Chapter 378 Staged Victory

"What the hell are you doing!?"

The two of them leaned out the window at the same time, and saw that two F4Us on the runway outside had slowly taken off and were climbing towards the sky at high speed.

And the group of pilots in the open space stood in two groups, but they all looked at the sky and kept shouting and cheering, dancing with excitement.

"These guys..."

Liao Mingyu frowned, and after a little analysis, he could find out the clues of the matter. Those guys really knew how to play, and they started to compete with each other as soon as they got in touch.

"Hehe, young people, it's a good thing to have competition, but it takes a bit of nerves to restrain them." Smith smiled and comforted.

"It's a good thing to have a confrontational spirit, but being unorganized and disciplined doesn't work here!"

Liao Mingyu snorted coldly. Although Jamie and those American pilots were very capable, he couldn't stand their free and undisciplined personality. It seemed that it was time to deal with the discipline of these young girls in the sky.

"I don't know how they are treated?"

Liao Mingyu turned around and replied with his hands behind his back: "I am not as good as the Flying Tigers, but at least I am much better than the U.S. Army Aviation."

As he spoke, he stretched out four fingers: "The monthly salary of ordinary pilots is 400 US dollars, the team leader 500 US dollars, the ground crew technician 200-300 US dollars, and the reward for shooting down a Japanese fighter plane is 500 US dollars."

Jamie and the others are already free men after leaving the 14th Air Force, and they can only be regarded as mercenaries when they come to Nankan, so the remuneration they should have is still indispensable.

The former may not care about these, but other people are different. After all, friendship is friendship, and workers still have to be paid to sell their work. What's more, they do life-threatening jobs. If you don't give grass to the horses when you run, who is willing to work hard under your hands.

"Well, yes, if that's the case... Maybe I can recruit some retired pilots for you."

After listening, Smith nodded. The salary Liao Mingyu gave was not low, because at that time, affected by the war, the United States gave its ace pilot a maximum monthly salary of no more than 300 US dollars, and the reward for shooting down was far less exaggerated. .

Take the 14th Air Force of the current US task force in China as an example, their salaries are far lower than those of the Flying Tigers when they were mercenaries.

Therefore, there are many pilots who have failed in their own countries, no matter whether they are retired or active, they are very happy to serve in such organizations with good conditions and benefits.

This kind of news made Liao Mingyu really amazed, the old man also spent his money, and jokingly said: "That would be great! Haha, I will definitely award you a medal."

"You know... I just hope that you can drive out the Japanese in Myanmar as soon as possible, so that I can complete the task and return to my country. This place is not what everyone wants to stay in."

Liao Mingyu smiled noncommittally. This old American man is really straightforward. It is a painstaking effort to return to China for retirement early, but it doesn't matter. He has his needs and I have my goals. Everyone takes what they need.

An hour later...Smith was about to leave, and the competition between the two in the sky came to an end. Surprisingly, Ruan Ling was superior in both fighter plane control and low-altitude dogfighting. chase.

The latter may be due to reasons such as unfamiliarity with F4U's handling performance, but in any case, if you lose, you lose. There is no reason to say, and John also generously apologized to the other party.

After coming down, Jamie and others had to look at Andre and the others differently, and their attitudes were much more friendly.

A woman can have such superb flying skills, let alone these men, no matter where they are... strength is always the most convincing thing.

But soon they will not be happy.Liao Mingyu, who had a bad face, ordered that the two parties were both locked up for a day and banned from flying for half a month as punishment.

Although the competition was exciting, the price was quite high. The army has always been interested in discipline, and this kind of privately flying fighter planes to fight without permission has been expressly prohibited.


With Smith as the speaker of logistics support, Liao Mingyu can finally temporarily leave the expeditionary force supply system, and the speed and efficiency are more than a star and a half higher than before.

At present, in addition to the land route, the air route undertakes most of the transportation tasks. A steady stream of ammunition supplies are transported to Nankan by transport plane. The journey that originally took half a month can now be completed in half a day, which greatly shortens the transportation time. The troops The next move can also be made more quickly.

However, the defense of the two armies was still arranged by Long Wenwen and Fang Jingyao. If there was any major military action, they would discuss it with the Gaoji people and act only after obtaining the latter's approval.

The open-minded and upright Gaoji people are relieved by this. Everyone is not narrow-minded. The most urgent thing is to solve the current predicament instead of fighting for a little face. The overall situation is the most important thing.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the beginning of December, and the war situation in northern Myanmar once again underwent earth-shaking changes.

First up is the Hukhang Valley... in Burmese it is called "where the devil lives".Here, the mountains are high, the forests are dense, the rivers are vertical and horizontal, and the natural conditions are very harsh.

When the Chinese Expeditionary Army retreated a year ago, it broke into this "savage mountain" that was hundreds of miles away from the no-man's land, causing heavy casualties to the troops and leaving countless corpses, and tens of thousands of Chinese heroic souls were buried here.

As early as last month, the 38th Regiment of the New 112th Division occupied Xinpingyang and entered the Yeren Mountain area of ​​the Hukang River Valley. The tragedy here is particularly clear. Until now, the bones of the Fifth Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Army can still be seen everywhere, often in a pile Bones sat around the gun rack.

Such a scene is daunting and very tragic, and it also inspired the determination of the soldiers of the new 38th Division to avenge their hatred.

At the beginning of the month, the 112st Battalion and 31nd Battalion of the 56th Regiment, which was alone, fought fiercely with the 112th Regiment of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army on the hills around Jialasu near Yubang. The [-]th Regiment occupied the top of the hill and was condescending. The mortars in the troops played an important role and almost dominated the battlefield situation.

The storming Japanese army always retreated leaving behind a corpse.Colonel Hirata Ichiro, the deputy captain of the 56th Wing commanding the operation, was killed on the spot.The Japanese army had to change their tactics and detoured to the rear of the 112th regiment of the Chinese army with a brigade, waiting for an opportunity.Fake attacks and harassment in small groups of troops, in order to consume the ammunition of the Chinese army.

In the following month, the material consumption of the soldiers of the 38th Regiment of the New 112th Division was almost exhausted. Relying on cutting banana trees and vines to obtain water and supplying air ammunition from American transport planes, they confronted a whole regiment of Japanese troops for 30 days. The 55th Regiment of the Japanese Army There were nearly a thousand casualties, but they still failed to break through the positions of the two battalions.

At the end of the month, Sun Liren, who had regrouped, led the main force of the 38th Division to launch a full-line attack on the Japanese army in Yubang. After six days of fierce fighting, the new 38th Yubang captured all the Japanese positions and wiped out more than [-] enemies.

At the end of the month, the Japanese army's Darrow position was violently bombed by U.S. planes. Before the stunned Japanese army could react, the tank battalion of the new 22nd Division tank battalion rushed into the enemy's position like a torrent of steel, easily tearing apart the Japanese army's combat defense line.

The armored chariots covered the Chinese infantry and violently swept through the enemy's positions. Chased, driven, and crushed by the tanks, the Japanese soldiers howled like ghosts and wolves.

The other two regiments of the Japanese army came late, and they were completely unable to stop Sun Liren's attack. With the close cooperation of the 38th Division and the 22nd Division, the defense line was lost again and again, and the entire army was in a semi-defeated situation.

The tank column of the 22nd Division with a vengeful rage rushed to Daluo Town desperately under the enemy's artillery fire... which is where the headquarters of the 33rd Division of the Japanese Army is located.

Dozens of steel tanks crashed and crushed the headquarters of the Japanese division. Major General Hamasaki, the chief of staff of the division, and dozens of officers were crushed into meat. Great India was captured by Chinese soldiers.

The morale of the army stationed in India did not hesitate to choose to continue the offensive.

On the morning of December 12, the day when Chen Jize attacked Bhamo, the 2th Regiment of the New 38th Division, the 113st Battalion of Chariots and the U.S. Rajahad Commando launched a general attack on the Japanese troops entrenched in Varuban. The capture of Varu on the 5th wiped out most of the Japanese troops of the 33rd Division. The commander of the division, Sekiya Yuki, was defeated and walked to the Savage Mountain and retreated to Myitkyina.

So far, the Battle of the Hukang River Valley ended with the complete victory of the Chinese troops stationed in India. The 33rd Division was completely defeated, and the number of casualties reached 33.

At the same time, the battle of Tengchong in western Yunnan was also coming to an end. With the defeat of the 56th Division, the No.20 Army entered the urban area of ​​Tengchong and gradually advanced westward. The No.11 Army continued to chase the 56th Division after crossing Fengshan Push back.

However, under the support of the 31st Division, the 71th Army's pursuit of victory did not have the expected effect. The [-]st Army, as the vanguard of the entire army, was ambushed by the Japanese because the vanguard was out of touch with the rear. Command yelled.

And now the 71st Army is Yu Xiaoqing's army, and his subordinates are not doing well, which makes him lose face as an army commander. He immediately leads Yu's division to the front line, which is bound to restore his face.

However, looking at the overall situation, the defense of the Japanese army has completely collapsed, and they had to withdraw from western Yunnan and retreat to Myitkyina.

The entire Tengchong Campaign finally ended after one and a half months. The 56th Division of the Japanese Army suffered more than [-] casualties, and a large number of Japanese soldiers died of illness, and none of them escaped from China.

Although the 56th Division was basically wiped out, the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Force also paid a huge price. Nearly 5000 soldiers were killed and as many as 1 were injured. The exchange ratio between the two sides reached 3:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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