this thing that represents their dignity and honor from being captured by the enemy.

But no matter what kind of defeat they encountered, the Japanese army would have time to burn the military flag and then commit suicide, so it is conceivable how difficult it is to capture a united flag.

And this team flag belongs to the 56th team, and the reason why it appeared on his table is purely because of some coincidence.

At that time, the 56th Wing followed the armored brigade and advanced very fast, because they thought victory was within reach, and their flag guard squad also rushed forward with the big brigade by accident.

But what people didn't expect was that the entire unit was finally baptized by artillery and armored units, especially in the short 20 minutes of endless artillery fire, their flag guard team was blown up and killed countless people.

The flag bearer was killed immediately, and the others were also dead or wounded. They didn't know where the flag fell.

It was too late when other interested officers wanted to find them. They were instantly dispersed under the crush of the 200th Division. How could they have the time to find the regiment flag? In the end, they were discovered by soldiers cleaning the battlefield and brought to Liao Mingyu .

"It's not easy, this is really the first time for a big girl to sit in a sedan chair!"

Looking at the somewhat broken military flag, especially the words "Sixth Infantry Company" marked on the lower left corner, Liao Mingyu couldn't help sighing.

Unexpectedly, this honorary third division of my own became the first unit in history to capture the flag of the Japanese Army Alliance. This "happiness" really came too suddenly.

"Sit! Attend! I'm back!"

The sudden shout from outside the tent broke his contemplation, which made Liao Mingyu roll his eyes, and he didn't even need to think about which bastard's voice it was.

"Do you still know how to come back?"

"Hey, the attendant is safe and well, the attendant is mighty, thank you for your blessings, our three masters have made a lot of money this time!" Long Wenwen showed that mean smile again, and he praised it first.

Liao Mingyu remained silent, but walked towards him slowly with a cold face.

"Don't! Don't! I have some great news to report to you." Seeing that this posture is okay?Long Wenwen's complexion changed and he explained loudly.

"Where does the joy come from?" Liao Mingyu stood still and looked at him coldly. If this kid doesn't come out with a trick, he won't have a good day today.

"Well, I wonder if this good news is of sufficient weight...can we avoid the mistake of the humble official this time." Long Wenwen asked pitifully, shaking his head.

The merits and demerits on the battlefield are demerits, and he also knows that this time he will definitely be dealt with, but atonement can make him feel better, right?

"It's reasonable for you to act without following the arrangement on the battlefield, right?"


Liao Mingyu kicked Long Wenwen's ass, and Nima actually started to talk about conditions. Although this kid did a great job in surrounding the Japanese army with a group, this is not the reason for him to play and disappear.

"Please calm down... I was helpless. I was too close to the little devil's army at that time. I was afraid that the enemy would be aware of it by continuously using the radio to contact the division headquarters, so I didn't dare to turn on the radio..."

This kick was so powerful that Long Wenwen felt his entire buttocks began to lose consciousness, and he was clutching his buttocks and complaining incessantly.

But what he said was right. The Japanese army had a lot of radio reconnaissance means. Their electric reconnaissance troops often locked the radio stations of the Chinese army through short-wave frequencies. It was really possible to be detected and detected by using high-power radio stations under their noses.

"...But it's really worth it this time to attend the seat. Guess what happened in the end?"

"Fart off! If you talk nonsense, I told you to fill in the hole with the little devil, do you believe it?" Liao Mingyu sternly shouted, the most annoying thing is that this guy is going around and can't keep his tune.

"Yes...then what...I caught the biggest bastard in the 18th division." Long Wenwen, who was startled by the explosion, didn't dare to talk nonsense, and immediately lowered his head and said pitifully.

"What the hell? Who?"

"I mean... I have captured Shinichi Tanaka, the commander of the 18th Division." After speaking, Long Wenwen showed the general officer's samurai sword on his back...

(End of this chapter)

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