Chapter 331 Show
"Well, that's enough, Company Commander Mo, if you have nothing to do, go back first." Yuan Li issued the order to evict the guest, with a somewhat impatient expression on his face, obviously he didn't want to say anything more about this matter.

Mo Youcai could also hear the meaning of the words, but he didn't intend to cause trouble for others, but he just thought of one thing: "Uh...don't be angry, Battalion Commander, I just want to say that there is a driver on my side. He has driven a tank before, why don't you let him come over and try?"

This is exactly when drowsiness meets a pillow. Didn’t the young guy brought back by Monk Zhou say he can drive a tank?And the purpose of that kid coming here is to get into the tank company, isn't it an opportunity for him now?
"Didn't I tell you, is this tank so easy to drive? Don't just find a truck driver to recharge it. Tanks and trucks are not the same thing." The gunner snorted, thinking that the other party just wanted to flatter.

Yuan Li almost meant the same thing. He looked at Mo Youcai in surprise, but it depended on what he said later.

Mo Youcai quickly became a salesman, and said solemnly: "How can he, he fought in Nanjing before. He was the driver of the tank army at that time, and he was transferred to the rear after being injured."

"That's still a veteran?" Yuan Li also became interested at this time, thinking that it's not too late anyway, so it's good to meet him: "Well, let him come over and have a look, he shouldn't be a bad guy who fought in the defense of Nanjing. "

"Okay, I'll call him over right away," Mo Youcai said with a roll of his eyes, this matter is over, he quickly saluted and went to find someone.

"Battalion Commander, do you really want him to come here with a wild way? I think it's better to wait for the superiors to send someone over." The gunner still didn't believe it.

"Didn't you mutter just now that you thought the superiors were slow in sending people? You'll know if it's a mule or a horse. If it doesn't work, just let him go back." Yuan Li said indifferently.

After a while, the excited Mo Youcai ran over with the even more excited Chen Tang.

Lao Mo is excited because everyone knows that the armored unit is the favorite of the whole division, and the tank company is the treasure of the participants, and the treatment is closer than that of his own son. Gotta blow.

Chen Tang was excited because he couldn't believe that he got the opportunity to drive a tank so quickly, it was like a dream.

"That's him? How old is he? Has he ever been on the battlefield?" The gunner chuckled a bit contemptuously. He thought he was a veteran, but a boy who was less than [-] years old came.

Chen Tang's skin is relatively fair. Although he is 27 or [-] years old, a tuft of beard on the burned half of his face doesn't seem to grow. Except for a little grimness, he looks much younger than he actually is.

"I'm 28 years old this year, and I've been in the army for 8 years." Chen Tang was not annoyed, and replied straightforwardly.

"Eight years in the army and still a private? What have you been doing these eight years?"

The gunner asked bluntly, he has only been in the army for five years, and now he is a warrant officer, and this kid has been in the same place for eight years, which makes people seriously doubt the authenticity.

"Okay, don't say a few words!" Yuan Li scolded, he could see Chen Tang's extraordinaryness, and he could understand something based on the large area of ​​burns on his body. Veterans of the tank army have seen many, and there are many Everyone bears the same scars as him.

The battalion commander's reprimand made the gunner curl his lips and say nothing, but there was a reason why he was so targeted.

The interior of the Sherman tank is operated by five people. The commander is responsible for the combat command, and also serves as the radio liaison officer and the turret machine gunner. The gunner is responsible for aiming and firing, as well as the operation of the coaxial machine gun.As for the loader, machine gunner, and driver, each position is actually very important and irreplaceable, especially the position of the driver can determine the combat efficiency of the tank.

Excellent drivers tend to be faster when dealing with road conditions, and can also control the rhythm to make the tank more maneuverable and provide the gunner with a better output position, which is the top priority.

So the gunner doesn't want to be an incompetent idiot behind him, as that may harm the entire vehicle.

"Have you worked in that army before? Really know how to drive tanks:" Yuan Li asked curiously.

"I used to serve as a Viktan tank driver in the [-]st Battalion, [-]rd Company, and [-]th Platoon of Chief Du's Army Armored Regiment. He was injured and retired in Nanjing." Chen Tang straightened his chest and replied forcefully.

Yuan Li and the gunner looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes, not many people could tell the number of this unit.

In 1937, under the instruction of the head of state, the Army Jiaoyi School was reorganized into the Army Armored Corps directly under the Ministry of Military Affairs. It was the only armored corps in China at that time. It participated in many battles such as Songhu, Nanjing, and Taierzhuang. It was also the predecessor of the 200th Division.

Both Yuan Li and Yuan Li joined when the 39th Division was transferred to Guangxi in 200. If you look at their seniority, Chen Tang, who was in the Armored Corps in 37, still belongs to their seniors.

With solemn faces, the two slowly raised their right hands to salute Chen Tang, who also quickly returned the salute.Looking at the scars on Chen Tang's cheeks and neck, the gunner finally stopped being so mean. Maybe he really has a story.

"There are definitely differences between the Sherman and Vickers cockpits, but the principles are similar. Let's try it first, let's open our eyes?"

"it is good!"

Chen Tang was also polite, like a nimble guy, he turned over and entered the tank skillfully.

A little trembling hand slowly caressed the joystick. After 6 years, he finally came to the inside of the big guy he had dreamed of again. This familiar yet strange feeling made Chen Tang have mixed feelings.

"The joystick, the gear shifter, that throttle? Umm...yes, what are those two buttons..."

Chen Tang was still groping, and the gunner got into the car at the moment, describing to him some conventional mechanical layouts he knew:

"I heard a driver say that this tank has two engines, which are independent of each other. If one of them fails, it can be shut down, but the tank can still move. When you pull up the button on the left Release the clutch and only the right engine will continue to work."

In fact, not many people understand this tank now. Not long after Sherman came to the battlefield in western Yunnan, most Chinese soldiers were fumbling while fighting. The gunner often discussed the details of this tank because he had a good relationship with the driver before. , That's why I'm familiar with these, but it's not good for him to actually operate, after all, there is a specialization in surgery.

"Don't look at me like that, I just don't want my partner behind me to make mistakes all the time, making me inaccurate."

The gunner noticed the surprised gaze looking at him, but he still slammed it stiffly.

"Thank you, what's your name?" Chen Tang nodded to him sincerely. Although this guy is not forgiving, he is also kind-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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