Chapter 392
On the British army's position in the valley, a tall major major carefully observed the situation ahead with a telescope.

Taniguchi's battle was very fierce, and the originally invincible Japanese were retreating steadily. This made him very excited, and he didn't pay attention to the white-bearded officer who was walking towards him behind him.

Whitebeard walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Will, the situation ahead is not right. It seems that reinforcements are coming. The air strikes just now were obviously US aircraft."

"Do you still have to ask, if it wasn't for the reinforcements, how could there be such a big movement?"

The major named Will just glanced at him, and asked impatiently: "What did Brigadier General Campbell say? Are we going to stay here without moving?"

"Relax, buddy, what the brigadier general means is to wait and see what happens, and make another plan after their battle has a result." White Beard said lightly.

Will frowned, pointed at Taniguchi and said, "The other party came to rescue, and the Japanese army has already been forced in front of our eyes. Is it too much to just ignore it? And judging from the situation on the battlefield, the Japanese have already We are at a disadvantage, as long as we..."

"OK, OK... Needless to say, the Brigadier General has already planned this point. You must know that there are still a group of Japanese troops watching from the north, and there are so many wounded soldiers in the camp, we can't afford to lose it."

The officer with the white beard said lightly, this young man is good at everything, but he is too impulsive.

The Brigadier General originally planned to surrender, but in the end, a wave of reinforcements was sent in, which completely disrupted the "plan". Now they don't know which side will win.

The current situation is unclear, and a blind attack may not necessarily win. If the Japanese win in the end, it will be difficult to surrender. Adhering to the idea that dead friends will never die, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing so.

coward!Will scoffed at this. Compared with the conservatives who felt good about themselves, he was more keen to take the initiative to create conditions for the attack, but the commander did not allow it, and he, a small forward officer, was powerless at all.

The angry Will didn't say anything more, picked up the Lee Enfield rifle next to him, and loaded it with a bang to vent his dissatisfaction in his heart, his eyes were full of disappointment and contempt.

My compatriots are too optimistic, thinking that if they can't fight, they will surrender. Anyway, they try their best, but it's nothing more than losing face. After all, such behavior is also a manifestation of gentlemanly demeanor.

This kind of fighting attitude during World War I is not suitable for the more brutal battlefield now. Will has dealt with the Japanese a few years ago, and he knows how terrifying those bastards are. Putting down weapons in front of them is tantamount to suicide.

At this moment, there were bursts of strange noises from Taniguchi. It was the sound of shells passing through the air!

"What's going on? Are the Japanese firing?"

"No... shelling! Lie down!"

At this moment, the first regiment has concentrated the eighty 60 mortars of the two battalions at the mouth of the valley, and the gunners quickly placed the gun mounts in a suitable open place.

As a jungle combat force, the First Main Regiment deliberately strengthened individual support firepower and reduced the number of heavy machine guns, but the amount of submachine guns between teams was much more than that of ordinary troops. Each platoon had three bazooka rocket launchers. Hand-to-hand combat can play a very good role.

Most of the artillery is the American-made M2 ​​60mm mortar. The total weight of this small-caliber mortar is less than [-] kilograms. One or two soldiers can carry it around. The structure is simple and the soldiers do not need much training. It can be operated, it's just a matter of inaccurate shooting.

Although the range is a bit short, its rate of fire is amazing, and it can form a very strong covering barrage within a range of two kilometers when used on a large scale.


There is no need for such a large number of accuracy, the shells are completely smashed in the face, and the valley is instantly blown away, and the deafening explosion sound keeps echoing in the valley.

The dense fire coverage made the Japanese miserable. The mortars fired at a wide angle, even hiding behind the rock wall was useless. The little devils were killed and injured countless times.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on!?"

Shells were also flying across the British positions, and the soldiers huddled tightly in the trenches with their heads covered. The indiscriminate attacks made them all ashamed, and some unlucky ones who didn't have time to dodge were even taken away on the spot.

Yao Ma personally selected experienced battlefield veterans to form a commando team, and took this opportunity to move forward quickly.

The shelling lasted for 10 minutes and then slowly stopped. The commando immediately launched an attack with rockets and grenades.

Seeing that the battle between the two sides is gradually heating up, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Will couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted:

"Come on! Let's go!"

"No! What do you want to do?" White Beard hurriedly stopped him.

"Fuck off! Mind yourself, James!"

Major Will put his mind to one side, ignored the commander's obstruction, and immediately joined the battle with an infantry company under his command.

With the assistance of the British army, the pressure on the side of the regiment was much less. Soon, hundreds of remaining little devils were divided and surrounded by two ends. More and more Japanese soldiers fell in a pool of blood. Their demise was a foregone conclusion. .

Half an hour later, the Japanese army was finally wiped out, and none of the frenzied little devils surrendered. This also caused some unnecessary losses to the two battalions that had successfully carried out the raid.

Perhaps it was because most of the recruits in the first regiment lacked combat effectiveness, but Liao Mingyu also had to admit that the fighting will of this group of Japanese soldiers was really tenacious.

"Hey... If those old buddies were still there and fought like this, these recruits are too useless."

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, the acting battalion commander of the Second Battalion couldn't help but sighed, walked to Yao Ma and complained.

Toma smiled bitterly, rubbed the shoulders that were a little sore from carrying the rocket launcher, and said with emotion: "Then there is no way, they have grown up step by step, they are not bad, when the old men went to the battlefield for the first time Not even a gun."

Most of the recruits in the regiment were slumped on the ground panting heavily, and no one dared to breathe a sigh of relief until now. Today's battle was not easy for them.

However, although no one in the Japanese army surrendered, there were still dozens of Japanese soldiers fainted by shells on the battlefield. These comatose little devils had been bundled aside.

"Junzuo, what to do with these captives?"

Liao Mingyu strode forward, seeing those little devils kneeling on the ground who had woken up and kept shouting, not at all conscious of being a prisoner.

However, the price of arrogance is painful, and the veterans will not be used to them. The gun butts and sticks are so powerful that they beat these animals howling.

(End of this chapter)

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