Chapter 355
It is impossible for a team of more than 3000 people to march on the road. A Yi divided the army into three parts. He personally led the battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness to take the lead and rushed towards Lashio in the heavy rain.

The cold rain made the soldiers drenched all over, and even their shoes were full of stagnant water. It was very uncomfortable to walk, but they gritted their teeth and persisted without complaint, because everyone knew how difficult the mission of this trip was. severe.

The dirt road became muddy due to the heavy rain. In order not to be affected by the silt in the low-lying areas, the entire engineering regiment marched along the gentle slopes on both sides of the road. Although it was not easy to walk, it was better than a dirt road with one foot and one mud hole. .

"Ah... Whoops!"

A soldier carrying an ammunition box in the team slipped on his foot and fell to the ground accidentally, making intimate contact with the ground.

Regardless of the muddy water all over his body, he hurriedly stood up with difficulty to pick up the ammunition box that had fallen on the ground, but he was probably brought down by the slippery muddy ground because he was too anxious to stand still.

Seeing that he was about to fall into a shit, a hand quickly reached out to hold him up, and the little soldier turned his head and exclaimed in surprise: "Thank you...Hey, regiment...Captain?"

"Be careful, stand up quickly."

"Yes!" Unexpectedly, it was the head of the regiment, Xiao Bing was suddenly excited.

Ah Yi gave a warning, and there was no dodge and lack of confidence in the past on his resolute face. He stood in the middle of the team and raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, work harder, and try to arrive at Lashio tomorrow morning. Brother is still waiting for us!"


"Understood the leader!"

The soldiers agreed one after another, and the pace under their feet couldn't help but quicken a bit.

Most of the soldiers in the Engineering Corps are composed of the supplementary regiment that came later, almost all of them are from Sichuan. They are a serious Sichuan Army team. Nothing to say.

In the evening, the heavy rain finally subsided. After an afternoon of rapid marching, the leading part of the engineering regiment had already traveled nearly 50 kilometers. A Yi decided to take a rest in place and take time to eat and replenish energy so that he could continue on the road. We will arrive in Lashio at noon tomorrow.

The night gradually fell, and the sky gradually darkened. The soldiers leaned together to eat the cans in their hands, or spread out the moisture-proof mats and lay down to rest on the spot.

Although it is not as good as the three major main regiments in terms of weapons, the auxiliary equipment of the engineering regiment is quite powerful. Each soldier has a combat rucksack. Build bridges and station in place in various environments.

Except for the soldiers standing guard, most of the people fell asleep. After all, everyone was exhausted after traveling for half a day.

But at this time, Ah Yi couldn't sleep at all. He turned on the flashlight and looked at the map intently, and was still racking his brains to plan the follow-up marching route.

Marching at night is very difficult and risky, but if you don't hurry up, you probably won't be able to arrive tomorrow. This dilemma makes Ah Yi feel a little bit difficult.

"Ah Yi, I've been walking for a whole day, why don't you take a break." At this time, the head of the deputy head came to him and persuaded him with a sigh.Looking at his old comrade who had been on fire all day, he also felt a little empathy.

"Oh... I don't know how to numb them."

As the old brother who came out of the asylum at the beginning, Sichuan Bing Dakui can be said to be the most low-key one among the cannon fodder at the time, and he is also considered a relatively reliable person, so Liao Mingyu asked him to serve as a deputy assistant in the Engineering Corps A translation.

"Two hours later, Ala continued to move along the road. Slow down, and I can't delay. Even if I walk 2 kilometers at night, it's fine."

"Are you still going? I'm afraid those cubs won't be able to bear it anymore, so let them sleep more." Looking at the soldiers snoring like thunder, Da Kui felt that it would be too much to go on.

"There is no time to report, the longer the delay, the more dangerous they are, you know." Ah Yi shook his head, and was surprisingly firm in his thoughts: "That's the decision, pass the order down and let each battalion and each company do it." Get ready, all set off in two hours."

In the end, Ah Yi decided not to waste time and move on, but what he didn't know was that there was a troop running towards them on the way forward.


At this moment, on the Lashio Shuangfeng Mountain position...

A regiment of soldiers who had been fighting fiercely for a whole day was also taking time to rest. The casualties during the day were counted. The first battalion and the second battalion stationed on Shuangfeng Mountain killed more than 260 people and seriously injured 48 people. under shelling.

There are nearly [-] lightly wounded who are not counted among them, because they will continue to be put into the next battle after simple bandaging.

Including the wounded soldiers in front, a total of more than 300 wounded were assigned to the Japanese barracks, where they were treated and cared for by the regiment health company.


"It hurts! me."

"This can't be saved, give him a shot of morphine!"

Meng Fanle came to the barracks silently. Before he entered, he could hear the screams inside, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell of disinfectant slowly wafted out. Those seriously injured are now facing a more difficult situation than on the battlefield. with pain.

On the frontline where there is a lack of medical treatment and medicine, only the most basic medical treatment can be given to them. Those soldiers who have lost their limbs or injured their internal organs cannot survive the night. Hemorrhagic shock has become the most terrible death, because there is no way to treat them. Surgery and blood transfusion, except for disinfection and hemostasis, the medical soldiers are really powerless.

More and more corpses covered with cloth heads were carried out, and the archivist in charge of recording struggled to cross out names one by one on the roster, which represented the loss of that life.

Before entering the camp, Meng Fan had already regretted it, his fingers sunk deep in his palm, his heart seemed to twitch deeply at this moment, even now that he had become the head of the regiment, he couldn't calmly face the huge crowd under his hands. A lot of soldiers died.

A sense of powerlessness stimulated him deeply, and he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Meng Fanlai looked up at the dark night sky, it was only the first day, if the reinforcements could not arrive, the consequences would be disastrous.


On the battlefield, Bu La huddled in the trenches, staring at a half-wet cigarette in his hand in a daze. Not even a complete body was left behind.

"You mother in the house, little Dongyang who suffered a thousand knives." Bula cursed secretly, took out a match with trembling hands and lit a cigarette, and a heavy sigh came from his mouth.

"All those who smoke will be smoked by me in the ditch, don't show up! Don't make a target for Xiao Dongyang."

In fact, smoking is not allowed in the forward positions at night, but everyone is under a lot of pressure now, and not being spicy doesn't stop them. After all, cigarettes are the only thing that can relieve pressure on the battlefield.

"Youngest, send out a few more secret whistles, put out the bright spots in the tricks, and beware of Xiao Dongyang's sneaking up." Bula called a company commander and ordered solemnly.

"I know the battalion commander, I'll make arrangements immediately." The youngest nodded and ran out immediately.

Because Long Wenwen dispatched a company, so their strength here is only more than 900 people, plus the loss during the day, there are only about [-] people left on the ground.

If the Japanese army knew their details, it would be dangerous, and it would be difficult for them to deal with the endless rounds of attacks just like in the daytime.

If it weren't for the firepower that erupted during the day, the little devil was a little wary, and with the desperate posture of the Japanese commander Saburo on the opposite side, it is estimated that the Shuangfeng Mountain position has changed hands now.

But even if this is the case, the situation has taken a turn for the worse. The ammunition reserves are seriously insufficient, and the mortars dare not fire so recklessly. The battle will only become more and more difficult.

Taking advantage of the truce at night, Meng Fanle sent people to move out a large number of rifles from the Japanese warehouse, and even many soldiers used the devil's [-] guns.

Bura looked at the bullet pouch on his chest, and counting the Thomson's magazine in his hand, he had less than 60 submachine gun bullets left, and it only took a few minutes to fire them.

Reluctantly, Bula just picked a Type 6.8 from the pile of firearms and carried it on his back, and took some [-] ammunition for emergencies.

If everyone changes to Japanese equipment, it may last for a while.

"Goo...coo...coo, coo-coo"

Just as he was thinking wildly, a few "bird calls" suddenly came from outside the position. It was the way they learned from little devils to transmit their voices. Three long and two short meant that there was danger ahead!
All the soldiers leaning on the front of the position became vigilant. At this moment, no one spoke, and everyone just leaned on the sandbags silently, holding the weapons in their hands.

Bula's eyes were fixed, and he winked at the youngest not far away.

The latter understood, took out an American-made M7 grenade launcher from his body, and quickly loaded a flare into it.

"call out……"

With a scream, the flares slowly rose into the sky with a dazzling dark red flame, and the ground in front of them was instantly bright as day.

Everyone took a closer look and saw dozens of Japanese soldiers crawling quietly on the ground, groping forward, under the light of flares Their movements are crystal clear.

"You bastard... you really came to touch the camp!"

Bura immediately raised the rifle in his hand, pointed the sight forward and shouted loudly: "Hit me!"

"Da da da da...!"

Countless fire snakes sprayed out from the position, and the dense projectiles instantly covered the panicked little devils.


"Darth knocked..."

"Hayaku... Get out quickly!"

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the devil officer commanding the team immediately ordered to retreat, but the speed of running could not compare to the bullets, and people were shot and killed continuously on the way to retreat, so how could they let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water?

The bullets severely tore apart the bodies of the Japanese soldiers, and exclamations and screams continued to ring out in their ranks. You must know that there are not many places to hide on this bare and gentle slope at such a short distance.

This scene was seen by the Japanese military officer at the foot of the mountain. When night fell, he specially selected a team with strong skills, just to take advantage of the early morning night to launch a sneak attack. Launch a general offensive to win the position in one fell swoop.

But I didn't expect the Chinese people to be so vigilant. Not to mention their whereabouts are exposed, they are being raped by the other party. This is not beating someone... This is completely beating Judi's face.

"Kikuchi-kun, give the order to fire the cannon?"

Chief of Staff Kimura looked at the soldiers who were struggling to survive in the hail of bullets. Although he said that there might be accidental injuries when firing the guns now, it was better than doing nothing and watching the enemy torture and kill his own soldiers.

Ju Tie's face was blue, and it took him a long time to hold back a few words: "!"

(End of this chapter)

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