Chapter 341
Zhang Liu held up the binoculars and squatted in the bushes to observe the situation down the mountain.

The Japanese had already given up on chasing him and rushed to the train station instead, presumably it was Long Wenwen who started the fight.

But Yangdanzi disappeared after being surrounded by the little devils, and I don't know what's going on now.

Zhang Liu cautiously came to the place where Yangdanzi was shot. There were no other clues at the scene except for the corpse of the devil. Maybe the guy got into the forest in the south, but it was also possible that the guy was wounded or even captured by the Japanese.

During this period of time, Yang Danzi was like a follower, learning sniper skills with Zhang Liu all the time, and his long-term contact also made him very fond of this clever and smooth little guy.

As the saying goes, one day is a teacher and life is a father. It may not be that exaggerated, but Zhang Liu still cares about his little apprentice. Although he is usually very strict, he still teaches him everything, and he treats him like his own relatives.

Seeing that Yangdanzi's life and death are uncertain now, Zhang Liu's originally calm heart began to panic, and his uneasy emotions made him involuntarily grasp the barrel of the gun. If something happened to Yangdanzi, he would definitely want the little devils below Funeral!
Zhang Liu was upset, and when he was about to go into the woods to look for someone again, the immature voice finally came from the walkie-talkie: "Zi...Zi...Brother Zhang, can you hear me?"

"Got it! Where did you die, brat?" Zhang Liu quickly replied, and his nervous heart finally calmed down at this moment.

"I'm in the woods to the south, just now a small group of devils chased me madly... I can only get rid of them first and then..."

It turned out that Yangdanzi's sniping point was relatively forward, and the little devil immediately charged and surrounded him after receiving reinforcements. Because of time constraints, he had no time to report to Zhang Liu, so he had to choose to retreat first.

Although the semi-automatic Garland brought high killing efficiency to Yangdanzi, the little devil also mistakenly thought that there were many enemies on his side who were sniping, so he sent much more pursuers than Zhang Liu's side. .

So many people died, and he was suffocated, how could the little devil let him go?As a result, Yang Danzi had been chased over half of the mountain. If the squadron leader hadn't ordered him to retreat, they would have chased him down.

Zhang Liu is relieved, you kid killed so many people, who else would you chase after you?Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

"Okay, let's meet up first, just after you arrived at the ambush point."


The battle at the train station intensified, and Song Jinggai felt bitter. He had sent all the troops he could move there, but he still couldn't attack the defense line of Long Wenwen and his gang.

There was still a squadron left on the outer defensive line, but Matsui didn't dare to move. If they were all transferred, wouldn't Lashio become a stripped girl who was being pinched?
Just when he was at a loss, more bad news came out of time: "Report to the captain, a large number of Chinese troops have been found in the northwest. They have broken through several fortification groups and are advancing towards the outer main position!"


Songjing Gai broke into a cold sweat immediately, he was really afraid of something coming, most of the troops are now concentrated at the train station, if the outer positions are lost, the whole front will collapse.

"Give Jiucun an order to hold his position no matter what, and I will send him reinforcements right away."

"Captain...but we don't have any extra troops..."

Before the soldier finished speaking, a five-fingerprint appeared on his face instantly.

Songjing Gai grabbed his collar and slobbered wildly: "Everyone from the brigade head over there! Whether it's the supply soldiers or the food soldiers, take up weapons for me and fight!"

At this time, if you don't try your best, you will die. Matsujingai can't wait to go to the battlefield with a gun. Death on the battlefield is considered good. If Lashio loses his head, he will definitely kill him alive.

The last infantry squadron of the little devil's barracks was also sent out, and even the auxiliary soldiers followed to the main position. Now there is only a guard team of less than 20 people left around Matsui.

This scene happened to be seen clearly by Zhang and Liu on the mountain.

"Another group left, did the little devils even ignore the command post? It seems that the fight ahead is pretty miserable." Zhang Liu said to himself holding a telescope.

Yangdanzi was fiddling with the walkie-talkie on the side, the antenna was stretched out by him, but there was no signal at all.

"Brother, I still can't get in touch with Captain Long and the others. They are probably too far away. Shall we go over there?"

"Brat, do you dare to do the whole big job with me?" Zhang Liu put down the binoculars and smiled at him, with a hint of madness in his sly smile.

"What's the matter? Brother, you have the final say!" Yang Danzi didn't show any fear, as if he was waiting for orders.

Zhang Liu nodded in satisfaction, and the two discussed it and quickly made an arrangement.

Yang Danzi chose a place with a better view, and continued to stay on the mountain to cover with guns, while Zhang Liu went down the mountain in a hurry, and walked towards the barracks cautiously.

The barracks is surrounded by walls surrounded by wooden stakes and barbed wire. Zhang Liu is no trouble. He took out a pair of pliers from his body, cut the barbed wire, and quickly slipped into the camp middle.

The devil's barracks is now empty, and there are very few Japanese soldiers left here, which also gives him great convenience.

After passing through several tents, Zhang Liu vaguely heard voices in front of him. He immediately pulled out his dagger and leaned in the corner, his eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc.

Two Japanese soldiers on patrol walked slowly in this direction with their guns in their arms, not knowing that the danger had come.

As soon as the two of them turned into this alley, a black figure sprang up from their backs. One of the Japanese soldiers hadn't reacted yet, but felt that his neck was cold and he couldn't make any sound for a moment. more blurred.

Quickly speaking, the other little devil was terrified by the scene in front of him. Before he could utter a scream, Zhang Liu let go of the dagger and walked away, covering his mouth and pressing him against the wall heavily. He quickly took out another small knife from his waist and stabbed it into the gap under the devil's ribs.

The sharp blade pierced the lungs and reached the heart, and the boundless pain and fear instantly overwhelmed the Japanese soldier's thinking.

Zhang Liu killed two people in a row in just a few seconds, and his quick and decisive actions were amazing. He quickly dragged the two little devils to the corner, while he continued to grope forward.

In the past, there were a lot of transactions of overturning walls, sneaking into courtyards, killing people and stealing goods, so these were commonplace for him.

Soon, Zhang Liu came to the center of the camp. Instead of rushing to act, he squatted on the spot and observed slowly.

There were seven or eight Japanese soldiers standing guard in the tent more than ten meters away. Two light machine guns were standing outside the tent. People should wait in the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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