Chapter 336
Although Smith's episode has passed, it also disrupted the battle plan that Liao Mingyu had made.

Originally, he planned to go to the front line first, set up a headquarters in Wanding, and use it as the logistics command center for dispatching.

Wanding, as an important location connecting the north-south west-west traffic line, can reach Nankan, Bhamo, Myitkyina and other places to the west and then to the north, and directly to Lashio and Mandalay to the south. Connected, the geographical location is very prominent.

And Nankan is like a bridgehead on the offensive end. Whether to go north to Myitkyina or go south to Lashio and Mandalay depends on Liao Mingyu's will.

The original plan was to let Chen Jize's third regiment and the engineering regiment stay at Nankan, and the first and second regiments together with the 200th division rushed south to attack Lashio in order to help the self-rescue army out of the siege with the intention of encircling Wei and saving Zhao. They even wanted to confront the 53rd division head-on Bo, with the cooperation of the Self-Rescue Army, severely damaged this division.

It’s just that now the situation has changed and we have to make adjustments. The Engineering Corps assisted the First Regiment and the 200th Division to continue to go south to seize Lashio, while the Second Regiment stayed in Nankan to build fortifications. China.

Of course, the strength of this attack depends entirely on Liao Mingyu's intentions and the situation at that time. It is impossible to fight on both ends when the southward attack is unfavorable. He will not do such stupid things.

The Allied forces want them to share the firepower of the Japanese army, so why don't they think so?Besides, the momentum of Sun Liren's troops stationed in India should not be too fierce. He doesn't need to worry about the situation in the north at all.

Smith's materials are one aspect, and more is that Liao Mingyu feels that the current situation of the self-rescue army itself is not very good. It is really hard to say whether it will be strong or weak in a blind battle with the 53rd Division. Let's talk about it first.

Fortunately, the 53rd Division has already begun to withdraw its troops and rush back. The Self-Salvation Army is temporarily out of danger, and it can be regarded as helping Fang Jingyao to solve this matter.

As for the Self-Rescue Army, it is right now near the Salween River in Myanmar, which is the downstream section where the Nu River flows into Myanmar.Compared with the turbulent middle reaches, where the mountains are open and the river currents are not strong, it is entirely possible to go north along the river into western Yunnan, and then take the land road to Luqiao Township, which is the route Fang Jingyao used to buy arms back then.


On the other side, Meng Fanle and his group had passed Wanding, heading south along the Burma Road to Lashio.

The purpose of their trip was no longer to confront the 53rd Division head-on, but to occupy Lashio and establish a defense line before the Japanese returned to aid, so that the 53rd Division could not return to northern Myanmar by blocking the [-]rd Division from the south.

The mountain road was narrow, steep and difficult to walk. Fortunately, the soldiers of the first regiment were used to this kind of marching environment. Although they did not have a large number of cars to transport them, they walked swiftly and quickly left the other two teams behind.

On the contrary, the 200th Division, which had a lot of armored combat vehicles, fell to the end, and those iron bumps could hardly move an inch in this wet and muddy environment.

After a short walk, one or two tanks or chariots were lying in place, either mechanically malfunctioning or stuck in a mud pit, and they had to be pulled out with the help of the engineers, and the marching speed of the entire army was thus delayed.

"Rest in place for half an hour, let the brothers hurry up to eat. It's not spicy, you arrange someone to be in charge of guarding."

"got it."

It is more than 10 o'clock in the morning, the fog in the mountains has not completely dissipated, and the surrounding area is still immersed in the white ocean.

Annoyed, Meng took off the kettle and poured it on his hand, and wiped it vigorously on his tired face. The stimulation of the cold water finally lifted his spirits.

After a night of rapid marching, most of the soldiers were exhausted, but they had no choice, because it was a race against time, and they had to lay down the wax before the 53rd Division, otherwise they would be passive when they came out this time.

"It's annoying, I've been walking for a day and a night, how far is there?" Bula came over, gnawing on a biscuit in his hand.

Meng Fanle sat down on the ground, took advantage of the opportunity to spread out the map, and looked at the marching route carefully. When he found out where he was, he couldn't help sighing: "Master, he's only halfway there, oh my little master... "

They should have traveled more than 90 kilometers from Wanding yesterday morning, but they are still halfway to Lashio. Even if they continue to march in a hurry, it is estimated that they will not arrive until early tonight, regardless of the rest time, but the team obviously It can't go on like this.

"Big bastard, why is Mozi still so far away?" Bula was also a little frustrated, sitting aside and rubbing his sore calves: "Ask if you want to numb them, maybe they are almost here."

"How could it be so fast? Do you think it's all the mountain rats? They're just 10 kilometers ahead." Meng was annoyed and couldn't help but give him a supercilious look.

Long Wenwen and Yaoma had already led the Falcon team one step ahead, and at the same time scouted for the large army to detect possible ambushes ahead. Both had radio stations to contact them at any time. With their guidance, the marching route of the large army was much easier.

After a whole day and night of rapid marching by the first main force, the conditions of the soldiers were not ideal. Many soldiers had blood blisters on their feet, and some unlucky ones were bitten by the poisonous snakes around them, and even died of poisoning.

In addition to the poisonous snake, the depths of the forest are even more terrifying. The accumulated dead leaves form an invisible swamp, and if you don't pay attention, you will sink into the tree swamp. If no one comes to rescue, it will swallow a living person in an instant.

In addition, soldiers had to tie their leggings tightly when walking, because the forest was full of parasitic leeches, and these vampires would mercilessly get into the flesh and blood of their calves, greedily sucking blood, and bringing blood to the host. Great burden and pain.

Marching in the jungle is really not that easy. After such a day, with sufficient supplies and fully armed, more than [-] soldiers in one regiment were injured, most of which were due to non-combat attrition due to various reasons.

In order not to slow down their pace, they can only stay where they are, and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive before treating them.

Leading a team is not easy. At this moment, Meng Fanle finally realized the sadness and helplessness, but after all, the task of the army is more important, and he can only make such a choice.

"Look carefully for me. It's a half-meter-high tomb. It's not big. I even erected a wooden monument in front of it."

Milong, whose head was still wrapped in gauze, was leading a group of people running all over the mountains, as if he was looking for something.

Seeing that his injury was almost healed, this guy insisted on going south with the troops, Liao Mingyu, but he had no choice but to let him follow a regiment and become the battalion commander he had worked for less than 30 days.

"I said, Master Long, what are you doing here?" Seeing Milong making a fuss, Meng Fan was very puzzled and hurriedly asked.

"I'm sorry, you came just in time, let's see if this place looks like the place where I married my daughter-in-law?"

"Hey, what kind of mess have you committed again? Why do you think of that disgraceful past again?" Meng was annoyed and speechless, why talk about it.

"Go, go, it's fine if you don't help me, don't bother me, I'm busy!" Mi Long ran out after speaking.

At this time, Bu La walked over slowly with his head in his arms and said, "Hehe, I could tell at a glance, he was looking for his father."

(End of this chapter)

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