My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 360 Break the game with fire

Chapter 360 Break the game with fire
puff puff puff...

Countless little devils who were still running were beaten into sieves, and dozens of grenades fell into the Japanese army in arcs, and the violent explosion instantly made the little devils into a mess.

"Get down, get down!"


"Don't panic, return it quickly... ah!"

The wild and dense bullets formed a barrage of death, and even the devil's sergeant and the lieutenant shouted their throats, but they couldn't stop a large number of soldiers from falling to the ground.

The Japanese also tried to find cover to counterattack, but several crossfires completely blocked their retreat, and the combat distance was too close to respond in time.

It is conservatively estimated that the first wave of shooting caused more than 50 casualties in this group of Japanese troops, and the rest could only lean against a big tree or behind a mound of soil to resist the attack of bullets.

"Use the flamethrower and burn those thirteen o'clock!" Seeing the devil being beaten dizzy, Ah Yi, who sensed the opportunity, shouted loudly.

Chi chi chi...!
The fire-breathing soldier quickly adjusted the flamethrower in his hand to the maximum, and with a manic howl, several "fire dragons" swept across the world like the scorching sun, covering the range of 50 meters.



The little devil instantly realized what terror is. No matter hiding behind a tree or in the bushes, he still couldn't escape the ending of being ignited.

A raging fire ignited in the space tens of meters ahead, the frightening temperature can be felt even from a long distance away, the little devil inside can be imagined...

This scene shocked the fighters who made the instigator. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain yesterday, this operation would have set the entire forest on fire.

Even so, the high temperature hit everyone's face hot, the little devil was burned and cried for his father and mother, and countless firemen danced in the forest.

"Avoid the fire, go around the two wings, and the engineer regiment launches an attack!"

Seeing that the Japanese army had disintegrated, Ah Yi raised his arms and shouted, and rushed out with the others.

"Come on!"

Survivors in these two Japanese squads were out of ten, so how could they organize an effective counterattack? Seeing the enemy rushing up, they retreated in fright.

The resounding charge horn sounded in the mountains, and the two companies that were pinning down the front immediately turned from defense to offense, and the two groups of people pinched left and right and the battle situation finally began to reverse.


"Hey? What's going on at the wine today?"

The sudden violent sound of guns and shouts from the hill on the left made the captain frowned. It should not be so close, could it be...

At this time, a small soldier ran over panting, and before he could catch his breath, he reported loudly: "'s not good, captain, the wine squadron has suffered heavy losses and has already retreated."

"Nani? How is this possible!?" The captain stared at him in disbelief, his face full of shock.

"They were attacked by the Huaxia people's flanks, and the troops suffered heavy losses. The captain of Jinjiu Squadron... was also broken, and the Huaxia people are attacking us."

"How can it be!"

The captain pulled out his samurai sword angrily, and ordered in a loud voice: "Can there be only a few hundred Chinese people to escape? Let the troops establish a defensive line immediately."


The reaction of the Japanese army was not unpleasant. Although a squadron suffered a devastating blow, the main force of the troops was still there. They quickly completed the offensive and defensive transition and built a line of defense on the hill at a very fast speed.

A few lines of fire fired from the mountain knocked down more than a dozen soldiers of the engineering regiment in an instant, and at the same time restrained Ah Yi's offensive momentum.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Ah Yi raised his hand and fired two shots, a string of bullets hit him immediately. The thick tree trunk was full of bullet holes. He had no choice but to bend down to avoid it.

The military cap on his head fell on nowhere, and a bloodstain stretched from his forehead to his chin, but Ah Yi ignored it, and there was only killing in his eyes.

"Leader! Gou Ri has too many little Japans, and we will be at a disadvantage if we continue to fight like this."

The soldiers were still rushing forward, but the offensive performance was extremely difficult. People kept falling on the road of charging, and the slope of tens of meters seemed to become a road of death.

Ah Yi turned his head and saw that there were less than a hundred soldiers still following him, and the second and third attacks from another direction were not going well. Might take down the hill.

But Da Kui hadn't cleared the siege yet. If they just withdrew like this, they would definitely die in the hands of Little Japan. It was absolutely impossible for him to watch this happen.

The woods ignited by the flamethrower behind him were still burning, and the breeze slowly brought the thick smoke to the top of the mountain. However, due to the relatively long distance, it did not affect people much.

But Ah Yi's eyes are bright, the terrain, wind direction, hillside...etc!There is a way!

"Stop attacking, let the flamethrowers come up!"

"But Tuan Zuo, this distance is not enough, the flamethrower can't reach at all." The company commander who didn't know what he meant didn't understand what he meant.

"It's enough, just spray it on the woods in front of me!" Ah Yi snapped.

Several flame-breathing soldiers stepped forward immediately after hearing the order, and the flames sprayed out again, and a wave of scorching air rushed towards the face, and the big trees were burned violently by the gasoline.

The forest in front is almost full of pines and cypresses, which are excellent combustion-supporting woods. The fire swelled instantly, the branches were crackled by the fire, and the choking smoke began to disperse.

The flame-breathing soldiers were still pouring flames into the woods, and the dazzling flames also blocked the little devil's sight.

"Ronda? What do these Chinese people want to do? Why burn the forest?"

"I know, they must want to attack with fire!"

"Stupid, how can we attack with fire so far away? Don't we know how to run when the fire comes?"

The little devils who didn't know it were talking about the scene in front of them. At this time, the distance between the two sides was still seven or eighty meters away, and even if they wanted to attack with fire, they would not be able to burn them.

Confused, they had no idea what the other party wanted to do. Although the surrounding vegetation was dense, the forest was still slightly damp from the heavy rain last night. At best, they could light the trees in front of them. It may be difficult to completely ignite this hillside.

"Ahem! I think the Chinese people have no other way to think of this. As long as we have a solid line of defense... ahem, there will be no problem!"

"Hey! Cough cough..."

"Cough...cough cough...the smoke is too choking...vomit cough cough!"

"Baga! Damn Chinese people!"

Although the fire did not spread much, the thick smoke generated by the burning was getting bigger and bigger. It happened that the wind was blowing from the southwest, and the smoke drifted straight to the top of the mountain along the wind direction, engulfing the entire Japanese army position.

There was constant coughing in the team, and the pungent smoke not only choked people's throats but also blinded people's eyes. The little devil had nothing to do with such a "chemical" attack. Cover your mouth and nose as much as possible and bear all this silently.

The most terrifying thing in a fire is often not the extremely high temperature flames, but the pervasive carbon monoxide in the thick smoke. The Japanese army was just at the downwind, so it was no surprise that they absorbed all the smoke.

"Captain, ahem...the smoke is too heavy, we..."

"Command everyone to move to the east, cough... let the Heiji Squadron retreat." The captain covered his mouth and nose and said with difficulty, but the thick smoke still made his eyes watery.

"But what about the small Chinese army at the foot of the mountain?" the adjutant asked uncertainly.

"What else can I do!? Let them go..."


Before the captain could finish his sentence, the Chinese army that set fire to the opposite actually charged towards them with billowing smoke. Looking carefully, each of them was wearing a gas mask on their heads, and they were completely unafraid of the smoke.

You must know that devils never talk about martial arts, they throw gas bombs as soon as they say they want to, and Liao Mingyu almost puts gas masks on in order to protect the troops from the dangers of biological and chemical weapons. So the troops, like German soldiers, except for their own weapons and equipment, each There is also a small tin can hanging on the soldier's shoulder.

Isn't this moment when the gas masks come in handy? The choking smoke has no effect on the soldiers except to block the sight.

Under the blessing of this wave of "chemical" offensive, the soldiers were as irresistible as a dragon crossing the river, and soon rushed to the top of the mountain to meet the enemy hand-to-hand.

Most of the Japanese were so smoked that they coughed and burst into tears, and there was no way to fight back effectively. The defense line collapsed for a while, and the helpless captain had to order a retreat.

Ah Yi didn't miss this opportunity, and led the soldiers and the other two companies down the mountain to grab the little devil's buttocks and rush to beat them, not giving them a chance to stop and expand the defense line.

He can also see that the firepower arrangement of the little devil's position is very particular, and the cooperation between the Japanese soldiers is quite tacit. Avoid its edge and give full play to its superiority in firepower.

The soldiers did not rush forward without thinking, they just drew in the distance and then used the semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons in their hands to strike firepower. When encountering a direct rocket that relied on a big tree or a boulder as a cover to defend the road, or a flamethrower grilled meat, Taking the squad as a unit, various advances are interspersed, just to prevent the opponents from gathering together.

The Japanese army was extremely uncomfortable with this tactic. They lacked the support of heavy weapons in the woods and relied on the coordination among soldiers. They always used squad tactics to conduct small detours and rely on machine guns as the core of support. The Japanese are particularly passive in the face of the engineering corps that is also broken up into pieces and outflanked and interspersed.

The gap in weapons was one of them, and the kid who had just been suffocated by the thick smoke was a little chaotic in the retreat, and was rushed by the soldiers of the engineer regiment, and the entire team could not respond back and forth, and was washed away.

Some Japanese tried to get close to the enemy to play hand-to-hand bayonet fights, but they didn't give them a chance at all, and they gave nothing to the barrage of bullets.

There was no other way for the captain of the Japanese army to cut off his wrists, leaving a group of soldiers to stop him desperately, and then organize the retreating team to assemble, otherwise, if it continues like this, everything will have to be explained here...

(End of this chapter)

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