My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 324 The Self-Saving Army in Despair

Chapter 324 The Self-Saving Army in Despair

Hearing the greeting, the young man named Chen Tang strode over.

I saw that he was a little thin at 1.7 meters, but he was full of energy, his deep eyes were cold, and the hideous scar was even more sharp.

"Boy, how many years have you been in the army, how many little devils have you killed?"

Monk Zhou looked him up and down, and nodded with satisfaction. He is considered a veteran in the army, and he can feel that Chen Tang's temperament is definitely not something that a melon egg who has never seen blood can possess.

"It's been 8 years. When we were in Nanjing, our tank crew killed 33 people, and even killed a devil's bean chariot. It's a pity... those infantry..."

Chen Tang seemed to be lost in thought as he spoke. In the final battle, the convoy was forced to follow the large army out of Zhonghua Gate, but encountered the Japanese army on a street.

Although he and his comrades were driving the British Vik tank to resist desperately, the enemy had an advantage in numbers, and the accompanying infantry company did not understand the coordination of infantry and tanks at all, which caused the tank's flanks to be completely exposed to enemy fire. The incendiary bomb ignited the car body, and the two comrades were buried in the flames in an instant, and he was burned in a large area.

After recovering from the injury, Chen Tang went to the rear. Uncle Feng San happened to be working in Zhao Gongming's transport regiment, so he simply took him with him as a military truck driver.

The body and mind suffered a double blow. Chen Tang suffered from severe post-war stress syndrome. He will never forget the pain that is unforgettable. The scene 6 years ago is like a lingering nightmare, like a magic lantern Repeatedly appearing in his mind like a piece,
He thought that this life would be spent in pain and suffering, but in this Battle of Mangshi, he saw the demeanor of the 200th Division slaughtering the Japanese army. His heart broke through the ice again.

Once upon a time, I galloped on the battlefield to kill the enemy bravely like them, how can I hide behind like a coward and spend my days?
Monk Zhou frowned, seeing that this kid was stuck in memories and couldn't extricate himself, he immediately said: "Okay, let's let the past go, from today onwards you will be my soldier, call Brother Zhou and listen."

"Brother Zhou!" Chen Tang came back to his senses and responded quickly.

"Well, this is the deputy platoon leader Li Dagui, that thin little thing is called Liang Su, and..." Monk Zhou nodded and introduced his companions one by one.

Liang Su, a slender soldier, ran over to say hello with a smile on his face: "Hey, just call me Xiao Suzi."

Chen Tang nodded politely, although he didn't say much, but the slowly clenched fists showed his inner unrest at the moment.

"Tangdouzi, you have to be careful when you get to the front line, it's no better than being in the transport regiment over there, you, alas..."

Feng Sanyu preached earnestly, and wanted to exhort a few more words, but swallowed the words again.

"Don't worry, uncle, I can take care of myself."

Looking at Chen Tang who was extremely determined, Feng San felt relieved, the gold and iron horse went away, and the horse leather shrouded corpse returned.Let him go, this is the fate of our soldiers.


"You mean Siam has dispatched troops?" Liao Mingyu was very surprised and asked the two people in front of him in astonishment.

"Well, Agui, let's talk about it."

"Yes, sir."

Agui nodded in response, then turned his head to look at Liao Mingyu, and said with a serious expression: "Mr. Liao, some time ago our National Salvation Army hid in Chiang Rai, Phayao and other places on the border between Siam and Myanmar. There is nothing we can do about it because of the terrain, but...some problems have occurred recently."

"The Japanese army seems to have reached some consensus with Siam. Siam sent two armies of about 5 troops to encircle and suppress us. The situation is very bad..."

The house leak happens to rain all night, bad things always happen when you are unlucky, and Nanyang Self-Salvation Army is like this.

First, Siam dispatched tens of thousands of people to cooperate with the Japanese army to sweep them up, and they were about to uproot them.With the guidance of these Siamese who knew the terrain well, the Japanese army quickly discovered their tracks.

A big battle is inevitable, but the self-rescue army who lacks training and supplies is no match for the little devil. The only thing they can do is to play hide-and-seek with each other in the woods, but at this critical period, a traitor appears in the team.

Big trees are most afraid of decay from the inside, but there are some people who can't stand the life of hiding in the woods like bereaved dogs every day, and they resolutely sell their compatriots in order to survive.

The traitor revealed the location of the main force of the Self-Salvation Army to the Japanese, which in turn attracted a large number of small Japanese and Siamese devils.

They set up a series of encirclement circles, and countless soldiers died in Huangquan. The main force of the self-rescue army had no choice but to flee to the mountains to the north again, trying to enter the Northern Wa State of Myanmar to continue to avoid the enemy, but the Japanese had already laid a net there, just waiting for them to pocket Drill in.

Faced with the situation of being blocked and chased after, the desperate senior self-rescue army had no choice but to try to contact the Huaxia Expeditionary Army to seek asylum, and Fang Jingyao was their last straw.

After Liao Mingyu heard the whole story, a look of seriousness appeared on his face. It seemed that the situation was more severe than he imagined.

"How many people are there in the Self-Rescue Army now? Which Japanese army team are they facing?"

"The main force of the self-rescue army has a total of more than 4000 people left, but there are still nearly 6000 people scattered in various forests north of Siam and Kuala Lumpur to fight guerrillas."

Agui did not dare to be careless, and replied honestly: "At present, the main force is marching northward as much as possible, but the Japanese army is trapped in the Kansara Mountain area of ​​​​Northern Wa State, and in front of them is the 15rd Division belonging to the 53th Army. group."

"Heh, it's the 15th Army again. If I remember correctly, both the 56th Division and the 18th Division belong to this army, right?" Liao Mingyu sneered.

"Yes, the 15th Army is mainly responsible for the defense of northern Myanmar. Including the 18th Division and the 56th Division, a total of 5 divisions have joined its battle order." Agui continued to add.

Liao Mingyu remained silent. He carefully considered the pros and cons of it. Whether to help or not should be carefully considered, especially this time involving the military power of Siam.

Those Siamese are not a good thing. They have flirted with Little Japan long before the start of World War II, and have cooperated in various fields of military affairs and business. Even the Siamese Navy all purchased ships from Japan. It directly joined the Axis powers and became an ally of the Japanese.

Since the war between the United States and Japan in 41, the Japanese army had to go to Siam based on the necessity of fighting the British army. Although it did not get the consent of Siam, the 25th Army under the command of Yamashita Fufumi still landed in many places in southern Siam according to the established plan. , Luang Phibun Songkham, the actual controller of Siam at that time, immediately announced the cessation of resistance, agreed to the passage of the Japanese army, and also signed the Japan-Thailand offensive and defensive alliance treaty.

Siam has more or less Chinese blood, but these white-eyed wolves have long forgotten who their ancestors are, and instead helped Japanese beasts intensify their persecution of their compatriots,

The Luang Phibun government also once advocated extreme nationalism, claiming that the Thai people were driven from their hometown in western China by the Han people and should be restored to their old land.It even prohibits Malays and Chinese from running schools in their respective languages ​​at home, and advocates internationally that all "Thais" from northeast India to Laos, from Shan State to Guangxi Zhuang should unite to build a powerful Thailand.

Compared to the Chinese in Nanyang, they are really shameless...

(End of this chapter)

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